Northern Round Up

Term 4 Week 10 - 2024

School News

Thank you for a wonderful 2024!!

A massive 'Well Done' to everyone. It has been a huge year and we have enjoyed teaching all our Northern Delights this year. School has now concluded for the year. The School Office will remain open for Thursday and Friday of this week and will reopen on Friday 31 January.

We would like to wish all our families a safe and prosperous Summer Vacation. For those members of the community that are travelling during this vacation, we hope that you travel safely. 

We look forward to everyone returning for another amazing year in 2025. School will reopen for all students in Kindergarten to Year 6 on Thursday 6 February. 

The school email will continue to be monitored throughout the break. So if you need to message a member of staff, please send it to:

See you all again in 2025!

Message from Mrs Winslet

The time has come for me to move on from my position as Assistant Principal at Goulburn North Public School. Since taking leave earlier this year I have been working at Sisu – guiding abilities in children as an Early Intervention Therapist. I have been thoroughly enjoying my time with Sisu and have made the tough decision to say farewell to my 28-year teaching career with the Department of Education and focus on my role at Sisu. Rest assured, my passion for teaching hasn’t wavered, I am just channelling it in a different direction.

Goulburn North has been a part of my world since 2013 when I relocated to Goulburn with my family to take on the role of Assistant Principal. During this time, I have had the pleasure to work with 4 Principals, many wonderful teachers and to be part of an amazing community. I am not even going to try and put a number on how many families and children I have crossed paths with during this time. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to have been part of a great community and to have met such wonderful families.🙂

Moving on from Goulburn North I will take with me many wonderful memories. It saddens me that I didn’t get to say goodbye to everyone personally however I am still out and about in Goulburn and will hopefully get to pop in to school from time to time. If you see me out and about, don’t hesitate to give me a wave or  hello. It surely brightens my day when Northies past and present come and share with me what they are up to.

Be kind, dream big,

Mrs Winslet

Executive Team 2025

2025 will see a slight restructure of the executive team for the first semester.

Mrs Ross will continue to relieve as Assistant Principal. She will be focused on Inclusive Education and will take on the role of supporting all Northern Lights classes and programs. The North STAR program will also be supported by Mrs Ross as well as one of the mainstream classes to balance supervision.

Miss Franchi will also be relieving in semester 1 and supporting our mainstream classes across the school.

Ms Caffery and Mrs Cameron have now been at North for two years and will continue their directions with the new curriculum, data analysis and assessment data across the school. They have been working continuously as our Assistant Principal's Curriculum and Instruction in 2025.

Mr O'Keefe has made the decision to take first semester as leave. He plans on focusing on family and some home construction job that he has been postponing for many years. He is planning on returning in semester 2.

Mrs Nixon is taking some leave at the commencement of Term 1 and will return to school later in the school year. 

We wish those not returning in the early part of 2025, a wonderful break from school and look forward to them returning later in the school year. The school will be in good hands with the 2025 executive team ready for a another great 2025.

Classes 2025

Our Northern Gems will return again in 2025. Classes for 2025 are as follows:

Onyx - Miss Laing
Ruby - Mrs Channell
Amethyst - Mrs Campbell
Sapphire - Mrs Bensley (M-Th) Mrs Gibson (F)
Emerald - Mr Andrade
Fluorite - Miss Martin - North STAR Program
Jade - Miss Woodberry
Northern Lights Classes - Mr Baxter and Miss Liggins 
Northern Light Program - Miss McSorley

Whilst our classes are currently set, and students have been allocated to an initial class, this will be subject to change based on enrolment numbers in early 2025. We are planning for an amazing 2025 and look forward to the development all students will achieve throughout 2025.

School Uniform as a focus in 2025

We are so proud of our school and are keen to maintain our current momentum. We would like to refocus our attention back on the need for our students to wear our uniform each day. The Behaviour Code for Students outlines an expectation that all students will ' the school's agreed uniform policy or dress code'. 

Our focus will shift in 2025, with a renewed expectation for students to wear their uniform each day. The inclusion of the 'commemorative shirt' will continue in 2025. However the regular uniform that is now purchased from Lowes looks amazing. We want to ensure that the great school of North, is represented through the uniform that all students wear each day.

To assist with this focus, our new 2025, Reward System will be reflected with this focus in 2025. More details below.

School Minister 2025

Ministers of Parliament 2025

Congratulation to our new 2025 Ministers of Parliament

Our new 2025 Ministers of Parliament as announced at Presentation Day:

  • Prime Minister and School Captains: Noah R and Noah D
  • Minister for Sport and Recreation: Charlotte G
  • Minister for Technology, Communication and Functions: Mia C
  • Minister for Environment, Lands and Health: Zoe F
  • Minister for Wellbeing: Hamish H
  • Minister for Education: Laurell H

School Parliament Official Opening

We look forward to the official opening of the '2025 School Parliament'.

In addition to the newly elected ministers, each class at school will elect their own 'Member of Parliament'. These Members of Parliament will be the voice of each class in 2025. Members of Parliament will be able to raise issues of concern and put forward motions at parliament.

Our House Captains will also be involved in Parliament. Each House will have the 'Representative for ????', such as 'Representative for Mulwaree'.

This exciting new initiative will enable our students to have a voice in the school and help shape what students would like to see and be involved in. 

Our community will be invited to the official opening of the first Parliament of 2025, around mid-2025. 

So, keep a look out for the dates of when this will occur!

Bus Signage Ready for 2025

Our amazing buses are now ready for another amazing 2025. The signage is all complete and each bus is uniquely named: 'Bluey' and 'Red Queen'. These have been a great addition to the school and have opened the school up to the community. 

We have transported students all across Goulburn. We look forward to each bus continuing its wonderful service to the school in 2025. 

The signage will easily identify our school wherever we go. Look for 'Bluey' and 'Red Queen' throughout Goulburn. 

'Bluey' and 'Red Queen'

'Reach for the Stars' 2025

Our new whole school reward system kicks off in 2025. 

Students will start on 'Ready to Launch'. Then at the end of each day, students will move up a level if they have completed these three:

  • Wear their uniform on this day
  • Have behaviour that meets the expectations of the 'Behaviour Code for Students'.
  • Attempt the work to the best of their abilities.

When a student has met these three expectations each day, they will progress up to the next level on the chart. If they do not, they simply stay on their current level. The process has five levels, which allows a student the opportunity to obtain the top level, known as 'Mini Merit' level every five days, or once every week. 

The program will also have the student/s that receive the most 'Mini Merits' in a school year, a special award at Presentation Day in 2025.

All students that also reach the goal of '38 Mini Merits' will receive a North Star Award for focus on achievements of being 'Ready, Respectful and Safe'.

Our Positive Behaviour System will also be geared towards smaller milestone goals - eg. This week, all students that receive a Mini Merit, will also receive a Zooper Dooper!

We are so proud of this accomplishment, that has culminated from twelve months of professional learning and revision of goal goals and directions.

Keep an eye on the various milestones as these will relate to our weekly goal focuses.

'Reach for the Stars'

Northern Lights Moves to B Block

Our Northern Lights have now moved into their new home in B Block. This was an enormous task, that has taken several days to complete. We thank everyone that assisted with the move. The storeroom is being turned into a kitchen for our students to engage with throughout the week. The Oven and Fridge are here and will be installed in January, ready for the first day.

This new location will ensure that we have full accessibility for all students that will access the program now and well into the future.

'Northern Lights' new permanent home.

New Signage going up in 2025

New rules signage update in 2025

Stationery Needs - 2025

As we end the school year and prepare for a new one, our current stationery list will remain in place for 2025.

All students will be asked to supply their own basic stationery needs at school. The need for students to take some ownership and responsibility in this area has increased over the years. We are hoping that this sense of ownership over the supply will lead to our students taking great care with their supplies. Part of this plan will be that equipment will be sent home each Friday. This will allow our community to review your children's current equipment levels and resupply as needed.

The school has created this list based on basic Kmart resources. This ensures it is accessible and fairly low in cost. You do have the flexibility of adjusting the brands and exact purchases based on what is available and meets the needs of the list. 

The cost of a K-3 stationery supply is roughly $13, whilst a 4-6 stationery supply is slightly higher at around $17.

The school will continue to have a small supply to help with meeting the needs of those student who forget their pencil case or who are unable to purchase the required equipment.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your child's classroom teacher or team leader.

Stationery Lists - 2025

Stationery Lists for K-3 and 4-6.
Please note Kmart prices are attached, however you may purchase the supplies from any vendor. This was provided to give you an idea of costings.

Weekly Round Ups

Term 4 Week 6

Week 6 was a quieter week at North, however the coming weeks are always busy, so we were happy for a quiet week mid-term. 

The school had the Convoy for Kids visit our school, and this was coupled with the Convoy for Kids Colouring in Competition. Our very own Mia was one of the winners of this competition and she received a bag of goodies from the coordinators of the event. 

Northern Lights enjoy whole of body movement at the start of the day. They often are seen jumping, diving and doing somersaults. We will extend their program in 2025, with the addition of some large pieces that can be used for gross motor movement and obstacle courses. 

Some of our students performed on the stage of the GPAC in the junior version of 'Frozen'. Some of our students shared their support by enjoying the performance during this week. 

Election Day finally arrived. Our student heard the wonderful speeches delivered by so many great candidates. The election process, mirrored our own democratic processes, right down to the polling booths. Results will be announced in a few weeks time.

Chess Club continued to be supported at North. We also were lucky enough to have Reverend Paul Davey come and share his expertise with the students during the break.

Term 4 Week 6

Term 4 Week 7

The busy Week 7 arrived and we saw the school prepare for the mini Year 6 Fun Fest. This was a wonderful thought that came from Miss Franchi. She shared it with our senior students who thought it would be amazing to do. The Year 6 students created many stalls that serviced the student body. Some of the classes across the school assisted with the process by creating things in their rooms to support others.

Our new musical instruments arrived and will be used to develop our 2024 drumming program. 

Term 4 Week 7

Term 4 Week 8

The pace in Week 8 began to increase!

Our Northern Lights students headed to the National Day for People with Disability event at the Veolia Arena. They had a wonderful day, and participated in so many great experiences. The bike riding and free food were the highlights according to the students.

Our partners 'Reading Friends Australia' brought books to the school and these were provided to the students at no cost. This will see our students reading throughout the holidays.

Some of our super athletes were recognised at the District Presentation Day at Wollondilly PS.

The biggest highlight of the week was the Colour Run Event. A massive thanks to Mrs Cameron, Ms Caffery and Miss Martin on their wonderful event. The event ran smoothly with the amazing weather. Mr Marshall and Mr O'Keefe were slimed and the smiles on all faces spoke volumes on the day.

Term 4 Week 8

Term 4 Week 9

The CWA award Barry D with the 2024 Educational Grant. This will support Barry as he moves from North to his high school in 2025. We wish him the best of success for the future.

Snakes have been seen at North with the hit weather recently. One student shared the amazing snake skin that was shed from his family pet snake! 

Our new ministers were announced. We discovered which of our students were successful with the election process in 2024. These students will then go on to have their ministries determined at Presentation Day.

Our Year 6 students had their end of year fun day event at "Back to the Arcade'. Such a wonderful day of fun that all students were able to share with their teachers.

Presentation Day was held for the first time at the GPAC. It was so great to have our event with tiered seating and air conditioning. We appreciate all the positive feedback received from the school community regarding this event. We have booked the venue for use again in 2025.

Term 4 Week 9

Term 4 Week 10

Our Community Breakfast was held in week 10. We had so many families come and share this experience with us. We had traditional country breakfast offerings, fruit platters and various pastries. We loved inviting up our volunteers to say 'Thank you' for working with us in 2024.

The Year 6 Farewell was held at 'The Attic'. The students enjoyed the photo machine and loved the food. We had a wonderful relaxed time and our students enjoyed time with family and friends. 

The Water Fun Day was held on the last day. Despite a colder start to the day, the sun came out for the event and our students loved the chance to play with water.

The last day of the school year, saw the 'Changing of the Guard'. This was finalised with Kindergarten graduating and Year 6 being recognised for their amazing years in Primary School and walking through the guard of honour. 

Well done to everyone for an amazing 2024.

Term 4 Week 10

Attendance at School Matters...

School Assembly - Term 1 Dates

Term 1 assemblies for 2025.

We would love to share our Whole School Assemblies with our community. Save the date below and come along and share in these treasured occasions.

  • Term 1 Week 5 - Friday 28 February, at 12.45pm. 
  • Term 1 Week 10 - Friday 4 April, at 12.45pm. 

School Calendar Events - Term 1 2025

Whilst we aim to be accurate with the details below, there are times when we are required to adjust times and dates to match whole school events. Audiri posts and Facebook notifications are generally better at providing the best information regarding the school calendar.

Week 1

27 January - 2 February

  • Friday 31 January - Teachers Return to School

Week 2

3 February - 9 February

  • Monday 3 February - Teachers Professional Development Day
  • Tuesday 4 February - Teachers Professional Development Day
  • Wednesday 5 February - Teachers Professional Development Day
  • Thursday 6 February - All students return to school

Week 3

10 February - 16 February

  • TBA

Week 4

17 February - 23 February

  • Wednesday 19 February - School Swimming Carnival with Goulburn South PS
  • Thursday 20 February - Brighter Future Program
  • Friday 21 February - PSSA District Swimming Carnival

Week 5

24 February - 2 March

  • Thursday 27 February - Brighter Futures Program

Week 6

3 March - 9 March

  • Thursday 6 March - Brighter Future Program

Week 7

10 March - 16 March

  • Thursday 13 March - Brighter Futures Program

Week 8

17 March - 23 March

  • Thursday 20 March - Brighter Futures Program

Week 9

24 March - 30 March

  • Wednesday 26 March - GRIP Leadership Conference
  • Thursday 27 March - Brighter Futures Program

Week 10

31 March - 6 April

  • TBA

Week 11

7 April - 13 April

  • Thursday 10 April - PBL Reward Day

Save the Dates:

Fireworks Festival 2025

Saturday 10 May 2025

Save the date now for 2025. Can't wait to share the new look and feel event.

North Support Resources

Our New Rules/Expectations 2025

Please click on the link to learn about our new set of School Rules/Expectations. This commenced across the school in 2024 and will continue moving into 2025. You are more than welcome to ask the school office for a copy of these document to share and discuss with your children at home.

School Contact Guide

There are many times that you may need to contact the school to discuss things. The best contact to start this process is your child's Classroom Teacher and your child's Team Leader. The guide enclosed is a digital copy of the paper copy sent home at the commencement of term. This guide will be frequently updated with names of new staff and staff associated with your child's stage of learning. 

Please contact the school by either calling or email, outline your needs and we will ensure that the right member of staff is passed on the details so they can connect directly with you.


NSW Behaviour Code for Students

Please find attached a copy of the NSW Behaviour Code for Students. Our current focus for the remainder of Term 4 is reducing 'Inappropriate Language' at school. This code outlines student expectation in being respectful to others and speaking courteously. 

GNPS Mobile Phone Policy and Guidelines

Our guidelines for Student Mobile Phone and Portable Devices at GNPS.

School Community Charter

The following School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. 
Feel free to download and read at your leisure. 

Mental Health Service and Support

The school has had a recent number of students that have been experiencing some difficulty and have required to access the support of CAMHS. The school is currently working with the 'Be You' team to seek additional support and services in this space. We are here to help as best we can, we would ideally like to work proactively with our community. If you would like to discuss anything to do with your children, please reach out and contact the school. We are more than happy to provide whatever support we can.

The 'BeYou' Team have provided the following information for places where you can also seek support for yourself or your children.


Around the area...

Canteen Update

Canteen News

The canteen is open weekly this year on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and if anyone is interested in helping out in the canteen to please contact Sharon, our canteen manager on 0428 259 791. 

Kind Regards


Current Canteen Menu

Please find attached the current menu. Orders can be sent to school or placed via the QKR app.

Please remember to...

SkoolBag App