We have all been very grateful that we have been able to enjoy some beautiful sunshine over the past two weeks. It certainly lifts the moods and energy levels of our students and staff. It is a timely reminder to make sure that your child has a hat in their bag. Students are required to wear hats if the UV is predicted to be over 3 each day. Classes check the predicted rating as part of their morning routine.
We are all very excited about book week next week. Staff have been busily preparing their costumes and are looking forward to seeing all of the student creations this year. Our book week parade is held in the Early Years courtyard (weather permitting) at 9am on Monday August 19. All are welcome to attend. The library helpers will also be selling book week raffle tickets at the parade and during the week. Please see Audiri for further information on this. We will share some photos of our amazing book week dress ups on Audiri for all to enjoy.
Over the next few weeks, you will see a change in the frequency of our newsletters. We will now be sending newsletters in Assembly weeks, and they will be sent on a Friday. This will ensure we can celebrate our award winners in a timelier manner. Our next Assembly is on Friday of week 7 (6.9.24) at 9:05 am, and our newsletter will follow in the afternoon.
Donut Day and Wear Your Sports Colours Day today was a success, with many different sporting teams and codes represented and lots of donuts being enjoyed. The Donut and Sports Colours Day was an initiative of the SRC. A special thanks to Sunny (P14), Charlotte (P7) and Holly (P14) for helping to pack and deliver the donuts. We thank you for your support.
A quick reminder that our kiss and drop parking area is a 2-minute parking space only, and drivers are to remain with their vehicle. We also encourage you to use the school crossing that is supported by SAPOL trained staff and students.
Following our Movie Night Fundraiser, we have ordered a new screen and some AV equipment for our gym. This will be installed later in the term and will be a welcome addition to our school. We thank you for your support and fundraising efforts for our school. Our next fundraiser, the Colour Run is already underway and students are excitedly talking about and making plans for the event. Please connect with your child’s teacher if you would like any further information.
We have begun our initial planning for next year (hard to believe we are that point already), and a form was recently sent on Audiri asking for you to notify us if your child is not planning on returning in 2025. This information is very helpful when planning for appropriate staffing and classroom configurations. We are also currently accepting registrations of interest for enrolment for the 2025 school year. If you have younger children at home, or know other families whose children are ready to begin school, please encourage them to contact the office for more information.