St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday May 2nd 2023

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston


It was wonderful to see our students return to school for Term 2 on Wednesday.  The students returned with smiling faces and a spring in their step.  It was great to see them happy to see their friends and teachers ready for another engaging and productive term of learning. 

We commenced our term gathering as a school community with our ANZAC prayer service. The students are to once again be congratulated for the reverence and respect that they so beautifully presented.  The students gathered in silence, participated in prayer beautifully and laid their flowers from home at the base of the flag poles with enormous respect.

St John the Baptist Open Day for 2024 Prep Children

We have one final Open Day for this year:  Thursday 11th May

Families with siblings commencing school in 2024 are asked to submit enrolments as soon as possible to assist with confirmation of student numbers for 2024.

Enrolment letters of acceptance will be distributed in the first week of June.

Parent Information and Helper Session - Thursday May 4th

Would you like to know more about how to help your child/ren with their reading and writing development? Are you interested in being a classroom helper?

We warmly welcome all parents to join one of the Literacy information/parent helper sessions.

Session 1: 9:00am

Session 2: 2:15pm

These sessions will be held in the area between PB and 1/2JM classrooms and led by Mrs Jo Stoica.  This is a terrific opportunity to gain an insight into how children learn and how as adults you can assist children in their learning.

If you are able to join one of the sessions please respond via Operoo.

Inform and Empower Digital Safety and Wellbeing

Over the next two weeks the Year 1-6 students will participate in engaging live streamed sessions with Marty and Laura from Inform and Empower.  

The focus for each level for Term 2 is outlined below:

Year 1/2 - Balancing screen time, healthy digital habits, putting down the technology

Year 3/4 -  Balancing screen time, healthy digital habits, how different technology makes us feel

Year 5/6 - Balancing screen time, building a healthy relationship with tech, why it can be hard to put down devices

The digital safety sessions are aligned with Child Safe Standards, the Victorian Curriculum and are created within the eSafety Best Practice Framework.

This is a great opportunity for families to open discussions about digitally responsible and safe behaviours that are important for us all.

Inform and Empower information

Playground Naturescape

The new playground and naturescape is on track for completion in early May.  Our Year 5/6 and Prep students will have the wonderful opportunity to work with Richard Bellemo and the landscaping team to be part of the planting process.  The students will be planting with the team on the morning of Monday 8th May.  This is an exciting and educational experience for all students to gain an understanding of the plants selected for the naturescape, along with how they can care for their new playground.

Project Compassion Donation

Throughout the Lenten season the SJB community has been most active and generous in raising funds for Caritas’ Project Compassion. Through student and family donations, as well as, a wonderful cake stall organised by the Parents and Friends Committee on the weekend of the By-election, we have been able to make a wonderful donation of $926.85. This is a terrific collective effort by all and a true example of our faith in action.

The Principles of Caritas are informed by the Catholic Social Teaching Principles of human dignity and solidarity.  Today they serve in 20 countries, working through 61 partnerships to bring hope, support and compassion to the world’s most vulnerable people.

Congratulations on such a wonderful effort and thank you to all for all of the work involved to achieve such a great outcome. Together we can make a difference.

Term 2 Winter Uniform Transition

Term 2 is usually the time when students transition to their Winter Uniform. Over the first couple of weeks if the weather presents as being warm, families are able to make an informed decision in regard to uniform selection.  We request that students transition to their winter uniform for the commencement of Week 3, the week beginning 8th May. Students are to be dressed in the correct uniform at all times, this includes the correct socks and shoes, along with sports uniform only being worn on designated days.

Lost Property

We have a number of school uniform items particularly school jumpers of various sizes in the lost property area. Families who may be missing a school jumper are asked to check the lost property area. Please remember to clearly name items so they can be returned directly to the classroom.

Mother's Day Stall

Tokens for the Mother's Day stall will be on sale between 2:30 - 3:10pm outside the office on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May.  Tokens cost $5:00 each. One token purchases 1 gift from the Mother's Day stall. Tokens may be purchased using cash or EFT.

Tokens will be issued on the day of the stall.  If you are unable to attend in person please send an envelope with cash to the office by Wednesday 3rd May, clearly labelled with your family surname, children’s name/s and classes.

On the morning of the Mother’s Day Stall students will visit the stall in their family groups.  This will provide siblings with opportunity to purchase gifts together ensuring that each child purchases something different for their Mum/Special person. 

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea & Picnic

We warmly welcome our Mums/Special Person to join us for afternoon tea to celebrate the special role they play in our lives. Whether it be hugs, kisses, cheering you up or cheering you on, making amazing lunches or driving you to many different activities our mums really are wonderful.

We will start the afternoon with the opportunity to have a cuppa and chat amongst our Mums/Special person. The children will join us in the hall a little later to sit with their mums/special person on picnic rugs and share some special surprises.  We will conclude the afternoon with some entertainment from some of our VIPs!!  We look forward to a lovely afternoon with all.

Family Eucharist Evening - Wednesday May 10th at 7.00pm

We look forward to welcoming our Year 3 and 4 students preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist to our Family Evening on Wednesday 10th May at 7:00pm.  The First Eucharist Family Evening is an important part of our Sacramental Program and home school partnership in preparing students to receive their sacrament.

Mrs Marialisa Mandarino and the Year 3/4 team are in the process of preparing an engaging, informative and interactive evening.

Staff Professional Learning

 As a school we know that it is important to continually enter into professional learning to provide our staff with learning opportunities to be the best educators they can be, as well as, staying abreast of best practices as education continues to develop and evolve.

We are excited to have been accepted into a professional learning partnership and opportunity with MACS and Melbourne University.   Over the course of the year the Year 1/2 team will be released to attend professional learning with Ursula De Corrado focused on Explicit Teaching in the Early Years - Building teacher literacy knowledge, capacity and agency.

This Wednesday 3rd May and Thursday 4th May the team will be offsite to enter the first 2 days of professional learning.  We look forward to seeing the learning from these transferred to our literacy planning and delivered in classrooms.


Operoo has arrived!! As a school we have undertaken professional learning in how to use Operoo. In Term 2 permission slips will now be moved online and will be paperless.  We ask that families follow the steps required to commence with Operoo.

How to get started?

  • When you receive an email from the SJB Operoo system asking you to sign up or create an account - please follow the step.
  • Follow the instructions to create your account - now you can respond to forms and receive messages from SJB on any device
  • Optional - Download Operoo Central App from Apple App Store of  Google Play
  • For further assistance families can access the Operoo site:

    Operoo - Introduction for Parents

    Child Safe Practices - Working with Children Checks

    St John the Baptist School is committed to providing a child safe environment and takes active steps to ensure any person authorised to conduct ‘child connected works’ does not pose a risk to their safety or welfare. To achieve this, the school implements screening processes, including Working With Children Checks (WWCC), to assess and verify their suitability. 

    St John’s School ensures that non-teaching staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors are of suitable character and do not have a relevant criminal record that poses an unjustifiable risk to children. 

    Teaching Staff & Casual Relief Teachers who are registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) undergo criminal record checks via their annual registration.

    Volunteering to Assist with School Programs- WWCC

    Parents would be aware that to assist with any of our school programs that all volunteers, parents/guardians/family members are required to have a current Working With Children Check on our school records.

    Family members are to provide a copy of the WWCC to the school office.

    Wishing  everyone a fabulous week ahead.

    Kelli Johnston

    Social Event for Parents

    Friends and family are welcome to attend a social gathering to catch up and support the local RSL. Saturday May 6th at 6.00pm onwards.

    Upwey Belgrave RSL Club

    Science with Mrs Butler

    The Grade 3/4 students had a wonderful Chemical Science session on Thursday, focusing on change of states of materials.  They learnt about the concept of changing matter and experimented with changing liquids to solids. They learnt about the importance of lab safety and used their glasses and gloves when mixing the resin. They collected natural products from their local environment and mixed the resin and hardener to place in their molds. Their resin hardened overnight and created a lovely pendant for a necklace or brooch. 

    Parents & Friends News

    Mother's Day Stall and pre-sale tokens

    As previously mentioned above, tokens for the Mother's Day stall will be available for sale on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons this week from 2.30pm in front of the office (cash and card accepted).

    Thank you to all the lovely Dad's who have sent their volunteer forms in.  You will be contacted this week with details.

    Parents and Friends Meeting

    Our next P&F Meeting will be held on Monday May 22nd at 1.30pm - venue TBC.

    Bunnings Cake Stall

    Term 2 Dates for the Diary


    4th     Parent Information & Helper session - 9.00am & 2.15pm

    5th     First Friday Mass - Prep

    8th     Inform and Empower Year 5/6 Online lesson

    8th     Naturescape Planting

    8th     Assembly 3/4D

    8th     Lighthouse Program - St Joseph's College & Year 6 boys

    9th    Mother's Day Stall

    10th    First Eucharist Family Evening

    12th     Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

    14th     Mother's Day

    15th    Lighthouse Program - St Joseph's College & Year 6 boys

    17th     School Advisory Council Meeting

    20th    Term 2 Working Bee

    22nd    Lighthouse Program - St Joseph's College & Year 6 boys

    24th     National Simultaneous Storytime

    26th     District Cross Country

    28th     Pentecost Sunday

    29th     Lighthouse Program - St Joseph's College & Year 6 boys


    2nd     First Friday Mass - Year 5/6

    5th     First Eucharist Reflection Day

    6th     Division Cross Country

    8th     St Joseph's Lighthouse Program Presentation Evening

    Canteen News

    Canteen orders can be placed via

    Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

    Helpers Needed Please

    Calling for Volunteers

    More helpers are required in order for the Canteen to stay open.  It is very easy, and there is no cooking involved.  It is only 2 hours (9.00-11.00am) and if we get enough helpers you will only be rostered once a term. You can even request to be rostered on with a friend.

    Volunteer form

    Canteen Roster

    Wednesday May 3rd Friday May 5th 
    Jessie Stephens

    Ros Davies

    Lauren Wearne

    Fleur Dow

    Shamindri Aponso

    Wednesday May 10th Friday May 12th 

    Jessie Stephens

    Nat Conway

    Ros Davies

    Melinda Price

    Katrina Horne

    Carrie Canton

    Uniform Shop News

    Community Notices

    St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully