
19th June 2024

Dates For Your Diary!

1 JulyWhole School Assembly 11:30am
3 JulySemester 1 Reports distributed
Week 1095% Attendance Principal's Morning Tea
5 July Last day of Term 2
23 JulyFirst day of Term 3
6 August3 - 6 Athletics Carnival
*Dates subject to change. Please ensure you regularly check for updates.

What's Due?

Activity AttendeesPayment and Permission Due Date 
School Fees All Years

*OVERDUE* - Friday 10th May

Sportspro Sports Program Term 2All Years *OVERDUE* - Wednesday 8th May
Telopea PS Term 2-3 Clubs Consent Form (Digital via School Bytes)All Years Friday 31st May

From the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity as we come to the end of Semester 1 to thank our teaching staff for their dedication and commitment to excellence for every student at our school. We have much to celebrate this semester with most students achieving their personal learning goals and having a lot of fun in the process. Teachers are currently finalising Semester 1 reports. These reports are designed to communicate detailed information about your child's learning and progress in all Key Learning Areas, using the NSW Department of Education's prescribed scale of achievement. Students who are working at the level they should be for their year will receive a S-Sound. Semester 1 Reports will be sent home on Wednesday 3rd July. 

Student Behaviour

During 2024, all schools in NSW will work to update their Behaviour Support and Management Plans. In coming weeks, during professional learning time, the staff at Telopea will work on refinement of our Behaviour Support and Management Plan focussing on clearly defining our school-wide behaviour expectations, how we acknowledge and reward positive student behaviour and how we plan to respond to behaviours of concern. There will be opportunity for community consultation in this review during Semester 2. 

A reminder to parents and carers that your first point of contact for behaviour concerns is the classroom teacher. School issues are always best dealt with at school, rather than on parent chat forums. 

Staffing News

At the end of Week 9 Mrs Hickey, our EAL/D teacher will be finishing up at Telopea Public School. She has only been with us for a short time but has had great impact supporting our students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect. I would like to thank her for the work she has done for the children at Telopea and wish her and her family all the best with their move. I am in the process of recruiting a replacement teacher for Semester 2. 

Explicit Teaching

This term, our staff continue to work during professional learning time on improving teaching and learning using explicit teaching. This is a focus for the NSW Department of Education in the new Plan for Public Education and has been a key feature of our success here at Telopea for many years. We are working with a network of schools across the state, called the “EAST schools” to lead in this area with a particular focus on the development of evidence-based units of work in Mathematics. Late last term I had the opportunity to meet Murat Dizdar, the secretary of the Department of Education, along with the principals from the EAST network to speak about the work we are doing. Following this, there has been some very positive responses in the media with some articles listed here: 

NSW education: doubled its NAPLAN high achievers. Now its techniques are spreading ( 

Go EAST as classrooms embrace explicit teaching ( 

Earlier this term, Mrs Vasilareas and Ms Michie had the opportunity to visit Blue Haven Public School to view explicit teaching in action. They came back with lots of ideas for us to use here at Telopea. We have seen positive impact of this approach in our preliminary NAPLAN results data for 2024. NAPLAN results for parents are expected to arrive early in Term 3.  

Mrs Erin Dooley

Principal (Relieving)

Kindergarten 2025 Enrolments Now Open

If you have a child starting Kindy in 2025, enrolment applications are now open. Enrolments can be made online via our school website: or you can collect an enrolment form from the school office. 

Unexplained Absences

You may have received recent communication regarding unexplained absences. Could you kindly update reason for absence via the School Bytes parent portal or email the school. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Book Club

Book Club Issue 4 - Due: 21 June 2024

There are now 2 easy ways to pay: CREDIT CARD (LOOP) or CREDIT VOUCHER.

Cash payments will no longer be available.


1.    Simply grab your child’s Book Club catalogue and either sign in or register your account on or download the LOOP app.

2.    Click on ORDER and then select your school and your child’s class.

3.    Add your child’s first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)

4.    Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue.

5.    All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic. Books will still be delivered to your child’s classroom if you order by the close date.

6.    Afterwards, there’s no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!


If paying with a credit voucher, please enter details on LOOP when placing your order online.

All purchases made help the school earn REWARD POINTS which allows us to purchase new resources for the library.  

Water Safety Presentation

Today students were given a water safety presentation by The Royal Life Saving. Students learnt to identify and minimize water safety hazards around the home and in various aquatic environments in a fun and interactive learning experience. 

School Bytes Parent Portal

School Bytes is our student management system. 

School Bytes allows for a simplified finance system for both you and the school as well as provide access to online payments, statements of account, digital permission notes and attendance information.

Please follow this link or scan the QR Code on the following page to register;

Important Reminders


A reminder that if you have made arrangements for someone to collect your child/ren that is outside of your normal arrangements, please ensure that you have notified the office so we are aware and can let other staff members know in a timely manner.  This applies to leaving early and for the end of the day. 


A reminder to all students and parents that entry to the School is via the Pedestrian gate on Chestnut Ave located near Block D. This is for everyone's safety. If you require disabled access there are two entry points into the school via the ramp into the school office and via the gate on the corner of Sturt and Manson Streets. 


On occasion important notes will be sent home. Please ensure you remember to check your child's bag each day.


Here at TPS we enjoy celebrating student’s birthdays. You are most welcome to bring in something to celebrate but we ask that individual store bought small bite size cupcakes or individually wrapped sweets are brought in to school as this makes it easier for the students to eat. A large cake makes it difficult to distribute to their classmates. 


There are a number of items in the Lost Property box which do not have names on them. If your child is missing an item, please check this box which is located in the D Block breezeway.


Please ensure that your contact details are up to date. It is important that the School be able to contact you in case of your child being ill, a child not being collected from school or in case of emergency etc. If your family circumstances change, please also provide the school with any updated documentation. 

You can notify the school of any changes or updates via written confirmation or complete the template form located in the office foyer. 


If you require your child to carry a mobile phone/device, you will be required to complete a permission note (please see the school office if you require this note). Student mobile phones/device are to be turned off and handed to the school office during school hours in the morning. Mobile phones/devices will be returned to the students at the end of each day. 

Schools as a Community Centre

Hi TPS and Telopea SaCC communities,

Telopea Public School Choir

Miss Emma, Mrs Moutzouris and I would like to send a big shout out to the students who have joined the TPS Choir. We have a group of approximately 20 students whose skill and development are progressing steadily.We appreciate the students commitment to choir and sacrificing Monday lunch time to represent our beautiful school. Your commitment will be rewarded at the end of term when we will enjoy a Pizza Party Lunch. 

PARENTS and FAMILIES Our debut performance will coincide with the Whole School Assembly Monday 1st July. We would like to you encourage your attendance to support our choir build confidence and acknowledge their representation of Telopea Public School.

Youth Active Day Thursday 4th July 3:00-5:00pm Sturt Park...Registrations are open for this popular event. Register now to save your spot. There will be sport activities, information stalls and a BBQ. Come and join Pip for friendship band beading and scoubidou plastic string weaving. All FREE!

Please call or email if you would like to chat with Pip about any programs.


Phillipa (Pip) Martins


Telopea 'Schools as Community Centres' (SaCC) Project

C/- Telopea Public School

Chestnut Ave

Telopea NSW 2117

Ph: (02)9898 3448



Community Notices

Junior Girls 7s Rugby

Valley Vikings are seeking girls to help fill our teams for the upcoming Sariah Paki 7s tournament. If you are aged between 10 and 13 and are wanting to be part of a family friendly, fun and rewarding team, please send us a message. 

All abilities welcome.

New and returning players welcome

Qualified coaching staff

Registration covers insurance & uniforms

Training Thursdays from 5pm

Cox Park, Evans Rd Carlingford