St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday July 30th 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

Dear Families

Rehearsals for the SJB School Production - ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ are well underway. Last Thursday the Year 3-6 students had a full rehearsal in preparation for the evening.  The students were outstanding in their performances.  It is wonderful to see students have the opportunity to perform on stage and see so many students give something outside of their comfort zone a go and shine. 

We are looking forward to seeing our students perform at the George Wood Theatre on Friday 23rd August. 

We thank Mrs Sue Cahill for all of her work in preparing the students for this year’s production and Mrs Renee Armstrong for her work with the props for the production. Sue and Renee continue to invest many hours in preparing for a wonderful evening for all.


We thank all families and students for their attendance and participation at Wednesday’s Confirmation Family Evening. It was wonderful to see such great support and partnership from our families throughout the evening. As a school and parish community we are looking forward to celebrating our Year 5 and 6 students at their Sacrament of Confirmation.

We were also thrilled to see our families at the Commitment masses throughout the weekend. Commitment masses are a wonderful way for our parish to celebrate and support our candidates as they prepare for their upcoming sacrament.

Year 5/6 families are asked to please be aware of the following dates:

Confirmation Reflection Day - Monday 26th August all day

Sacrament of Confirmation - Thursday 29th August 6pm

School Closure Day

We ask all families to note in their diaries that Friday 16th August is a school closure day.

Division Football and Netball

On Monday our Year 5 and 6 students with some additional support from some Year 4 students represented SJB in the School Sports Victoria (SSV) AFL Division tournament.  True to form the boys represented SJB in an exemplary manner.

Tomorrow our Year 5 and 6 girls will represent SJB in SSV Netball tournament at Mountain District Netball Centre.  We wish the girls all the best for a terrific day of competition.

We thank Mrs Tracey Ryan for her efforts in coaching both teams in their respective tournaments.

Prep 2025 - Family Meetings

We are most excited to meet our incoming 2025 Prep families and welcome them to St John the Baptist in the coming weeks.  Meeting our new families and commencing our partnership with our parents and students ensures that we continue to extend a sense of community and welcome to all. Exciting times ahead.

If there are families who have not yet submitted their 2025 enrolment forms we ask families to do so as we now commence preparations for 2025.

Prep Celebration - 100 Days of School

We now look forward to celebrating 100 days of school on Monday August 12th. 

Students may like to dress up as being 100 years old, anything to do with the number 100. A 100 dots, hair clips, stars, pegs, googly eyes are just a few suggestions. 

We can’t wait to see you!!

Kinder Partnership - Little Charlie’s

The Year 5/6 students are thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to share their leadership skills as they nurture the students from Little Charlie’s during their visits to SJB.  Today we welcomed some of the 3 year old kinder children from Little Charlie’s.  Mr der Kinderen led the students through a ‘Tree Planting’ session in celebration of National Tree Planting Day.

We thank the team at Knox Environmental Society (KES) for their generous donation of a variety of indigenous plants. It is through such community projects that such opportunities are made possible. Thank you.

We thank Mrs Ursula DeCorrado and Mr der Kinderen for their collaboration in forming such wonderful community partnerships.

SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

Ticket Information

Video Orders

Inform & Empower Term 3 Sessions

We look forward to this term’s Inform and Empower Digital Safety sessions. Students in Year 1-6 will participate in their sessions over the coming weeks. We encourage families to discuss the sessions at home.

Term 3 Working Bee

We have a working bee scheduled for the 10th August which we will cancel due to us being up to date with maintenance around the school.

There are some individual jobs that are needed so if you wish to contact me if you are able to do one of them at a time that suits you we would really appreciate it. 

(These tasks will contribute towards your attendance at a working bee so that you are able to secure your discount on your fees)

  • Some doors that are difficult to close and some soft close hinges that are not working.  Metal trim loose on bottom concrete step near 34SJ

  • Move the Nappy change table in the Performing Arts store room in the hall into the disabled toilet in the hall, to allow for shelving for the musical instruments  

  • Sleepers near Forest Rd on oval have sharp metal braces that need a safer brace

St John the Baptist School Disco - Save the Date!

Exciting times as we prepare for the annual St John the Baptist School Disco.  Our terrific P & F are busily preparing for a fun evening of dancing. This year’s disco is booked for Friday 9th August.  

Entry fee $7:00 per child or $12:00 per family

5:30 - 6:30pm Prep - Year 2 

6:45 - 8:15pm Year 3 - 6 

Parent waiting area, coffee and tea available outside 1/2D and 1/2KC classrooms.

Healesville Sanctuary Excursion

Last Tuesday the 3/4 students enjoyed a day at Healesville Sanctuary.  The excursion to Healesville links to the 3/4 Inquiry unit for this term.  Such days can only be successful with the support of our SJB community.  We would like to thank Bec Rhodes, Siobhan van Bergeijk, Carrie Canton, Fiona Leishman, Dirk Pinder, Sara Gerrish, Lionel and Cassie Croning.

Canteen Note

Families are asked to please take note that the Canteen will be closed on Wednesday 14th August.  The Tuckshop will reopen on Wednesday 21st August. 

Stay warm everyone. Winter has certainly arrived!

Kelli Johnston

Term 3 Dates


31st - Year 5/6 District Netball

31st - School Advisory Council - 7:00pm


1st - Year 5/6 Level Mass

1st - Mater Christi & St Joseph's Production Year 4 & 6

2nd - Year 1/2 Incursion

5th - Prep Fire Safety Incursion

5th - Parents and Friends Meeting - 7pm

6th - AMC Maths Competition

6th - Inform and Empower Year 3/4 session

7th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

8th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

9th - School Assembly - 3/4J

9th - SJB School Disco

10th - Term 3 Working Bee

12th - Prep 100 days of School Celebration

14th - Canteen closed

15th - Feast of the Assumption Mass

16th - Year 7 2026 Applications close

16th - School Clsoure Day

19th - Production Rehearsal Day at George Wood Centre

23rd - SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

26th - Confirmation Reflection Day

27th - Father's Day Stall

29th - Sacrament of Confirmation

30th - Father's Day Breakfast

Student Awards

Prep BA

Nina L- for having a fantastic attitude to learning. You always try your best in every activity you are tasked with and continuously demonstrate a growth mindset. Great work, Nina!

Prep LC

Nina C - for being an amazing role model of 'whole body listening' in our classroom. Nina, we love the way you are becoming the best learner you can be. Keep up the amazing effort!

Year 1/2B

Mariah B-P - for always trying your best to complete your work and achieving wonderful results. Keep up the great work!

Jack D - for working hard to increase your focus on the floor and for your wonderful contributions in discussions. Keep up the great work!

Year 1/2D

Marley W - for the many ways you show kindness to your teachers and peers every day and for striving to tackle challenges with persistence and a positive attitude. You have settled into Term 3 with ease and are learning with enthusiasm and eagerness! Super effort Marley!

Year 1/2JM

Pippy R - for your positive attitude towards learning and for always being willing to try something new. We are impressed with your dedication to  your studies Pippy!

Quinn J - for making regular contributions in class and supporting other students to spell new and challenging words. We love all of your ideas Quinn!

Year 1/2KC

Xavier H - for always striving for excellence, presenting his learning neatly and accurately, and showing gentleness to all. You are a star!

Bethany G - for consistently striving to excel in all academic areas and for being a truly inspirational role model in our class. You are a star!

Eric J - for being a caring friend, working hard on his spelling skills, and helping at clean up times. You are a star!

Year 3/4GA

Stella P - for always striving to be a responsible learner and for being a caring friend to all those around her.


Zikora O - for being a very helpful and responsible class member and for being inclusive in her friendships.

Bella E - for putting maximum effort into every task and showing inclusion and kindness to all, every day.

Year 3/4J

Charlotte W - for showing increased resilience, self confidence and independence, and for asking lots of questions in her eagerness to learn, and for being a kind friend.

Olivia H - for going above and beyond what is required in the majority of her classroom work, and for always trying her best and for helping others in a considerate and sensitive manner.

Year 3/4SJ

Charlie P - for displaying great confidence when sharing his opinions and ideas during reading group sessions and whole class discussions.

Year 5/6D

Beau S - for making an excellent contribution to Literature Circles in his group on Wednesday. A fantastic attitude and a very positive start! Congratulations!

Will V - for producing a very eye-catching and informative infographic on the solar system. You planned carefully, worked hard, and the results were excellent! Congratulations!

Year 5/6RD

Isabella H - for being a very kind member of our class and demonstrating a great attitude towards all of your learning by trying super hard with all of your work. Keep up the great attitude and wonderful effort. Well done Izzy.

Teague D - for making a positive start to Term 3 by trying super hard with all of your work, completing homework tasks and being an excellent participant in class discussions. Well done Teague.

Uniform Shop News

The 2nd Hand Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday afternoons during Term 3.  Donations of clean, official SJB uniforms are most appreciated and can be left at the office. Thanks.

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Roster Term 3, 2024

Friday August 2nd

Belinda Davies

Fleur Dow

Helper needed please

Friday August 9th 

Lauren Wearne

Adriana Ambler

Wade Palmer

Friday August 16th
School Closure Day

Community News

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully