St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday October 8th 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

Dear Families

Welcome back for Term 4. It is great to return to school with sunshine and warmer weather. It certainly puts a spring in our step!  We hope that all families enjoyed their holidays and the opportunity to take a break from routines whilst enjoying the sunshine and being able to be outdoors.

Congratulations to all Brisbane supporters on taking out this year’s Grand Final.

What an exciting time the last few weeks have been for football fans. 

There is much to look forward to throughout Term 4 such as P-2 swimming, Year 5/6 Sports Gala, Prep 2025 Transition Sessions, School Carols, Year 6 Graduation, commencement of the school building program, Advent, Christmas and more. We look forward to celebrating and enjoying all of these wonderful events as a community.

St John the Baptist Building Program

We are excited to announce that Baxter Projects has been appointed as the successful builder for the St John the Baptist building program. Over the holidays Baxter Projects were onsite to meet with the school’s architects, MACS and myself in preparation for the commencement of the SJB building program.  We are excited to confirm that Baxter Projects will commence setting up for the building works from Wednesday 16th October.

We ask families to please be aware that there will be changes to parking access, dropping off & picking up access, movement of students, play areas and more as we navigate the building program.  As a school we will communicate all information as we work with Baxter Projects over the coming weeks. 

The priority of both the School and Baxter Projects at all times will be the safety of our students and community.  We recognise that there will be inconveniences for the short term that come with navigating all the required changes, however the long term outcome will be wonderful additional learning spaces for SJB to continue to thrive in.

School Closure Dates

We ask that families please be aware of the following dates for the remainder of the year.

Monday 4th November - School Closure - Assessment & Reporting

Tuesday 5th November - School Closure - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

Monday 18th November - School Closure - Staff Professional Learning day

Tuesday 17th December -  Final Day for 2023 School Year 3:15pm finish time

Footy Day - Friday September 20th

What a fabulous way to conclude Term 3. To gather as a school community after a term of hard work and enjoy the day together as a community.  

We started the day in our classes completing a variety of footy related activities.

It was then down to the oval for students to participate in a variety of football activities.  We thank Mr John Mitchell for all of his preparation of the day and our Year 6 leaders who were simply outstanding in their leadership throughout the day. The manner in which the Year 6 students encouraged all using positive language and encouragement was a true credit to all our leaders.

To conclude our day we gathered in the hall to celebrate each team and sing their theme songs.

It was wonderful to see the SJB community come together on the final day of Term 3 celebrating all we have achieved throughout a busy term.

Term 4 Specialist Timetable

There are a few Specialist Timetable changes for Term 4.  Please the timetable below to see if there are changes to PE uniform days.

Prep 2025 Important Dates

We look forward to welcoming our 2025 Prep families and students as they start their journey with us at St John the Baptist. The following dates below are important dates for our Preps and their families:

Term 4 School Uniform including hats

As we return to school for Term 4, students will return to wearing their summer uniform. 

During Term 4 students are required to wear their hats at all recess times.  Students without hats will be required to sit in a designated shaded area.  SJB has a strict no hat no play policy.

Congratulations to all students for wearing their correct uniform at all times.  Our students have been sensational in wearing the correct uniform throughout the year. Keep up the terrific work.

Prep - Year 2 Swimming

Yesterday we commenced the Prep - Year 2 swimming program. Students in P-2 will participate in lessons on a weekly basis at St Joseph’s College.  The students will walk to and from the pool each week. We warmly welcome parent helpers to assist with the swimming program.

Division Athletics

Congratulations to the 10 students who participated in the Division Athletics Carnival. Our students were outstanding in their participation and achievements on the day.  We congratulate the following students who made it through to the Regional Athletics on Thursday 24th October.

Nishala A, Teague D/Josh A, Max F, Jenna G, Zaylen L, Sebastian R

Working Bee - Save the Date

We have been most fortunate to have had great support from the SJB school community at this year’s Working Bees. We have one more Working Bee for the year.  The Term 4 Working Bee will be held on Saturday 26th October between 1:30 - 4:00pm.  

We would be most appreciative to all who are able to assist with a number of jobs we have to complete around the school.  We are seeking assistance with parents who are able to assist with the maintenance of the SJB Naturescape in particular. Mulching, weeding & oiling of structures are just a few of the jobs to be completed. Families are welcome to contact Ursula DeCorrado in regard to the Working Bee or jobs to be completed. Ursula may be contacted through her email:

About Real Life Sexuality Program Years 3 - 6

As a school we recognise that sexuality education begins at home and is supported by schools as part of a broader curriculum aimed at maximising children’s health and wellbeing.

About Real Life presentations are sensitive to and respectful of the values and beliefs of parents/carers and families. 

SJB has partnered with About Real Life to offer a parent information online session as well as in school sessions for Year 3-6 students.  We ask families to please be aware of the following dates.

Thursday 31st October @ 7pm - Family Online Session

Friday 8th, 15th and 22nd November - Year 3-6 About Real Life in school sessions

In the coming weeks families will receive an Operoo seeking permission for their child to participate in the About Real Life sessions.

Please feel free to contact Ursula DeCorrado or Kelli Johnston should you have any questions.

Staff Leave - Term 4

At the commencement of Term 4 we have Mrs Sue Cahill and Mrs Angela Cavarra taking a period of LSL. Sue and Ange have contributed many dedicated years of service to education and specifically SJB.  Mrs Renee Armstrong will also be continuing her period of leave. 

We wish the ladies all the best for a wonderful time away. May your time away be one of rejuvenation and relaxation.

We are most fortunate to have some terrific regular CRTs supporting us through staff periods of leave.

2025 Classes - Placement of Students

In the beginning weeks of Term 4 the staff begin the process of putting together class lists for the 2025 school year.  The process will be completed with consideration given to:

  • The social and academic distribution of the children within the same level across classes

  • A gender balance in each class

  • Children’s requests for friendship groupings

  • Specific placement of siblings and children with individual needs, inclusive of emotional, learning, physical and behavioural needs

  • The social needs of children including the working relationships of all children and the desired separation of children who do not have a positive social or learning influence on each other

  • An awareness of teachers in the previous academic year.   

To support the placement of our children we ask each child to name classmates who they work well with.  Children will be reminded to consider children from their current class and from other class settings.  Classes will then be structured with the aim to have each child with at least one nominated friend.  However if the class teacher feels that the choices are not in the best interest of the child then the child will be asked to nominate others.  Parents please note that it is sometimes commented that, ‘My child didn’t get any of their friendship requests from last year’. It is often in this situation that a child’s actual friendship group has slightly or significantly changed from October through to the end of the year and as a result the child feels that their requests weren’t taken into account. 

With approximately 22 children in each class each child is provided with 21 opportunities to either further develop existing friendships or the opportunity to develop new friendships.  To be highly successful participants in our social, school and future working environments it is a most important skill to create new friendships each year, not be reliant on the same close friendship/s each year.  We make every effort to support our children by providing them with supportive environments but at the same time we wish for some form of challenge so that our children can further develop personal life skills by negotiating new friendships. 

As detailed above, there is a significant level of care that goes into establishing the best learning environments, along with social interactions, for our children.     

Parent Requests - Meeting with Leadership

We are aware that some parents may have valid reasons to have input into the placement of their children for the forthcoming year. Should there be numerous requests from parents then the ability for staff to make positive and professional judgements for the best learning environments for our classes is compromised.  Given this if parents have any relevant information that you believe is essential to the grade placement process, I invite you to make contact with myself  or Ursula DeCorrado to share your thoughts for the 2025 year.  Should we need to gain greater clarity on the request as made we will make contact with you to make an appointment to share your thoughts or concerns.   We will evaluate all requests and make a professional decision on the placement of the child in question. The final decision rests with the school. 

‘Teacher Shopping’ -  At SJB School we are blessed with a highly skilled and enthusiastic staff team and we are confident that all teachers will meet the needs of your children. Parents making requests simply as ‘Teacher Shopping’, without any foundation, may not necessarily receive their requests for the new year.  The reference to ‘teacher shopping’ means that, for example, parents have heard positive comments about teachers in the school from other parents and think that teacher may be good for their child.  Likewise a sibling may have had a teacher previously and a parent wishes for their next child to also have that teacher.  We would love to meet all requests but there are other elements around class placements, as detailed previously, which may take priority over a request as such.  As stated above, parents are invited to meet with leadership to discuss thoughts that may be pertinent to 2024 class placements but we ask that you take on board all of the above information before making your request.

Classes for 2025

As we plan ahead for 2025 classes, we ask any families who know that they will not be returning to SJB in 2025 to inform the school as soon as possible.

Dads and Kids weekend

See booking link/QR Code below

Book In Here

Link to book in for the Dads & Kids Camping Weekend -

Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle

Tickets are now available for this year’s Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle. Tickets can be purchased from the office at $2 each.

1st Prize - Kia Picanto valued @ $21, 690

2nd Prize - Coles/Myer Gift Card - $5000

3rd Prize - Coles/Myer Gift Card - $3000

4th & 5th Prize - Coles/Myer Gift Card - $1000

6th & 7th Prize - Coles/Myer Gift Card - $500

Wishing everyone a great week. Welcome back for Term 4.

Kelli Johnston

Term 4 Dates


14th - P-2 Swimming continues

14th - P&F Meeting @ 7pm

15th - School Nurse visit

18th - Assembly @ 2.45pm - 1/2KC presenting

18th - 2026 Yr 7 offers sent

21st - P-2 Swimming continues

22nd - Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival

23rd - School Advisory Council Meeting @ 7pm

24th - Year 3/4 Phillip Island Camp

25th - Year 3/4 Phillip Island Camp

26th - Working Bee

28th - P-2 Swimming

30th - Prep 2025 Information Evening

31st - About Real Life Session Yr 3-6 - Family Online Session


1st - All Saints Day Mass @ 11am

4th - School Closure Day

5th - Melbourne Cup Day - School Closed

7th - Prep 2025 Transition Session #1

7th - Year 3/4 Level Mass @ 9.15am

8th - About Real Life Session 1 Yrs 3-6

8th - Yr 7 2026 placememnt offers to be finalised

11th - P-2 Swimming

11th - Remembrance Day - Prayer Service @ 10.45am

14th - Prep 2025 Transition #2

15th - Assembly @ 2.45pm - Prep BA

15th - About Real Life Session - Years 3-6

18th - School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning

20th - School Advisory Council - 7.00pm

21st - Prep Transition Session #3

22nd - About Real Life Session - Years 3-6

Uniform Shop News

Thank you to families who have donated to the 2nd hand uniform shop recently. Donations can be left at the office at a time that suits you. 

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Helpers Needed

Are you able to help in the Canteen on a Friday morning. New volunteers are very welcome and it’s only for a couple of hours, very easy and fun!  Please pop in and see Tracey in the canteen on either a Wednesday or Friday morning if you can help out. 

Canteen Roster Term 4, 2024

Friday October 11th

Belinda Davies

Wade Palmer

Friday October 18th

Adriana Ambler

Anna Kristof

Friday October 25th

Leanne Gaunt

Emma Jenkins

St John's Tennis Club

Community News

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully