Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 3. It’s been so lovely to have conversations with students about all the exciting things they did on holidays! We have had a very smooth and settled start back to school. As I am conducting my daily class visits, I am seeing classes engaged in their learning and focused on improving their learning outcomes.
As it is still quite chilly, can I remind all parents/carers that students need to be in school uniform. If you are unable to purchase a school jacket/jumper, through the Uniform Shop, please ensure that the jacket/jumper your child is wearing is black. Please refer to our school website for more details around school uniform.
If anyone is having trouble obtaining a black jacket/jumper, please let the school know. I don’t want anyone being cold throughout the day!
I am also concerned about some of our girls wearing short bike pants instead of the required school culottes, dresses or pants. This does not look good, especially when a long jumper is worn over the top and does not portray a good image of our school to the community. Please ensure your children are wearing the correct uniform.
It was great to formally welcome our new Adopt A Cop, Tim Jessup on Assembly last week. Tim is based at the Beerwah Police Station and will be working with various classes and student groups throughout the year, talking about road safety, cyber safety, stranger danger and a range of other very important topics to keep our students happy and safe.
Our School Concert will be held on Wednesday 6th September at 6:00pm where all of our classes and ensembles will be performing. More information about the concert and the purchasing of tickets will be sent out over the next few weeks.
In the last 3 weeks of Term 2, 11 Year 5/6 Beerwah girls participated in the Glasshouse district Term 2 Inter-school Sport Division B Netball held at Glasshouse Mountains SS.
The team had very little experience at the beginning, and showed great development, especially in their skills and team work over the 3 weeks of friendly competition.
The girls played a total of 11 games with 6 wins and 5 losses, and finished in 5th place overall winning their last game 7-5 against St Michael’s.
Well done to the following students who had a go and learnt a new skill/sport - which is the essence off Inter school sporting competition: Lillian, Piper, Aylah, Aila, Holly, Adel,, Annabelle, Wynter, Shanay, Victoria, Paige and Kalinda.
Special thanks goes to Mr Ganley, Ms Murphy and all of the parents who coached and supported the team and transported students.
We held our annual Athletics Carnival yesterday. It was wonderful to see our students participating in so many events and be willing to try new skills. The day was very successful!
Congratulations to all the place winners and students who qualified for District Athletics. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended to support their children. Thanks to the Lions Club and P&C for all their hard work with food and drinks on the day, and a special thank you to Janelle Murphy who co-ordinated the entire event.
Last week in class students celebrated NAIDOC week by participating in a variety of activities and learning about First Nations and Torres Strait Islander culture. NAIDOC Week occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians all over the country and overseas. Thank you to Lyn Bourke who coordinated this event across the school.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Scott Bowden