Northern Round Up

Term 3 Week 10 - 2024

School News

What a wonderful term of learning!!

As Term 3 draws to a close we want to thank each and every student, staff member and member of the community for their hard work and dedication this term. The term has been busy, and we have seen our students achieve some wonderful things.

For those members of the school community that are travelling these holidays we wish you a safe and successful break. We look forward to another amazing term of learning for our final term of 2024.

Students will all return to North on Monday 14 October 2024.  

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Fun!!!

Mary Poppins was one of the most fun things I've ever done no matter if I was on stage or waiting in the wings. When I was in the wings waiting to go on I would mime the people singing on stage with my friends. It was so fun! I could bring in board games and have chats with my friends. But the most fun thing was learning how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and learn the actions which was very hard! I loved performing on stage. I didn't care that I was just in an ensemble. I was having fun! Well now that's over and I'm in frozen. I auditioned for the main part of young Anna and would you believe it I got it! This was really fun for me and I hope it is for you.

By Maisy

Kindergarten Orientation 2025

As the term draws to a close, the school begins to move towards our 2025 new student intake. Our new 2025 Kindergarten will commence their orientation program on Wednesday 30 October, the third week of term 4.

Additional dates for orientation will be held on:

  • Wednesday 6 November (Term 4 Week 4)
  • Thursday 14 November (Term 4 Week 5)
  • Thursday 21 November (Term 4 Week 6)

We anticipate a much larger Kindergarten in 2025 than this year. We look forward to working with the new students and seeing the progress they make throughout 2025.

Please pass on details to any families that you know who are looking at starting school in 2025. Orientation is an exciting opportunity to begin to learn about 'Big School', so we do not want anyone to miss out on the fun. 

Student Leader Program

Our Student Leadership Program is currently being revised for 2025. The initial outline was shared int he previous edition of the Northern Round Up. The new program will include the following:

  • The formation of a School Parliament, which will increase student voice in school programs and initiatives.
  • Our Ministers will be paired with a staff mentor. The two will be involved with developing the portfolio which will increase opportunities for our students to show leadership qualities and be guided by staff in the various portfolios. The portfolios will be related to staff programs and interested eg. Minister for Sport and Recreation working with Miss Franchi.
  • Students in middle classes will elect Members of Parliament. These members will attend parliament and represent the views of their class. As they did in the former SRC program.
  • Ministers will be provided the opportunity to attend the GRIP Leadership conference in the ACT as a special excursion to broaden their knowledge in student leadership.
  • Ministers will also attend a personal excursion to Parliament House in Canberra to experience what parliaments are like. This has not been done in the past.
  • School Ministers will be inducted at Presentation Day towards the end of Term 4.

New School Leadership Program commencing in 2025!!

Our 2025 draft Ministers are as follows:



Captain in Term 1 

Draft responsibilities:
    • Supervision of toilets and general health habits of the students.  
    • A check is kept of the supply of soap and toilet paper.  
    • Monitoring of student’s behaviour at toilet and canteen areas. 

    • Monitoring the tidiness of classrooms and distribution of the ‘Classroom Tidiness’ Award.  

    • Strong liaison with School Canteen Committee.  



Captain in Term 1 

  • Distribution of notices throughout the school.  

    Collection of work samples for inclusion in newsletter, helping with displays in Foyer/Library.  

  • Assist with the continued development of the school intranet site, and the online news program.  

  • Liaise with the Computer Coordinator and Publicity Committee.  



Captain in Term 2 

  • Setting up Assemblies and Parliament.  

  • Daily flying of the Flags. 

  • Setting up the PA system and organising National Anthem.  

  • Involved with Education Week processes. 

  • Distribute Stage Awards at Assembly.  



Captain in Term 2 

  • Areas of responsibility lies in assisting with activities such as school socials, casual days, talent quests and charity fund raising.  

  • Involvement in all school events. 

  • Assisting with the organisation for the Year 6 Farewell.   



Captain in Term 3 

  • Responsible for communicating the needs and recommendations of Parliament to the sports organisers.  

  • Organiser of free time competitions such as hand tennis and other break time activities.  

  • Responsible for sports storeroom and delivery of sports equipment to classes.  

  • Works closely with the House Captains at Whole School Sporting Events. 



Captain in Term 3  

  • Responsible for general ground tidiness (SCRAP program) and the watering of newly planted trees.  

  • Encourage recycling programs, energy conservation.  

  • Large contribution toward keeping playground tidy, checking of playground areas and reporting back to parliament of the state of each area.  

  • Possible Playground Tidiness Award at Assemblies. 

  • Maintaining bike area.  



Captain in Term 4 

  • Involvement with PBL committee. 

  • Weekly changing of the School Focus Rule in various locations along with the ‘Grow a Strength’ from Grow Your Mind, posters. 



Captain in Term 4 

  • Working with the K-2 Coordinators and class teachers to support the needs of the K-2 classes at school. 

  • Involved with K-2 sport programs and K-2 excursion support. 

  • Represents the voice of the K-2 students at parliament. 


Stationery Needs - Term 4

As we move into Term 4, we are changing our current stance on stationery needs of our students. All students will be asked to supply their own basic stationery needs at school. The need for students to take some ownership and responsibility in this area has increased over the years. We are hoping that this sense of ownership over the supply will lead to our students taking great care with their supplies. Part of this plan will be that equipment will be sent home each Friday. This will allow our community to review your children's current equipment levels and resupply as needed.

The school has created this list based on basic Kmart resources. This ensures it is accessible and fairly low in cost. You do have the flexibility of adjusting the brands and exact purchases based on what is available and meets the needs of the list. 

The cost of a K-3 stationery supply is roughly $13, whilst a 4-6 stationery supply is slightly higher at around $17.

The school will continue to have a small supply to help with meeting the needs of those student who forget their pencil case or who are unable to purchase the required equipment.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your child's classroom teacher or team leader.

Stationery Lists - From Term 4 2024

Stationery Lists for K-3 and 4-6.
Please note Kmart prices are attached, however you may purchase the supplies from any vendor. This was provided to give you an idea of costings.

Weekly Round Ups

Term 3 Week 6

Week 6 was another amazing week. Week 6 was also SAS Recognition Week. We recognise the super star efforts of all the support workers at North. This includes our office staff. Mrs Flint has now also been recognised for 30 years of service.

Class Amber love their cooking and this week the class made delicious cookies, smoothies and even play dough. Check out their great designs on YouTube.

The end of this busy week, was our Father's Day BBQ Breakfast. We wanted to say a great big "Thank You!" to our fathers, uncles, grandfathers and the special people for our students. 

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Week 7

Week 7 was another busy busy week. Our students in Kindergarten and Years 5 and 6 went to the GPAC and performed in the Drama Festival. Our school was the only school to have Kindergarten and Year 1 performers and they were brilliant!

Miss Woodberry has adjusted her regular programs to come and help with our Northern Lights Classes. She has started some amazing things to support the students of Amber and Opal. We look forward to seeing what amazing things our students do at North each day.

Week 6 was SAS Week and we shared some of these amazing workers in Week 6. However, it is difficult to catch all of them together as they all work on different days. This week we captured some of the other amazing workers at North.

National Indigenous Literacy Week was this week. Some classes watched the live streaming event held at the Sydney Opera House. The short films were an amazing highlight and our students really enjoyed the experience.

Our senior students have been buddying up with our junior students. This has led to sport sessions and buddy reading programs. Our junior students really bond with the senior students who adore their amazing senior students.

Some of our super athletes went to the Regional Athletics Carnival. Eli went so well he came first in high jump! He may now be off to state to represent our region! Our students went and performed brilliantly we are so proud of their efforts.

Term 3 Week 7

Term 3 Week 8

Week 8 arrives and our students finalise their work on the Check In Assessment. Ms Caffery and Mrs Cameron did an awesome job of coordinating this years testing. Our students have once again risen to the challenge and the results will reflect their efforts and assist staff with honing the program s that are being delivered.

Class Sapphire created some wonderful birds eye floor plans for numeracy. Such a fun way to learn and experience the wonders of Mathematics.

Amber and Opal got out our Lego Spike kits. This great learning platform which has coding was enjoyed by all students in both classes.

Our Stage 3 students departed North for Berry. They experienced Archery, Rock Climbing, Rafting, night games and so much more. All students were well behaved and had a great time.  

Term 3 Week 8

Term 3 Week 9

Our Week 9 was a little quieter than other weeks. However, this did not stop the amazing fun that was had throughout the week. 

Talk Like A Pirate Day was the highlight of the week. Our students enjoyed the opportunity to come dressed up as a pirate. The day was filled with pirate theme activities and fun. We did not have the chance this year to 'walk the plank!' and we were disappointed that we were not able to do this. However all classes did some great fun things to celebrate this annual event.

Class Fluorite continued their amazing work in the wonders of Science. They learned about the chemical reactions had by combining various substances together. These then produced gas that caused a clip lock to expand and in some cases explode. A short film of this can be found on FaceBook of this great learning experience.

Our Northern Lights students have been learning through cooking. This week they made their own pizza dough and then created their own amazing pizzas with this dough. The pizzas were delicious and our students loved learning through this medium. We wonder what they will cook next!!

Term 3 Week 9

Term 3 Week 10

Our final week of Term 3 has arrived! After a long term of amazing learning our students enjoy the chance to celebrate together!!

Our week commenced with students wearing their favourite football teams colours. This involved some delicious food being served at the canteen. Our students enjoyed the wonderful hot dogs and hamburgers on this day.

Class Onyx have had a wonderful time learning all about 3D shapes. They have produced some great 3D artworks and made several items with play doh. 

Our Northern Lights students have been conducting a range of amazing bus adventures. This week, the students enjoyed seeing an echidna on their trip. Such a great source of information for writing and research. 

Our final week of term saw many classes having their 4M day. They celebrated the achievements of the term with mufti clothing, munchies, Me Time and Movies!! Class Sapphire enjoyed the activities greatly as this was their first 4M day with Mrs Bensley.

Topaz had a full week with their Bake Off!! The cakes created were judged fairly by the teachers. They looked at taste, look and texture. Such a great way to end the term. We have some amazing cooks at North! Topaz also shared their superb work on Nature Disasters. Some of these have some short films that can be watched on Facebook. Amazing effort by all.

100 of our students also went to the theatre to watch some local students plays. Our very own Zoe's performance was shared when we went. What an amazing talent we have here in Goulburn. Whilst we enjoyed every play we saw, we do need to highlight our very own Zoe. Her play even had a small musical number. Loved the theme of equality for all teeth!! Well done Zoe.

Term 3 Week 10

Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun!

Get your Colour on, Goulburn North PS is hosting a Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun!

Our Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun will be held on December 4th, 2024.

Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun, students can also order up to a total of 5 prizes based on their donations received. They can even mix and match! Don’t want the prizes, donate your donations to one of the five causes – Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting or turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) or OzHarvest (providing meals).

Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes. The cut off date for fundraising has been moved to the end of Week 3, Term 4.

Extra Incentives to Fundraise!

«  Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.

«  Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.

«  $10,000 Budget Booster Bonanza Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student

«  Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2024.

«  A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!

For more information, please contact Miss Martin or Ms Caffery on 4821 3838.

Attendance at School Matters...

School Assembly - Term 4 Dates

Term 4 assemblies for 2024.

We would love to share our Whole School Assemblies with our community. Save the dates below and come along and share in these treasured occasions.

Assemblies in Term 4 will be held on the following date:

  • Friday 8 November, commencing at 12.45pm
  • Presentation Day - Wednesday 11 December, GCOPS commencing at 4.30pm 

School Calendar Events - Term 4 2024

Whilst we aim to be accurate with the details below, there are times when we are required to adjust times and dates to match whole school events. Audiri posts and Facebook notifications are generally better at providing the best information regarding the school calendar.

Week 1

14 October - 20 October

  • Monday 14 October - First Day for Students at North

Week 2

21 October - 27 October

  • Thursday 24 October - Ride 2 Work Day

Week 3

28 October - 3 November

  • Wednesday 30 October - Kindergarten Orientation Day 1
  • Thursday 31 October - Halloween
  • Friday 1 November - Australian Teachers Day

Week 4

4 November - 10 November

  • Wednesday 6 November - Kinder Orientation Day 2
  • Friday 8 November - Whole School Assembly

Week 5

11 November - 17 November

  • Monday 11 November - Remembrance Day Service at 10.45am
  • Tuesday 12 November - K-2 Raiders Tag Gala Day
  • Wednesday 13 November - National Kindness Day
  • Wednesday 13 November - K-2 Canberra Excursion
  • Wednesday 13 November - School Captains and Vice Captains Mayoral Reception at 4.15pm
  • Thursday 14 November - Kinder Orientation Day 3

Week 6

18 November - 24 November

  • Thursday 21 November - Kinder Orientation Day 4

Week 7

25 November - 1 December

  • TBA

Week 8

2 December - 8 December

  • Tuesday 3 December - Goulburn HS Orientation Day
  • Wednesday 4 December - Colour Fun Run
  • Thursday 5 December - Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea

Week 9

9 December - 15 December

  • Monday 9 December - Back to the Arcade Year 6 Fun Day
  • Wednesday 11 December - Presentation Evening - GCOPS 4.30pm

Week 10

16 December to December 20

  • Monday 16 December - Year 6 Farewell
  • Wednesday 18 December - Water Fun Day 2024
  • Wednesday 18 December - Last day for students for 2024!!!

Save the Dates:

Fireworks Festival 2025

Saturday 10 May 2025

Save the date now for 2025. Can't wait to share the new look and feel event.

North Support Resources

Our New Rules/Expectations 2024

Please click on the link to learn about our new set of School Rules/Expectations. This commenced across the school from Day 1 of Term 1 2024. You are more than welcome to ask the school office for a copy of these document to share and discuss with your children at home.

School Contact Guide

There are many times that you may need to contact the school to discuss things. The best contact to start this process is your child's Classroom Teacher and your child's Team Leader. The guide enclosed is a digital copy of the paper copy sent home at the commencement of term. This guide will be frequently updated with names of new staff and staff associated with your child's stage of learning. 

Please contact the school by either calling or email, outline your needs and we will ensure that the right member of staff is passed on the details so they can connect directly with you.


NSW Behaviour Code for Students

Please find attached a copy of the NSW Behaviour Code for Students. Our current focus for the remainder of Term 4 is reducing 'Inappropriate Language' at school. This code outlines student expectation in being respectful to others and speaking courteously. 

GNPS Mobile Phone Policy and Guidelines

Our guidelines for Student Mobile Phone and Portable Devices at GNPS.

School Community Charter

The following School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. 
Feel free to download and read at your leisure. 

Mental Health Service and Support

The school has had a recent number of students that have been experiencing some difficulty and have required to access the support of CAMHS. The school is currently working with the 'Be You' team to seek additional support and services in this space. We are here to help as best we can, we would ideally like to work proactively with our community. If you would like to discuss anything to do with your children, please reach out and contact the school. We are more than happy to provide whatever support we can.

The 'BeYou' Team have provided the following information for places where you can also seek support for yourself or your children.


Around the area...

Canteen Update

Canteen News

The canteen is open weekly this year on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and if anyone is interested in helping out in the canteen to please contact Sharon, our canteen manager on 0428 259 791. 

Kind Regards


Current Canteen Menu

Please find attached the current menu. Orders can be sent to school or placed via the QKR app.

Please remember to...

SkoolBag App