Beerwah State School

Newsletter 21 July 2023

Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 3. It’s been so lovely to have conversations with students about all the exciting things they did on holidays! We have had a very smooth and settled start back to school. As I am conducting my daily class visits, I am seeing classes engaged in their learning and focused on improving their learning outcomes.


As it is still quite chilly, can I remind all parents/carers that students need to be in school uniform. If you are unable to purchase a school jacket/jumper, through the Uniform Shop, please ensure that the jacket/jumper your child is wearing is black. Please refer to our school website for more details around school uniform.

If anyone is having trouble obtaining a black jacket/jumper, please let the school know. I don’t want anyone being cold throughout the day!

I am also concerned about some of our girls wearing short bike pants instead of the required school culottes, dresses or pants. This does not look good, especially when a long jumper is worn over the top and does not portray a good image of our school to the community. Please ensure your children are wearing the correct uniform.


It was great to formally welcome our new Adopt A Cop, Tim Jessup on Assembly last week. Tim is based at the Beerwah Police Station and will be working with various classes and student groups throughout the year, talking about road safety, cyber safety, stranger danger and a range of other very important topics to keep our students happy and safe.


Our School Concert will be held on Wednesday 6th September at 6:00pm where all of our classes and ensembles will be performing. More information about the concert and the purchasing of tickets will be sent out over the next few weeks.


In the last 3 weeks of Term 2, 11 Year 5/6 Beerwah girls participated in the Glasshouse district Term 2 Inter-school Sport Division B Netball held at Glasshouse Mountains SS.

The team had very little experience at the beginning, and showed great development, especially in their skills and team work over the 3 weeks of friendly competition.

The girls played a total of 11 games with 6 wins and 5 losses, and finished in 5th place overall winning their last game 7-5 against St Michael’s.

Well done to the following students who had a go and learnt a new skill/sport - which is the essence off Inter school sporting competition: Lillian, Piper, Aylah, Aila, Holly, Adel,, Annabelle, Wynter, Shanay, Victoria, Paige and Kalinda.

Special thanks goes to Mr Ganley, Ms Murphy and all of the parents who coached and supported the team and transported students.


We held our annual Athletics Carnival yesterday. It was wonderful to see our students participating in so many events and be willing to try new skills. The day was very successful!

Congratulations to all the place winners and students who qualified for District Athletics. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended to support their children. Thanks to the Lions Club and P&C for all their hard work with food and drinks on the day, and a special thank you to Janelle Murphy who co-ordinated the entire event.


Last week in class students celebrated NAIDOC week by participating in a variety of activities and learning about First Nations and Torres Strait Islander culture. NAIDOC Week occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians all over the country and overseas. Thank you to Lyn Bourke who coordinated this event across the school.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Scott Bowden



Events Calendar

Check out our calendar of events throughout the year, via the school's website at

Beerwah State School

You can sync any event to your personal calendar by clicking to  open the event and click on the  'Add to Calendar' button.  


Check out our Facebook page for more Celebrations and what's happening at our School.

Beerwah State School Facebook page

HODC Report


I would like to thank the Beerwah team for making me feel very welcome. My name is Miss Simone Hansen and I will be acting in the HOD – Curriculum role while Mr Matt Deady is galivanting around the world.


Life Education for students will occur in week 3. The topics covered in these sessions are aligned to the health units and include; ‘Growing Good Friends’, ‘Be Cyberwise’, ‘My Body Matters’ and ‘Relate, Respect, Connect’.


NAPLAN results have been issued to schools and will be distributed to students in years 3 and 5 in the coming week.



On Friday 28th July students are encouraged to wear their pyjamas/ crazy socks to school to raise money for the Student Council. The Student Council students have meetings twice a term and are raising funds for upgrades to the school.

Students will bring a gold coin donation on the day.

Admin Information


We have received reports of some users not being able to log into the SkoolBag Admin Console. We believe some users may be trying to access the old link. Please ensure that you update your bookmarks and shortcuts to the following login page:  Skoolbag Console

Our school will be using a new Departmental process for sending reminder notices to parents/carers with overdue invoices. Reminder notices will generate periodically once your invoice becomes overdue.

How you will receive the reminder notice:
  • If you have provided us with an email address and you have overdue invoices, you will start to receive reminder notices directly to your email address
  • If you have not provided us with an email address, reminder notices for any overdue invoices will be posted to you.


If you are unable to pay your invoices before the due date or have a query about an invoice you have received, it is important that you contact us before the invoice is due for payment.


Beerwah State School is excited to offer all parents the ability to order and pay for your child’s school items using your smartphone, tablet or computer. The new Qkr! (pronounced ‘quicker’) by MasterCard application is a secure and easy way to make school payments at your convenience. We encourage all parents to use Qkr! as it reduces the need to send cash to school or attend in person, and receipts are automatically generated that can be easily retrieved on the app or sent to your email. It is easier for families and it also significantly streamlines operations with the school.  QKR! How to Guide
QKR! is our preferred method for payment via the secure QKR! App.
  • You Can also pay via the secure BPoint  payment portal in QParents.
  • You can also pay via the BPoint link on the invoice you receive via email
  • Cashless payments can be made at the Payment Window by EFTPOS on Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning between 8:30am-10:30am
  • Students may hand permission & payment to the office in a sealed envelope or snaplock bag.


Please refer to the Communication Placemat that is available on our website to determine the appropriate method and avenue of communication for any information you require. If you are unsure, please email the school via and your query will be passed on to the appropriate staff member.

We welcome parents and other members of our diverse community into our school. Working together with the school community, school staff support the learning and wellbeing of every student, and are entitled to a safe work environment. Parents and other visitors to our school support safety by ensuring their communications and conduct at the school and school activities is respectful. Please read our Parent and Community Code of Conduct for more information.


We realise sometimes Parents need to get a message to student/s to change how they are going home, with whom, or need to collect student/s early. We ask Parents, where possible, to please contact the school at their earliest convenience prior to 1:00pm; to advise so messages can go out in rolls and minimise interruptions to class learning time.

Please call prior to arriving to collect student/s so we can have them in the office ready for your arrival. Our break times are 11:00am-11:30am & 1:00pm-1:40pm. We thank you for your support.


Up to date information helps us look after each of our students. Contact details can be updated through the BSS Skoolbag, QParents app or SZ app. For a hard copy to complete and return, please download from the sidepanel of our school newsletter or website.

Library News

"Everyone is a reader, some just haven't found their favourite book yet"


The Library is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am. Students can borrow on their class borrowing day, at 2nd break and before school on these days. They must bring their red Library Bag. Library bags are available through the Uniform Shop for $13.00.



Other Reports

Student Services

At Beerwah, the Student Services team meets every second week to discuss how best to support our students’ learning and support needs.  Sometimes students’ needs are identified on enrolment or through our moderation process and other times individual student needs are identified by teachers.

Classroom teachers may discuss student needs with parents and carers and if necessary a referral will be made to the Student Services team.  If this is necessary, a green permission form will be sent home, explaining the process and we encourage you to complete the questionnaire on the rear of the form to help us to understand the needs of your student more clearly.

Our team are currently running an intervention program focussing on supporting students requiring additional support in the areas of phonemic awareness and phonics.

Sports Report

If you have any questions with regards to sport, please phone Ms Murphy at the school on 5436 5555 or email

Janelle Murphy (HPE Teacher)



I’d like to thank staff and parents who assisted to make the Sports Day a great success. 


Winning House:

1st Place – Stanley

2nd Place – Mellum

3rd Place -  Coochin

4th Place -  Bluegum

                                                                9-12 Year Champions

                                              Age Champion                                   Runner Up

9 Year Boys                         Levi                                                    Arlo 

9 Year Girls                         Storm                                               Edwina 

10 Year Boys                      Chayse                                             Davis 

10 Year Girls                       Piper                                                Kitana 

11 Year Boys                      Alby & Seb                                       Xander B

11 Year Girls                       Tahlia R                                           Ruby 

12 Year Boys                      Rory                                                 Hayden 

12 Year Girls                       Latisha                                            Aila 

Sports Day

Weekly Focus & Student of the Week/Month

School Community

P&C Report


This week we held our first meeting for term 3 on Wednesday 19 July.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 August at 6:00pm in the school library. We always welcome new members to join. Fresh ideas and ways of working are always welcome.

The position of Treasurer has been vacated. The P & C would like to thank Sharon for all her hard work and commitment to the position. As this position is now vacant, nominations are open and will be considered at the next general meeting to be held on Wednesday 16 August at 6:00pm. 


This term we are asking for volunteers for tuckshop from each class on a weekly schedule. You would have received a letter home with the dates/weeks assigned to each class last term. If you have spare time on a day that is allocated to your students class or any Friday morning, we would love to have extra hands in the tuckshop. Our tuckshop is run purely by volunteers.

We will be offering tuckshop vouchers for families who are able to volunteer in the tuckshop. This will support you to purchase tuckshop for your student when you have completed volunteering in the tuckshop.

If you want to find out more about how you can volunteer, please email p& or connect through our Facebook page.

All students who attend out of school hour events to volunteer will receive their volunteer superstar badge at the following week's assembly.


Volunteering connects you with others

If you’re feeling lonely, isolated, or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering in your local community is an important – and often fun – way to meet new people. In fact, one of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together, and volunteering lets you do just that. Volunteering is an important and interesting way to meet people who you might not normally connect with: people from different age groups, ethnicities or social groups. Because volunteering is open to everyone, it allows you to meet a wide variety of people from all sorts of walks of life, something that can only open your eyes further.

Don’t forget: the P&C Association is an approved volunteer organization with Centrelink (Services Australia) so if you need to complete volunteering hours, the school is a great option. This can be extended to grandparents and other friends; they will need to apply for a Blue Card to volunteer in the school which is an easy process we can assist with. Contact us by email and we can arrange to work out how we can help each other.


Facebook is our main form of contact so please follow us and keep an eye out for updates.

If you see one of our updates, please share with your friends. We aim to share a weekly overview each week of what is happening in the school community.

We’ll also update you on the Tuckshop or Uniform shop, it’s the easiest form of contact so please keep following.

Just find our page and like us to start following. BSS P&C Facebook page



A HUGE thankyou to the Lions Club who generously supported our school community by cooking the BBQ at sports day this year. Their contributions and support is what we love about this wonderful community.

Thank you also to all our volunteers and home bakers who supported the P & C on sports day. The success of these events cannot happen without volunteers to coordinate the catering.


This term we will have our Father’s Day raffle. Keep an eye out for further details as the term progresses.


The best way to order for the book club is online at all books are delivered to the school and distributed to each child. If you would prefer to order as gifts, ensure you select that option and your items will be available for collection from the office. The due date for orders is always stamped on the front of the brochure so don’t miss out! An extra bonus is that the school receives 15% of all order values to purchase books for our library. Books are such a wonderful addition to any child’s life and there are some amazing prices in the book club.


This term we have some great seasonal additions to the menu for the cooler months. We intend to make small changes to the menu each term to align with the seasons.

Look out for some exciting meal deals this term too - there will be colours and decorations to theme the tuckshop - and who knows, there might be some dress-ups involved!! We love trying out new ideas and seeing the children get excited about food, come along to join us each Friday morning, just a few minutes can be a great help - it's a fun way to become involved with your school and meet some other parents.

We will be offering tuckshop vouchers for families who are able to volunteer in the tuckshop. This will support you to purchase tuckshop for your student when you have completed volunteering in the tuckshop.

Don't forget, tuckshop ordering is preferred on Qkr! and must be placed before 7.30am each Friday morning. Any cash orders must be placed by 3:00 pm the afternoon before tuckshop. If you require support to set up a Qkr! Account, please contact the P & C via email or Facebook and we will happily support you to complete this. Qkr! Is available on your preferred app store as well as accessible through a browser on computers, tablets and mobile phones. Set up your Qkr! Account by following this link:

Any enquiries please contact: p&

Thank you for the parents and carers who were able to complete the survey at parent teacher interviews in week one. We had some great ideas regarding red food day items to plan for.

As per feedback, many families are able to donate grocery items to support tuckshop. This term a list of non-perishable items will be sent home for families to consider if they can contribute to tuckshop stocks. Keep an eye out for the list and associated notifications.


As the weather cools down, now is the perfect time to restock your child's winter school clothes. Jumpers, jackets and limited long pants are available from our school's uniform shop.  

The uniform shop will open each Wednesday afternoon 2.30-3.00pm, or at other times by appointment. 

The best way to order uniforms is ONLINE via Qkr! It’s quick & easy & there are no transaction fees 

Alternatively, an order form can be collected from the Office. Items will then be sent home with the student or can be collected from the Office.  

To ensure orders are processed quickly, once you have placed an online order, please send your details to p& 

Click here to Order Uniforms Online 

Click here to download the Uniform Shop Order Form


Did you know that Qkr! Can be accessed from any web browser? If you prefer to use a computer or tablet or unable to download the app, simply go to and set up your Qkr! account to access school payments, uniform shop, and tuckshop ordering.  

Kandoo Joeys' Playgroup


This month is Physical Play month at Kandoo Joeys Playgroup. Physical play is essential for children’s growth and development and significantly influences their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Physical play also dramatically strengthens the bond you share with your child. This week we also celebrate the history and culture of First Nations People during NAIDOC week. The theme this year is “For Our Elders”. Our children played the traditional Indigenous game chuboo chuboo, read the traditional Indigenous story ‘Kick With my Left Foot’ written by Paul Seden and Ilustrated by Karen Briggs. The children joined in pretending they were pulling up their socks and putting on their boots. They enjoyed painting, balancing, kicking, throwing and catching. They then sang along to the Hokey Pokey song while learning about their left and right side.

Kandoo Joeys is open to all families with before-school-aged children and runs every Wednesday from 9.00am-11.00am in J Block, next to the Admin Block. Bring along a hat and some morning tea for your little one and come and join in the fun and social connections as your children learn through play at Kandoo Joeys Playgroup.

For more information contact Linda Merwood at



As always Beerwah State School are participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge in 2023!

The Premier's Reading Challenge is not a competition but a way to encourage students to develop a love of reading for life. Through the challenge students are given an opportunity to develop their appreciation of the English language, and additional languages, and are encouraged to explore and enjoy a wide range of literary texts.

Students who complete the challenge have their efforts recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland.

The reading period has commenced and will continue until the 25th of August. So let’s get reading!

Helping Hands OHSC

Welcome to all our new and returning families.  Miss Ellie, Miss Erin and myself are so glad to have all our families back.  I hope you are all well. This term we welcome Miss Caroline and Miss Erin. Yes, two Miss Erin's!

The school holidays over at GCC were a hit with very exciting incursions and excursions. The children caught up with their friends during some amazing play experiences.

This term one of our themes is a community jigsaw puzzle. The children are showing a great interest, bringing us together to achieve the same outcome. We have also started a visual arts theme, engaging in mixed media, sand art, and mindfulness pieces reflecting our children’s emotional identities.

Helping Hands provides quality before and after school care. This service forms strong, collaborative ties with the school, children, families, and the local community; to ensure the needs and interests of every child and family are supported. We provide an environment in which children feel safe and have fun. Afternoon tea is included.

We are located in D Block which is next to the Senior oval. For the children’s safety it is a requirement that you park in the allocated staff car park and use the footpaths to walk to and from the Centre. The car park will be open in the morning 6:30 to 7:30 and afternoon 5:00 to 6:00. Outside of these times, you will need to use the normal school carpark located on Old Gympie Rd. Children must be supervised at all times by an adult.

If you have any questions please phone Helping Hands Co-ordinator Sharon on: 0448 083 043, or click on the link below.

Strategies to support anxious children

Given the ongoing COVID issues/ implications and other stressors on families, it seems timely to share this helpful website from Beyond Blue:

The 10 practical ideas are aimed at children aged 6 to 12 years. Please consider the 9th strategy which involves an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. This free program which was developed at the University of Queensland, has programs for a range of ages and parents:

Andrew Graham (Guidance Officer)

Community Information


Looking for a fun and healthy activity the whole family can get into? Rhee Taekwondo is more than your average activity. You can get fit and healthy, learn effective self defence and develop self discipline & perseverance, all while having fun.Classes are taught by Instructor Nathan Arrowsmith, who has been personally appointed byWorld Master Rhee, the founder of Taekwondo in Australia.Values such as respect, honesty, integrity, perseverance and self discipline are the foundation of our classes. The many physical benefits of Rhee Taekwondo include increased strength, flexibility, focus, balance, coordination and stamina.The fun happens at 3.30pm every Monday & Wednesday at Beerwah State Primary School hall, and is open to all ages 5 years and over. Come along for an UNLIMITED FREE TRIAL.SPECIAL OFFER: Join in May and get a FREE UNIFORM valued at $80.Phone Instructor Nathan on 0419 496 160 or visit for more information.


Positive Partnerships

This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment through the Helping Children with Autism package. It works together with parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum to provide current, relevant and evidence informed information through workshops and online resources.

Click here to visit Positive Partnerships website

Management of Young Children Program

Concerns regarding young children with difficult and defiant behaviours? The Management of Young Children Program (MYCP) is available to support you.

The MYCP is supported by Beerwah and Landsborough State Schools (therefore no cost for these families) and is a practical and individualised behaviour support program for parents and carers of young children aged 2½ to 7 years and their families. It is a well-established and evidence based early intervention program targeting children who display defiant or oppositional behaviour with the aim of reducing such problematic behaviours in primary school and beyond.

For more information or interest in participating in the program, please see the school website link or contact the Landsborough State School office 5436 2777.

Other Information

Skoolbag App

Our School has our own Skoolbag iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our school Parent/Student community. Download the Skoolbag App to receive short messages, reminders and alerts. Parents will also be able to use eForms for absentee notes and change of details.

Click here to visit Skoolbag website

Skoolbag app instructions


Take advantage of the QParents payments function to pay your invoices by simply logging in and paying online at any time.

If you have not registered for QParents yet, please email or call into the school office to collect the registration information. Over time, QParents will become an integral part of how we communicate with parents. Get on board now to enjoy the ease and convenience that QParents offers. More features will become available in the future.

For more information visit the website at Please email with any queries regarding QParent registration.

Microsoft Office

You can install a complete version of the latest Microsoft Office on up to five compatible PCs and Macs, five tablets and five smartphones. Your Office subscription lasts for as long as your child is a state school student.

Ask your child to follow these simple steps to get Office: For PC and Mac, visit, login using your school email address, click through to install and follow the onscreen process. For tablets and smartphones, download from your app store and sign in with your school email address.

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Mac

Beerwah Contact Details