Welcome to 2025! We are off to a great start with students and staff enthusiastically settling into new classes and routines. We welcome our new kindies and our new students who have all happily joined the Binalong Public School community. We also welcome Ms Grace Galvin as a School Learning Support Officer (SLSO). Miss Grace is currently studying to become a primary school teacher and knows all about small schools having attended Murringo Public School herself! Welcome to the team Miss Grace.
This year we are looking forward to engaging our student readers more with the school newsletter by engaging them as 'junior journalists' and including them in some of the newsletter articles and features, as well as including student interviews in each newsletter.
With these sunny days and beautiful weather, we are reminding students about personal safety and how take look after ourselves. We are discussing safety around water, school, home, the community, sun safety and road safety. Please remember to bring your school hats each day as well as a water bottle.
Let's work together to promote road and travel safety messages to our children and our community. There is some information in the newsletter to help guide your conversations with your children.
After another successful school swimming carnival yesterday (thank you to the weather gods!), I must say that I was so incredibly proud and inspired by the kids and their swimming!
We are still finalising our Back to School BBQ's and parent information sessions, so please keep an eye out for more information regarding this event.
There are a lot of events approaching so please add the upcoming dates to your diary.
We are looking forward to another wonderful year at Binalong Public School!