Eastlakes Edition

Term 2 Week 1

Acknowledgement to Country

On behalf of the students, teachers and parents of Eastlakes Public School, we would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, past, present and future who have the first connection to this land. 

We are thankful for the Gadigal and Kameygal clans for taking care of the land, sky and waterways on which we learn and play today.

Together we will rise to the challenge and be respectful andresponsible to care for our country. 

Always was, always will be Aboriginal land

From the Principal

Welcome back to School

I trust that everyone had a restful two week break and ready to embark on another exciting term filled with learning, growth and opportunities.

Students have settled back into the rhythm and routines of school life. Already students 8 years and up have participated in the cross country event this week in preparation for the zone cross country in the coming weeks. Representatives will be chosen based on their endurance and ability to complete the course. 

EPS commemorated ANZAC Day this Wednesday in a very special assembly. Our students leaders did an excellent job leading this assembly to remember all those that were lost at Gallipoli 1915. It is also a time to remember all men and women who gave their lives in all wars and conflicts and peacekeeping missions around the world and to those who continue to serve.

Our dedicated teachers have been hard at work, planning and preparing programs for the term ahead. From innovative lessons to engaging extracurricular activities, EPS teachers are committed to providing students with enriching educational learning experiences. We have Dancesport for Stage 3, PSSA Netball and Soccer every Friday, Premier's Spelling Bee, the Multicultural Public Speaking Competition and Public Speaking Competition to name just a few of the opportunities for students this term.

Our newly established P&C has hit the ground running with their first event planned and ready to go next Friday. The P&C are hosting a special Mother's Day Morning Tea in the COLA from 8.30am. Together with the P&C we would love to see all EPS mums and carers join us next Friday morning. See the flyer below.

This term our school is involved in the external validation process. Every 4 years all schools within the NSW Department of Education complete the external validation process. This process requires the school to provide an evidence bank that shows how the school is performing against the school excellence framework. Our school will submit our evidence at the end of this term and a panel, comprising of a Principal, School Leadership and Peer Principal analyses the evidence provided and other school systems. In Term 3 Week 2 the Assistant Principals and I will participate in a meeting where clarifying questions are asked, and the school is validated against the NSW School Excellence Framework. This framework consists of 14 elements in the areas of Leading, Teaching and Learning.

Here's to an amazing term ahead filled with learning and endless possibilities!

Anthia Tsantoulis



The Education Act 1990 states that it is the duty of parents or carers of child to ensure their child of compulsory school age to be:

  • enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or
  • registered with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for home schooling.

All students who are enrolled at school, are expected to attend school each day it is open for instruction.

Arriving at school and class on time:

  • Ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day
  • Helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine
  • Give students time to greet their friends before class
  • Reduces classroom disruption
  • Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents

Staying at home if you are sick

We are heading into the cold and flu season and this is a reminder to parents and carers to keep children at home if they are sick or showing signs of being unwell. Children should stay home until they are well enough to return to school.

If students become unwell at school, parents and carers will be contacted to come and collect children. 

Thank you for your continuing support.

Positive Behaviour Learning Matrix

Our school expectations are:

  • Respectful
  • Responsible 
  • Learners

Students K to 6 participate in weekly lessons aligned to our PBL expectations. We have a school matrix which supports positive behaviour for learning across the school. You can download this below.

Students are being rewarded stamps on their goal charts for demonstrating these expectations in class, on the playground, in assemblies and in specialist programs such as library and art.

The Positive Behaviour for Learning Matrix for Universal Prevention is an overview of the behaviours we expect to see as a respectful, responsible learner: in classrooms, during transitions, amphitheatre, new playground (sandpit), the hill, assemblies, hall, library, office and toilets. 

We hope that sharing this with parents and carers can support with the discussions you have with your children at home about positive behaviour.


SCHOOL PHOTO DAY - Tuesday 7th May 2024

Students are to wear full school uniform.

Place your order online before the day of photography

- Go to www.advancedlife.com.au and enter this code: 


Payment can be made using VISA, Mastercard, PayPal

If you are unable to order online, please hand your completed envelope directly to the photographers on the day of photography

If you have any queries concerning school photographs and ordering, please contact advancedlife directly:  www.advancedlife.com.au/contact

Professional Learning

    All teaching and non teaching staff are continuously updating and improving on their skills, knowledge and understandings about learning, teaching, leading and administration practices through high quality professional learning.

    All teachers participated in professional learning aligned to curriculum reform on school development day. Ms Tsantoulis, Ms Giannacopoulos, Miss Kutasi and Miss Cox led teacher learning in the following modules:

    • Purposeful Assessment 
    • Supporting Writing Across the Curriculum 
    • Adapting a unit of learning for EALD learners 

    Mrs Peralta, Mrs Massey, Mrs Ayan and Ms Carina participated in a range of professional learning on school development day covering topics such as:

    • Mental Health is Everybody's Business
    • Problem Solving in the School Context
    • Teamwork and Collaboration
    • Understanding the Audit Checklist
    • Inclusion 101

    Dental Screenings at EPS for Students under CDBS Scheme

    NSW Dental Care is offering free dental screenings to children at Eastlakes PS on 20th-24th May 2024.

    Click the link below to submit your online form to allow us to check if your child is eligible. We will inform you by email. If your child is not eligible they can still attend by claiming under private health if you are not covered by the scheme.

    The dental screening is free of charge and for eligible students aged 2-17 and provides benefits for the child for basic dental services that includes:

    • Dental examination

    • Dental X-rays

    • Preventive Oral Care, such as oral hygiene assistance, cleaning of teeth and the application of fluoride to the teeth.

    This service is provided under the Child Dental Benefits Scheme of the Australian Government.

    Early detection of decay and other dental diseases is vital in preventing bigger, more painful and expensive problems in the future. Left untreated, dental disease is progressive and will result in greater discomfort and is likely to lead to permanent problems, such as tooth loss or lasting pain.

    Please submit your form today:


    We would really like our students to benefit from this service, so please take the time to fill in the form.

    Rise to the Challenge

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