St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 3 Week 2 2024


All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Friday 2nd August (Week 3)

School Curriculum Closure Day

Friday 2nd August

Term 3 Week 3

No School for Children

Teachers Professional Development Day and planning of  thew new MACS Science of Learning  initiative in -English & Mathematics 

Book Club

Save the Date - Celebrate the Learning

PLEASE RETURN - Learning Snapshot Books

I hope you enjoyed looking through the samples of your children's work from Term 1& 2 ( Semester One) that were sent home with School Reports.

We ask that you return those books to school to be able to be share with  Emmaus or kept on file in St Timothy's Archives.

Thank you

Parent Curriculum Overview Letters

Dear Parents

Please find an overview of your child's learning for Term 3 attached to this email.

We are looking forward to sharing the children's work at the Celebrate the Learning .

Please also add Parent Teacher Interviews on Monday 16th September to your calendar. 

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ preferred date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers.

Week 1  19th July: Carla Hayes ( Tommy)

Week 2  26th July : Maria Cabala Bonilla ( Natalia)

Week 3  2nd August: NO SCHOOL

Week 4: 9th August: Emily Dermietzel (Isabelle)

Week 5: 16th August:  Carly Corcoran ( Ellie))

Week 6: 23rd August: Beth Seymour ( Abigail & Ethan)

Week 7: 30th August: Manju ( Nika and Nathan)

Looking for Term 3 Volunteers

Discovering Australia

Cake Raffle- A Year 4/5 WIN!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Book Week ( Term 3 Week 5) Wednesday 14th August

Child Safety/Wellbeing


Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 27th July and Sunday 28th July 2024Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophets. Signs are important. In the past few years, as the Melbourne’s road and public transport systems are being upgraded to accommodate the growing population, we have seen signs along the highways and roads telling us what is ahead of us, be it road or rail work. The state government promises that in a few years’ time, we would have faster, more efficiency public transport system and a smoother road infrastructure. In the gospel, when John uses the word ‘sign’ it’s important. It’s like those road signs and billboards telling us to ‘pay attention!’ .John uses this word to refer to Jesus’ mighty deeds, and he wants these signs to lead us to deeper faith in Jesus (John 2:11).

Jesus feeds the five thousand, and every detail reveals more about who he is. First, he crosses the sea and takes his disciples up a mountain like a new Moses (John 6:1-3). Then, John tells us that the time of the Passover was near—a feast commemorating God’s covenant with Israel through Moses (6:4). Next, just as Moses asked, “Where can I get meat to give to all this people?” (Numbers 11:13), Jesus asks Philip, “Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?” (John 6:5). Jesus also echoes the actions of the prophet Elisha, whose story we hear in today’s first reading. Elisha fed one hundred people with some barley loaves (2 Kings 4:42-44). Jesus outdoes Elisha and feeds five thousand people, with twelve baskets of fragments left over (John 6:11-13). Everything about this sign speaks of the abundance of God’s provision for his people. It shows the kind of Messiah Jesus is. Not only does he fulfill all that Moses and the prophets foreshadowed, but he surpasses them. No wonder the people proclaimed him “the one who is to come into the world” (John 6:14)! Jesus wants to help you come to believe in him, know him personally, and experience his abundance. Just as he gave signs to his disciples, he gives you signs to help you grow in faith. They’re all around you, and Jesus loves to help you recognize them. So, ask the Spirit to open your eyes to see the Lord’s power, faithfulness, and love in your life—and rejoice! They may not be neon signs, but they will help you grow to believe in Jesus more and more each day.

Taken from Word Among Us © 2024


Avila College

Our Lady of Sion

Creative Wellbeing Fair