Dear families & friends,
This term in our Inquiry ‘Story to Success’ have been learning about character strengths and what our own character strengths might be.
They have been investigating character strengths through stories of Olympic athletes and in narratives. All our primary students and staff also completed the character strengths survey to look at which are their top strengths and will start looking at how they use these to reach their goals.
Character strengths and understanding these are also related to our Berry St learning. See more about Character Strengths later in the newsletter.
Berry St Education Model (BSEM)
As a site we use the Berry St Education model to support students to develop skills, understanding and strategies to be ready for learning and to support their self-regulation skills. As a staff we have been developing our skills and practices over a couple of years and we would like to help families better understand this part of students learning experience at Felixstow.
Later this term I will be running a parent information session on BSEM to support interested families to learn more about the strategies we use and how these can also be implemented at home. I will be sharing a little of the theory behind it including some ‘brain science’ along with helping families understand the language and strategies we use at school each day to help build consistency for children between home and school.
The session will be on the evening of Tuesday 3rd September. Keep an eye out for an invite which will be sent out soon to book through Eventbrite.
Year 3 and 5 students and families have now received their NAPLAN results. We are pleased that we have maintained a ‘strong’ rating in all areas for year 3 and 5 apart from Spelling in year 3 which is ‘developing’. We were very pleased to see that the majority of our year 5 cohort made middle and upper progress in Reading and Numeracy from their year 3 NAPLAN assessments.
After several inquiries recently we are excited to announce we have decided to REOPEN OUR PLAYGROUP! Our first session will be on Thursday 17th October (Week 1 Term 4), 9am to 10.30am.
If you have younger 0-5 year olds or know someone that does, come along to meet local families and have some fun with your child. Emily (OSHC) will be our playgroup facilitator so we know it will be a quality program 😊
We are looking forward to a number of events and activities this term and hope to see many of you joining in and celebrating your child's learning journey.
Cheers Skye 😊