St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday August 6th 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

Dear Families

Each year on the 8th of August we celebrate the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Australia’s beloved first saint and patron saint of Australia. On this day, we celebrate the important role she played in making education accessible for children in our country. Mary MacKillop devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families.

St Mary MacKillop’s impact on Australian education was remarkable.  She was a trailblazer and a leader who passionately advocated for the education of underprivileged children and children in remote areas where others either would or could not go. For such children and their families, Mary opened a door of hope into the future.

“Never see a need without doing something about it.” – St Mary MacKillop
This Feast Day, let’s be Fierce for Fair!

This August, let’s walk in the footsteps of Australia’s most loved Saint. Just like Mary MacKillop, let’s be fierce in the face of adversity. Let’s be fair and act when we see injustice. Let’s give love to those we encounter each day. Together, let’s be Fierce for Fair.

To honour her legacy we invite families to join our Prayer Service in the main school building at 3:00pm on Thursday 8th August.

School Events

Over the last three weeks students from across the school have represented SJB in numerous public events and excursions. Whether it be playing sport, productions, taking transport, incursions or excursions we have repeatedly received feedback from many about how exceptional the students have conducted themselves and represented SJB. Receiving such positive feedback repeatedly is such a wonderful achievement from our students and credit to our dedicated staff who continue to support our students in demonstrating our school expectations. 

Congratulations to all our students and keep up your brilliant work!!

School Closure Day

We ask all families to note in their diaries that Friday 16th August is a school closure day. This term’s Closure Day will be a focus on the MACS Vision for Instruction along with analysis of Student Wellbeing data. We look forward to a productive and engaging day of learning.

Prep 2025 Family Meetings

We are most excited to meet our incoming 2025 Prep families and welcome them to St John the Baptist this week.  Meeting our new families and commencing our partnership with our parents and students ensures that we continue to extend a sense of community and welcome to all. Exciting times ahead.

If there are families who have not yet submitted their 2025 enrolment forms we ask families to do so as we now commence preparations for 2025.

St John the Baptist School Disco this Friday

Exciting times as this Friday we host the annual St John the Baptist School Disco.  Our terrific P & F are busily preparing for a fun evening of dancing.  Tickets may be purchased on entry to the disco. We ask that all families respond to the Operoo form in preparation for the evening.  The Operoo form clearly outlines the expectations for the evening. Our focus is a fun night of dancing for all.

Entry fee $7:00 per child or $12:00 per family

5:30 - 6:30pm Prep - Year 2 

6:45 - 8:15pm Year 3 - 6 

Parent waiting area, coffee and tea available outside 1/2D and 1/2KC classrooms.

Prep Celebration - 100 Days of School

We now look forward to celebrating 100 days of school on Monday August 12th. 

Students may like to dress up as being 100 years old, anything to do with the number 100. A 100 dots, hair clips, stars, pegs, googly eyes are just a few suggestions. 

We can’t wait to see you!!

SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

The students have been busily rehearsing for the SJB School Production of Pirates of the Curry Bean.  With the Production now only 3 weeks away we look forward to seeing our students courageously take to the stage and display their talents. The school production is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience being on stage and we wish them all a fabulous night.

Families still wishing to purchase tickets are encouraged to do so as tickets continue to sell quickly.

Production Update

Hurry up and secure your family's tickets before you miss out! Remaining tickets will be opened up again for extra sales in the near future

Ticket Sales

Video Orders

Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal - Term 3

Recently, our Mini Vinnies Social Justice Team met to discuss the next steps in the SVDP Winter Appeal. There is much enthusiasm now to collect TOILETRIES for those in need. Please consider donating an item from the list below and sending it to school with your child. Each classroom has been allocated a collection box to fill and we hope to pass on these desperately needed donations to Peter and Teresa Finn of the Ferntree Gully Conference. 

You will notice that I have allocated  different categories of toiletries to each class. This is so we may gain a broad selection of items which we hope to package for individuals and families in need. 

However, if you wish to donate an item from another category, please feel free to do so. Simply place it in your child’s classroom donation box. 

Any donation will be gratefully received.


Shampoo / ConditionerYear 5/6D & Year 5/6RD
Deodorants - all typesYear 3/4J & Year 3/4HM
Shaving productsYear 3/4GA & Year 3/4SJ
Hand Soap / body washYear 1/2KC & Year 1/2D

Dental productions

eg toothpaste, toothbrush, floss

Year 1/2JM & Year 1/2B

Hair and nail products

eg brush, comb, elastics, clips,

emery boards, moisturiser

Prep LC & Prep BA

Marialisa Mandarino

Faith in Education Leader

Term 3 Working Bee

We have a working bee scheduled for the 10th August which we will cancel due to us being up to date with maintenance around the school.

There are some individual jobs that are needed so if you wish to contact me if you are able to do one of them at a time that suits you we would really appreciate it. 

(These tasks will contribute towards your attendance at a working bee so that you are able to secure your discount on your fees)

  • Some doors that are difficult to close and some soft close hinges that are not working.  Metal trim loose on bottom concrete step near 34SJ

  • Move the Nappy change table in the Performing Arts store room in the hall into the disabled toilet in the hall, to allow for shelving for the musical instruments  

  • Sleepers near Forest Rd on oval have sharp metal braces that need a safer brace

Canteen Note

Families are asked to please take note that the Canteen will be closed on Wednesday 14th August.  The Tuckshop will reopen on Wednesday 21st August. 

Australian Maths Competition (AMC)

We wish all students participating in the AMC today all the very best. We are exceptionally proud of all students who have chosen to give the competition a go. Congratulations and good luck, you are all stars!!

Year 1/2 Incursion

Last Friday the students in Year 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed engaging in an incursion where they learnt about a variety of wildlife.  The incursion is an opportunity to further enhance the students Biological Science Inquiry unit for term 3.

Building Project Update

Exciting times as the SJB building project is close to commencement.  Last Thursday tender applications for the building project closed.  We were most excited to receive the tender applications.  The applications were a terrific outcome for SJB as we received a number of highly competitive tender applications.  The tender applications will see a wonderful outcome for SJB with the creation of a new learning centre consisting of a new building with 6 classrooms and meeting space.  We will keep families informed in the coming weeks of when the works are due to commence.

We ask families to please be aware that once the building project commences that a number of changes will be required to ensure the building works can proceed smoothly, as well as ensure that child safety is paramount. There will be changes to parking on both Forest Rd & Selman Ave parking areas during the construction period. We will communicate all changes to the community as the building commences.  We ask our community to please be patient and understanding as we make adjustments that in the long term see a wonderful outcome for SJB.

Winter Coughs, Colds, Flu and COVID

We are currently experiencing a high number of students being unwell and additionally some staff being unwell too.  Where we have low numbers we may combine classes to cover absence. For example last week we had one class with 5 children present, the rest were absent. To avoid the spreading of illness we ask families to support their children with understanding practices such as how to wash their hands, place tissues in the bin & cough into their elbow.  We also ask families to keep children who are unwell at home to avoid the spread of illness.

Head Lice

Recently we have been notified of head lice in the school. Families are asked to monitor their children for head lice. Students with long hair should have their hair tied back if possible.

Car Parking

We remind families that parking in the Parish car park is not permitted by families at all times. The Parish car park is strictly for parishioners at all times.  We are exceptionally fortunate to have a number of car parking options available at SJB and request that families utilise these rather than the Parish car park.

Also, please observe the 'Kiss and Drop' zones in the lower carpark, this is a no parking area, please park in the bays.

Prep Fire Safety Education

This Monday we welcomed prep parents, Ben and Andrew, who ran a Fire Education Safety Incursion for the Prep students. The students got to learn all about fire safety including; understanding what an emergency is, the difference between good and bad fires, who our emergency services are and the national emergency number 000. We even got to practice “crawl down low and GO GO GO!”  

The Preps were even tasked with homework! With their families, they are going to choose a Safe Meeting Place in the event of a fire and share their wonderful learning. 

Ben and Andrew, thank you again for making this learning experience both informative and memorable for the students and taking the time out of your days to run this session for our Preps. 

Green Thumbs in Action: Schools Tree Day Planting

On Tuesday, July 30th, and Tuesday, August 6th, our students took part in the Schools Tree Day event by planting indigenous plants on our school grounds. Each student present had the chance to plant a young plant, creating a lasting connection with nature as they watch their plants grow over the years. This initiative not only enriches our school environment but also supports local wildlife in our urban area, contributing to a more vibrant and sustainable community.

A big thank you to the Knox Environment Society for supplying the plants and supporting this wonderful endeavor!


By Scarlett H & Etta R

Wishing everyone a fabulous Week 4.

Kelli Johnston

Term 3 Dates


7th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

8th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

9th - School Assembly - 3/4J

9th - SJB School Disco

10th - Term 3 Working Bee (cancelled, see above notice)

12th - Prep 100 days of School Celebration

14th - Canteen closed

15th - Feast of the Assumption Mass

16th - Year 7 2026 Applications close

16th - School Clsoure Day

19th - Production Rehearsal Day at George Wood Centre

23rd - SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

26th - Confirmation Reflection Day

27th - Father's Day Stall

29th - Sacrament of Confirmation

30th - Father's Day Breakfast at 7.30am


1st - Father’s Day

2nd - MACSSIS Surveys Open

2nd - Prep visit to Ferntree Gully Library

4th-  District Athletics

4th - School Advisory Council

5th - Level Mass - Year 1/2

6th - Assembly 3/4HM

12th - R U OK Day?

13th - Division Athletics

13th - Assembly 1/2D

20th - Footy Day

20th - Term 3 Concludes @ 2pm

Uniform Shop News

The 2nd Hand Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday afternoons during Term 3.  Donations of clean, official SJB uniforms are most appreciated and can be left at the office. Thanks.

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Roster Term 3, 2024

Friday August 9th 

Lauren Wearne

Adriana Ambler

Wade Palmer

Friday August 16th
School Closure Day

Friday August 23rd

Katrina Horne

Melinda Price

Carrie Canton

Camp Australia News

Community News

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully