My mum, sister and I were super excited that we were finally going to be Australians. We got our citizenship in Blackwood and were given a certificate, a plant, a badge, plum jam and tickets to next year's Royal Adelaide Show.
Dear families & friends,
Inquiry this term is a 5 week Design and technology focus ‘Systems make things move’.
Students started exploring simple machines on our first day back with each teacher running a short workshop on a machine and students rotating to each class to learn about levers, axels, pulleys and inclines. Students are highly engaged and excited about the inquiry for the term where they are now exploring simple machines and designing their own system to make something move. Every Inquiry session is buzzing with testing designs, failures and successes mixed in with a whole lot of fun!
Staffing 2025
Recently we were able to advertise for a permanent teacher with a HAT certification (Highly Accomplished Teacher) for our Junior Primary program starting next year. HAT certified teachers go through a rigorous assessment of their teaching skill over a period of approximately 18months, and are then required to upkeep their skill and certification to maintain this. A HAT position requires a teacher to take on additional responsibilities and/or leadership within the school in teaching and learning, for us this will also be a focus on junior primary inquiry and play based learning pedagogies, inclusive practices, and site improvement planning. There are only a certain number of HAT roles approved each year, which is done via application and negotiation between the principal and HR.
That process is now complete and I am thrilled to announce that Sharni Finlay has accepted the position and will join us in 2025 on a permanent basis.
Sharni is very excited to be joining us and to have the opportunity to share her expertise with us. Sharni comes to us from Prospect North PS where she is an experienced junior primary teacher. She has taught across all year levels and has developed a strong and highly successful play based literacy and numeracy program with her JP team.
Please see, later in the newsletter, a short introduction from Sharni, who you will start seeing at events this term including our upcoming reception transitions visits.
We congratulate Emma Willacy on winning a permanent position at another site and we wish her well for her future teaching career. We will all miss Emma’s energy and commitment and know that she will be a huge asset to her new school.
We also congratulate Steve Partridge, we have now confirmed Steve’s contract with us for 2025 so are very happy we will welcome Steve back to the team for 2025.
All other contract positions including SSO positions are still in process as we work through budget requirements, funding and needs. We hope to have all positions finalised before the end of the year.
Pupil Free Days
Our upcoming Pupil Free Days (Friday 8th November & Monday 11th November) will give our 2025 staff team an opportunity to review our current status and work together to plan for 2025. It is always a privilege to be able to have this time for all staff to work and plan together deeply the direction for teaching and learning at our site.
A reminder that our OSHC will be open on these two days. So if you require care for your child/ren for these days please book in now!
A big thank you to everyone who has been helping with supporting our OSHC both through booking in and also supporting our fundraising efforts. We have seen a noticeable increase in bookings which is supporting our program to continue. A reminder to please book in as early as possible for care both during term time and for holiday periods as otherwise it can be tricky to arrange necessary staffing.
Look out for the December/January vacation care program which will be out soon. We will be opening in the first week of the holidays and the last two weeks and encourage you to continue to use this service regularly. It’s a great way to support friendships and entertain your child over the holiday break. (remember Child Care Benefit may mean this is available to you at minimal cost!!)
Governing Council will be looking for volunteers next year to support by helping out at Bunnings BBQ’s and other opportunities, so keep a eye out for other ways you can keep our OSHC running as this also supports our school to maintain our school numbers.
End of year Learning Summary reports.
Teachers are currently in the process of writing reports ready to send home at the end of week 6. Optional interviews will be available to any carers who wish to discuss their child’s progress in more detail. Information about how to book will be included with your child’s learning summary report.
Term 4 events
There are lots of events in term 4 so be sure to keep an eye out for notices and any changes. The next few weeks left of this term includes Reception transitions, yr 6 high school transition visits, Rec - yr 5 swimming, Yr6 Aquatics, end of year celebration, Yr 6 graduation, excursions, reports and hopefully lots of learning as well!
A list of dates is at the end of the newsletter for your reference. We hope to see all of you over the next few weeks!
Cheers Skye 😊