1st December - Week 8

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

This is our final newsletter for 2023.  A heartfelt thank you to our students, families, and staff for your active and thoughtful engagement in all our programs and celebrations throughout 2023. This solid foundation sets the stage for building future activities and ensures strong support into the new year.

As we transition into 2024, we are excited to welcome Mrs. Jenny Lonergan as our relieving principal. We will also announce and welcome a new assistant principal, relieving, along with a new classroom teacher to join our seven classes. These changes bring new input, new challenges, and shared stories that will contribute to the growth and success of our school.

We look forward to the commencement on a range of work projects to be carried out between now and January which will enhance the presentation and learning environment of our school and Out of School Hours care facilities.  I am pleased to advise that work will commence next week (weather permitting) on the installation of the P&C funded shade sail over the play equipment on the bottom oval.  Another successful project created by the P&C. 

From next Friday until the end of year we will publish a "Fridge note" bulletin containing the times and dates for our end of year activities and important notices regarding Term 1, 2024. We hope you find it a handy reference to keep track of all the happenings at this busy time of year. Please monitor our Audiri, Facebook and website for updates to any end of year plans.  

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year and expressing our deepest gratitude for another great year of collaboration and community spirit.

Clare Sullivan 

School Notices



1st - Wamboin Community Carols - arrive by 6:40pm (Choir sings at 7pm)

5th - Captain Speeches Assembly 9:30am

 8th  - Presentation Day  

11th - Year 6 Farewell and Primary Disco (Evening)

12th - Infants Disco (School Hours)

15th - Final day for students

19th - School closes



30 - 31st - Staff Development Days - no students


1st - 2nd - All students Year 1 - 6 attend school

                   Kindergarten Best Start Interviews by appointment

5th - All students K-6 

8th - Primary swimming carnival

For your diary

Presentation Day arrangements 2023

Students to arrive at school at the usual time of 9:20am. Our teachers will ensure your child has enjoyed their crunch and sip and are well hydrated prior to the assembly. We predict warm weather for our end of year celebrations.

Presentation Day

Friday 8th December 10:00am - 11:20am

At 10:00am on Friday 8th December all students will take part in our Presentation Assembly.  Certificates and awards will be presented and our choir will perform.

Students are asked to be dressed in full-school uniform and arrive at school as per the usual routine joining morning lines at 9:20am.  Our teachers will ensure your child has enjoyed their crunch and sip and are well hydrated prior to the assembly. We predict warm weather for our end of year celebrations.

Presentation Day Picnic Lunch

Friday 8th December 11:20am – 12:10pm

At lunchtime on Presentation Day, families are invited to share lunch with their children on the playground.  All students will move from classrooms to the main playground at 11:20am for the lunch break.  Families are encouraged to bring a picnic blanket and lunch to share.  

NB:  If you are unable to attend our Presentation Day Picnic please notify your child’s teacher.  Our staff will ensure your child joins them at lunchtime.  

At 12:10pm the bell will ring for all students to return to their classes to prepare for our concert and visitors wishing to attend our Presentation Day Concert will move to the hall.

Presentation Day Concert 

Friday 8th December 12:30pm

At 12:30pm on Presentation Day, all students K-6 will present our end of year performance for you. The school concert is an annual event enjoyed by parents and the community. Come along and watch your child on stage and enjoy some fun at the end of the year with the family. 

If you require any further information about these events, please contact your child’s teacher.

Wamboin Community Carols - 1st December

Our choir will perform at the Wamboin Community Carols this Friday evening.  The event commences at 6pm.  Our choir will perform at 7pm.  

Students are encouraged to wear Christmas themed clothing and/or accessories!  Please arrive by 6:40pm to prepare.

Infants Disco - 12th December

As the end of the year approaches we want to celebrate our achievements with anInfants disco for K-2. The infants disco will take place on Tuesday 12th December andwill be during school time, from 12:10 - 1:30 pm. Due to this event being in schooltime, parent attendance is not required. The theme for our disco is Christmas, so students can wear Christmas clothes to school to help add extra joy to the day.

Year 6 Farewell - Note for Stage 3

The Year 6 Farewell is beginning to take shape!

Year 5 and 6 students are invited to arrive from 6:00pm in time for a delicious sit-down dinner from 6:30pm. We have done our best as a school to minimise the cost of the event.Through parent donations and school funding we have been able to reduce the cost of the event to $30.00 per student. Please see attached form.


Year 6 Farewell - Note for Stage 2

Year 3 & 4 are invited to join the Year 5 & 6’s on Monday 11 December at the Primary Disco evening in celebration of the Year 6 farewell!

There is no cost for this event - please see attached RSVP form.


SRC Fundraiser - Crazy Sock Day

The SRC Term 4 fundraiser is Crazy Sock Day!

Crazy sock day will be on the same day as the Infants Disco - 12th December.

Please bring a gold coin donation to support Varin, the schools sponsor child.

Thank you!

Christmas Church Service

A Christmas Church Service will be held on Wednesday 13 December 2023 at St Peter's in Sutton for all students who participate in Special Religious Education (Scripture).  Weather permitting, this will be an outside event in the church grounds. Students will walk to and from the church.  Supervision will be by Sutton Public School staff and SRE volunteers.  There will be three services:

9:30 - 10am Stage 3         10:15-10:45 Stage 2        11-11:30am K/1/2

Parents wishing their children to attend this service are asked to return a signed permission note by Thursday 7 December.


2024 Sports Trials

As part of our association with the Queanbeyan PSSA, a number of sporting teams are chosen to represent the district throughout the year. Many of these teams are chosen through a trial process mostly held in Term 1 at various grounds and by various teachers in the Queanbeyan district. These are open to all year 5 and 6 children in 2024 who are a part of a team outside of schools in particular sports.

Please see attached forms.


School Leader Assembly (Nominees for 2024)

Students who have nominated to be considered for a student leadership role in 2024 are required to prepare a speech that will be delivered at a school assembly on Tuesday 5th December 2023 from 9:30am in the school hall.  The speech will clearly detail why they should be elected school captain and how they will approach the role.  Parents and community are welcome to attend 

The names of the students who will be School Captains and prefects in 2024 will be announced at the Annual Presentation Day.

Sentral Parent Portal

The Audiri app will not continue in 2024.  Transitioning towards greater ease and digitalisation, the Sentral parent portal will serve as our primary mode of communication to parents and caregivers starting in 2024, enabling us to streamline all the information in one place.

The portal allows you to

  • Notify us of any planned absences and respond to unexpected absences

  • View your child's Attendance Overview

  • View our newsletters

  • View calendar events

  • Receive notifications, notes and documents

  • Access student reports

On your mobile device

  • Download the Sentral for Parents app

  • Search for Sutton Public School, select next

  • For first time users, select Register Here

  • Create your account using your details (you must use a valid email address to create your username), select create account

  • Enter the family key that was sent to you via a previous email. (if you require the family key again, please contact the office)

  • Turn on notifications

    Please contact the office if you require assistance.

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Party

RAP ( Reconciliation Action Plan) Working Party: 3.30pm Wednesday 6th December

Reconciliation includes us all. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and all our families are welcome to join us and support our vision of Reconciliation at Sutton Public School.

Our draft Vision states that:

‘Reconciliation to us means acknowledging, respecting and embracing our shared history. We have a responsibility to learn the real history and the knowledge of the many cultures and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We will learn together using strong positive contemporary role models to guide us and support our journey, where possible welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into our classrooms, playground, staffroom and community events. We want to build on the strong connections we already have by nourishing genuine, meaningful relationships acknowledging the rich unique perspectives they bring to our school.

We are committed to building our knowledge of unity in a community that highly values equality and equity. More than that, we will ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, children, families, and visitors feel a sense of belonging through inclusive and respectful relationships built around trust.’

Please come along to listen and find out more, or perhaps be prepared to join with some other parents or staff to get some mini-projects underway in 2024.

If you would like a chat about how you could be involved, please contact me:

International Day of People with Disabilities – Sunday 3rd December

We value the diversity of our community here at Sutton Public School. We are committed to building a more inclusive system for all students, regardless of disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or faith.

Sunday 3rd December is International Day of People with Disabilities. Around our school playground, and in our classrooms, we value that diversity. Posters reflect our message,

‘We are all different’.

'Our learning about diversity is similar'

‘Diversity – same, same but different’.

Our differences mean we can be our true selves. Friends will like us for who we really are. We find our own creative ways of doing thing and bring new ideas to the world.

Fun Around the School

K - 2 Swimming Lessons!

Congratulations to our K - 2 students who completed their 9 days of swimming lessons today! They all had such a great time and really looked forward to their lessons each day. They have all improved so much and should be very proud of themselves! 

Christmas Kindness Challenge - 130 gifts!

Christmas Kindness Challenge…

50 gifts in two weeks? Easy! More like 130 gifts and still counting!

Thank you to everyone who donated so generously to our Salvation Army Christmas Gift Drive.

All our school community is welcome to join us to deliver our overflowing shiny boxes to the Salvation Army Giving tree in Wamboin on Friday 1st December at 6.40pm.

Our Sutton School Choir will sing at 7.00pm so come along and join in the fun. Remember to wear your Christmas themed outfit!

The project was a collaboration between the SRC and Year 6 students. During our B Kinder lessons, Stage 2 and 3 students learnt about charities. Y6 reflected on what their legacy will be at our school.

Out of this came… The Kindness Challenge and over 130 gifts for families who need support this Christmas.

Well done Y6, SRC and everyone!

P&C News

P&C Survey

P&C would like some feedback from families. Please take the time to complete this short survey. The survey should take 5 minutes.

P&C Raffle Tickets

Your eldest child was sent home with raffle tickets and a note about selling them to family and friends for our End of Year Raffle. P&C appreciate your support selling these tickets, with all money raised going to P&C and directly back to the school to support our students. The prizes are looking amazing with the gift baskets growing... donations can be left at the office.

Please let the office know if you didn't receive any tickets and we will organise for some to be sent home.

Other Notices

PCYC School Holiday Program

PCYC Queanbeyan is now taking enrolments for the upcoming school holiday period for December and January.  Head to our website to download the enrolment form.  There are lots of fun sporting activities, arts and crafts, as well as the choice to participate in our gymnastics camp.