
Edition 2 Term 1 2025

In this edition

From the Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From Head of Wellbeing & Engagement

From Head of Curriculum 

From the Guidance Officer

Term 1 2025

Experiencing Sporting Excellence

School Values

Miles SHS Calendar of Events - Week 5 and Week 6

Miles SHS Date Claimers/Notices

Community Events/Notices

Audiri App Instructions

School Watch

From the Principal

With Week 4 upon us it is clear to see that many students have now settled into the rhythm of attending school and the daily routines that is part of being a student.

2025 P&C Executive.

Parents and Citizens' (P&C) associations work in productive partnership with their school principal and the community to promote the interests of the school, and facilitate its development and further improvement, to achieve the best possible outcomes for students. 

Many thanks to parent/carers and staff who attended the Parent and Citizens recent AGM. 

Thankyou to 2024 Executive Team led by President, Katrina Gaze for the work they undertook throughout the year to continue the legacy of positive partnership for the best opportunities and outcomes for all students. Thank you to outgoing Secretary Madonna Moore for her tireless work in her role.

2025 Miles SHS Executive Team

President: Katrina Gaze (returning)

Vice President: Hayley Campbell

Secretary:  TBA

Treasurer: Toni Brown (returning) 

I know the school community is keen to see what 2025 will bring from this valuable school and community partnership. 

Attendance Matters

As we know not all students are the same. Some, just love school and are up and ready to go. Some, a bit slower at getting up in the morning and their parent/carers work diligently to ensure they make it to school every day and on time. Some require addition encouragement and support from their parent/carers to ensure that they attend while building their resilience and continually sharing the advantages of attending school. Some, parent/carers struggle to get their children to willingly attend school and it becomes a daily uphill battle. 

Miles SHS 2024 Semester 2 Attendance Data

The QLD Department of Education through its Equity and Excellence Strategy has included student attendance as a key measurable focus for schools. This rigorous focus on individual student attendance is to ensure all students have equal access to engage in school to provide foundational knowledge and skills and the opportunities to experience the future pathways of their choice. Listed below is the most recent data presented to our school for action. Many thanks to all the efforts of every family in encouraging and supporting engagement at school.

Every day counts is a state wide initiative that aims to assist in improving student attendance at school through a shared commitment by students, parents, caregivers, schools and the community.

To do this, Every day counts promotes four key messages:

  • all children should be enrolled at school and attend on every school day
  • schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance
  • school refusal and truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices
  • attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.

Together is Better – Help is Available

Our school team is committed to monitoring student attendance and engaging parent/carers and students in positive strategies to ensure your child attends school and has the opportunities to pursue their interest and future pathways. Throughout 2025 our school team will continue to communicate and work with you to ensure your child is engaging in school and experiencing all the opportunities that education can provide. Please contact your child’s Care Teacher or a member of our Wellbeing Team to discuss any concerns you have with regard to your child attending school each and every day. 

Take care

Josette Moffatt

From the Deputy Principal

Welcome to Week 4 Newsletter and thank you to staff and students for making the last few weeks enjoyable.  Congratulations to Macy Gaze our 2024 Year 12 Dux, to all our of student leaders that received their badges at our annual Investiture and to all the students who received recognition for their academic achievements at our awards ceremony.

This week we welcome Mr Simon Wilson (HOD Engagement) to the Leadership team and he has already been working closely with our students.  Our Yr 10s had their Immunisation on Monday and the AGM for our P & C was held on Wednesday.  Congratulations and thank you to the outgoing team of 2024 and we welcome back Mrs Katrina Gaze as President for 2025, we welcome Hayley Campbell as Vice President, Toni Brown as Treasurer and unfortunately, we are unable to fill the position of Secretary, at this stage.  If you would like to take on this role, please contact the Miles SHS P&C, as our next meeting will be Wednesday 2nd April at 4.30pm.

Upcoming events

Please remember that Monday 24th February will be our School Photo Day and we require all students to be in their formal uniform.  If you are experience financial difficulty in purchasing the formal uniform, please contact the school and we will endeavour to support those families.

A reminder to our Senior student families that the scheduled Emu Gully Camp for Week 9Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th March, money will need to be finalised by the 12th March 2025.  If you require any further information, please contact Mr Caleb Kuhl – 4628 5111.  We would like to acknowledge the continual support of our P & C, who are kindly donating $50 towards each student that attends the Emu Gully Camp.  If we are successful in having a minimum of 25 students in attendance, the cost will be reduced (by $50) and hopefully parents will not be paying anymore than $190 to $200 for their student.  The letter can be found below, if you have not completed, please contact the Mr Kuhl and he will provide another copy.  We do require the signed letter back before Friday 28th February 2025.

Until Week 6 - take care. 

Raelene Bates

From Head of Curriculum

We are now into the assessment period of term 1, most of our students will now be working on either their assignments for the term or learning for their exam. During this period, it important that students stay on top of all their work that they have to complete. Students can become very anxious around this period if they miss out on learning time or fail to complete their homework. To help your student though this period, make sure that you are encouraging them to be completing all top of their work and be constantly revising for their exams. 

To help students get the best out of their efforts, teachers provide feedback on their learning. During the drafting period this becomes an important formal process where students are able to find out how they are progressing. For this process it is important that they have put in the time to complete full drafts to make the most of this feedback loop. This is also a chance for students to have a conversation with their parents and teachers about how they feel they are learning. Giving and receiving feedback is an important life skill as it enables all students to develop and speed up their learning. 

In week 7 of school (starting on the 12th March) our year 7 and 9 students will be completing NAPLAN. For more information please see the information for parents and carers below. Timetables for NAPLAN will be released closer to the date. This exam is meant as a point in time reference and students are encouraged to put their best foot forward. It is not something to be stressed about or used on their final report cards. For this time, it is important that the students have a good night’s sleep and eat something in the morning. 

Thanks for the great start to the year and good luck on all your assessment.
Mr Kuhl


Year 7 Placemat & Planner

Year 8 Placemat & Planner

Year 9 Placemat & Planner

Year 10 Placemat & Planner

Year 11/12 Placemats & Planners

From Head Wellbeing and Engagement

I am thrilled be joining Miles State High as Head of Department Student Engagement and I am very excited to work alongside such a dedicated and passionate Wellbeing Team to contribute to the school’s growth and success. Thank you to the staff and students who have made me feel very welcomed at Miles.

I join you from Far North Queensland where I worked as Head of Department Student Services in Weipa. I am passionate about supporting student wellbeing and l look forward and collaborating with students and staff to create positive and engaging learning environments where students can strive to achieve their best.

I strongly believe in the importance of fostering a supportive, inclusive, and dynamic educational atmosphere where every student feels valued and empowered to succeed. I am looking forward to meeting and working with all of you to create memorable and enriching experiences throughout this school year.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or just to introduce yourself—I’m always happy to connect and get to know the wonderful people I will be working with.

Thank you for welcoming me to the school community, and I look forward to the exciting year ahead!

Warm regards,

Simon Wilson Head of Student Engagement

From the Guidance Officer

The Importance of Monitoring Children on Devices and Understanding the Impact of Online Bullying

In today’s digital world, children are spending increasing amounts of time on electronic devices, engaging in social media, gaming, and online learning. While technology offers many benefits, it also presents significant risks, including exposure to cyberbullying. As parents and educators, it is crucial to monitor children’s online activities and equip them with the skills to navigate digital spaces safely.

The Impact of Online Bullying

Online bullying, or cyberbullying, can have severe consequences for young people’s mental health and well-being. Research indicates that victims of cyberbullying are at an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem (Kowalski et al., 2019). Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying can be relentless, occurring at any time of day and reaching a broader audience. It may involve harassment, spreading rumours, exclusion, or impersonation.

For children and adolescents, the effects of cyberbullying can be long-lasting, impacting their confidence, school engagement, and social relationships. It is essential for parents to be aware of the signs, such as changes in mood, withdrawal from social activities, reluctance to use devices, or declining academic performance (Patchin & Hinduja, 2020).

The Role of Parents in Monitoring Device Use

Parents play a key role in ensuring their children’s online safety. Effective monitoring does not mean invading privacy but rather fostering open conversations about digital behaviour. Here are some practical steps parents can take:

  • Set clear guidelines: Establish rules for device use, including screen time limits and appropriate online behaviour.
  • Use parental controls: Many devices and apps offer parental controls to restrict access to inappropriate content and monitor activity.
  • Encourage open communication: Make it clear that children can approach you if they encounter online issues.
  • Stay informed: Keep up to date with the platforms and apps your child is using to understand potential risks.
  • Model responsible online behaviour: Demonstrate positive digital habits, such as respectful communication and balanced screen time.

Further Reading and Support for Parents

There are numerous resources available to help parents navigate the complexities of online safety and cyberbullying:

  • eSafety Commissioner (Australia) – Provides advice, resources, and reporting tools for online safety:
  • Raising Children Network – Offers parenting tips and strategies for managing screen time and online interactions:
  • Kids Helpline – A confidential support service for young people experiencing cyberbullying or mental health challenges: 1800 55 1800 or
  • Headspace – Supports youth mental health, including coping strategies for online bullying:

By actively monitoring device use and fostering open discussions, parents can help their children develop healthy digital habits and resilience against online bullying. Creating a supportive environment where children feel comfortable seeking help can make a significant difference in their overall well-being.


Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., Schroeder, A. N., & Lattanner, M. R. (2019). Bullying in the digital age: A critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth. Psychological Bulletin, 145(4), 270–299.

Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2020). Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Term 1 2025

Year 10 Maths

So far this year we have been studying Surface Area and Volume. As for activities in class we have been using objects to create their nets and though this calculating the Surface Area of complex 3D shapes. We have also learnt that Volume is simply the area of the base of the shape multiplied by the height of the shape and if it is a pyramid (comes to a point) we just divide the answer by 3. We are about to start on the second phase of the unit which is to look at quadratic algebra. It has been a good start to the year and I am confident if the students keep it up, their exam will go well. 

Mr Kuhl

Year 11/12 Mathematical Methods

This term, year 12 students are studying integration (which is calculating the area under graph functions) and using this knowledge to design roofs for industrial sheds. They are also applying their knowledge of derivatives to check the slope (gradient) of the roof to determine if it would be safe to construct. They are currently completing their assignment which is worth 25% of their grade and their draft due on Tuesday.

This term, year 11 students have been studying how we can write numbers and how surds and functions can be used to express numbers in different formats. They have just started their assignment where they are using parabolas to plot the path of tennis balls in a game. It is good to see so many students challenging themselves to see how maths can be used in practical ways in life.

Students have been working well and should be studying for about 2 hours a week to be successful in this subject.

Mr Kuhl

Year 11/12 Chemistry

Well another year of chemistry is underway and students are studying hard. For our year 12 students they are studying REDOX reaction. Which is the chemistry behind battery technology. They have conducted experiments on single displacement reactions where they dissolved solid zinc into a copper solution and formed solid copper back out and constructed their own simple battery. They have also moved onto studying our second topic which chemical equilibrium. This term, they will be sitting their data test which is worth 10% of their final grade. We will also be starting our student experiment in week 10.

Year 11 students have been studying the basics of chemistry including the patterns that can be found in the periodic table. Just this week we have undertaken an experiment where we oxidise magnesium to calculate the percentage yield of experiments. Next week we will be using this data to calculate different values and talk about errors located in experiments. This term, they will be sitting their first data test and we will also be starting our student experiment in week 10.

The students on a whole have made a really good start to the year and now should be studying at least an hour a week using their learning goal sheet to guide them on what needs doing. I am looking forward to seeing what they achieve this term and for the year!

Mr Kuhl

Year 11/12 Biology

This term in Biology, the students are learning about how the structure and function of cells and their components are related to the need to exchange matter and energy with their immediate environment.  On Thursday afternoon, students completed a practical on photosynthesis and how the process effects the cells. 

Miss Jenko

Experience Sporting Excellence

REMINDER: If students are wanting to participate in sport trials, forms MUST be returned by the due date and the mandatory levy payment made. The due dates are set to ensure that ample time is available for team managers to have the trial event organised and all paperwork submitted.   

Miles SHS Calendar of Events

Term 1 Week 5

Monday 24th February - School Photos

Term 1 Week 6

Wednesday 5th March - SW Netball (13 - 19 Years), Chinchilla

Thursday 6th March - SW Rugby League (14 - 15 & 16 - 18 Years), Roma

Friday 7th March - SW Netball (10 - 12 Years). St George

Saturday 8th March & Sunday 9th March - Oly in the Outback, MPA

Miles SHS Date Claimers / Notices

School Photos

Reminder - Homework Centre

Homework Centre is up and running, 3pm to 4.30pm every Monday and Wednesday afternoon.  Parents will need to complete a permission form from the Main Office and book on Sobs.  If unable to book on SOBS, please ring the office to confirm student attendance. 

Community Events / Notices

Reminder: Animals are not permitted on school property

Please email all planned absences to (prior to your child’s absence)

Miles State High School

Miles State High School is proud to be part of a community that embraces PARTNERS IN LEARNING together our students, their families, our wider community and our staff are committed to working together to ensure that every student succeeds.

Respect | Integrity | Safety | Engagement