Binalong Public School

Binalong Bulletin

Term 4, Week 8 2023

From the Principal

We are fast approaching the end of Term 4 with many exciting and fun activities and events planned. Intensive Swimming commenced this week and we have been impressed with our students' participation and efforts so far. Thank you to Kirsten Pack, Tenayah Hudson, Lucy Hammond and Chlesea Shannon who are joining us as swimming instructors this term. Teachers have been carefully preparing and writing student reports and families are invited to attend a parent-teacher interview to discuss the reports. Please keep your calendars up to date with our upcoming events and activities.

Intensive Swimming

SRC Elections for 2024

The Student Representative Council (SRC) will be made up of the following positions:

    - School Captain

    - Vice Captain

    - House Captain - Gilbert (selected in 2024)

    - House Captain - Paterson (selected in 2024)

Current Year 5 students who are interested in these positions for 2024 will be encouraged to begin preparing a leadership election speech. These speeches will be delivered at a special assembly in Week 9 (Wednesday at 9.30am) and Year 5 families have received additional information about the SRC position and election processes.

Students and staff will have an opportunity to vote and results will be determined using the preferential voting method.

Now is a great time to start discussing your child’s aspirations for an SRC position with them.

Operation Art award

Well done Jacob!  Your artwork has been selected for Operation Art's Touring 50 in 2024.  It will be exhibited at the Art Gallery of NSW, followed by a tour of regional galleries before being donated to The Children's Hospital of Westmead.

Wildlife Reimagined - Bug's Alive

We are looking forward to having the Binalong Mobile Preschool join us this Thursday for a Bug's Alive incursion. Wildlife Reimagined Bugs Alive incursions bring the wild world of invertebrates to you! Each session runs for 1 hour where students get up close and personal (and safely touch and hold) a diverse range of Australian invertebrates including Cockroaches, Stick Insects, Snails, Spiders and much more. The incursions are designed to be educational, fun and interactive. 

Years 4-6 will have their session between 9.15-10.15am and Preschool to Year 3 having theirs between 10.15-11.15am. Pre-school will stay for recess and a short play.

Remembrance Day

Yass Music Club concert

On Thursday 9 November our students traveled to Yass High School to see the Yass Music Club "Power of Pop" concert.  This year marks the Yass Music Club's 70th anniversary. 

Well done to the organisers for hosting the event and thank you to Yass Valley Council for funding transport so that regional schools could see the concert.

Yass Music Club "Power of Pop"

Aspire UC - Excursion to Canberra

STEM Challenge

Small Schools Chess Tournament

Congratulations to Tyson and Carter who participated in the inaugural Small Schools Chess Tournament held at Breadalbane PS on the 17th November.

 Below is a link to chess rules for anyone else who might be interested in playing in their own time.

BPS Fashion Show

What a fabulous Fashion Extravaganza last week!  The fashionistas walked the runway with such panache and style and I was so proud of each and every one of them.  This was a wonderful culmination of a unit of work we completed last term  where the children explored printing techniques and some of the artists who create with them.  We created our own printing blocks, printed with paper and found objects and even had a go at screen printing.  Our focus was on the importance of appreciating art not just as something that is hung on a wall but also the role of artists in so many aspects of the children's lives from designing and creating the books they love to read through to the fabric of the clothes they insist you buy them!  Thank you to our wonderful audience who gave the children such a positive acknowledgement of all their hard work. Who knows, a Binalong fashionista may have their designs on the runway of Paris or Milan one day! Mrs Cassidy.

Fashion Show Gallery

Primary students are composing their own songs in Music

We had a great day at the Bowning PLC Colour Run!

Bowning PLC RFS and Surf Lifesaver Visit

Upcoming Events

Please add the following dates to your diaries and note that there may be some variations/additions/revisions to the calendar throughout the term.

Week 8

Intensive Swimming for all students at Binalong Memorial Pool 1.45 - 3.00pm

Thursday 30 November - Bug's Alive incursion and pre-school visit

Friday 1 December - PPA Meeting - Renee. 2/3 excursion to cultural smoking ceremony

Week 9

Intensive Swimming for all students at Binalong Memorial Pool 1.45 - 3.00pm

Wednesday 6 December - Year 5 SRC Speeches

Thursday 7 December - Presentation practise at the BInalong Hall

Friday 8 December - Year 6 Dinner - Cafe on Queen

Week 10

Monday 11 December - Presentation Ceremony - 5.30pm

Tuesday 12 December - Excursion to Harden - details TBA

Wednesday 13 December - Binalong Pre-School Presentation afternoon

Thursday 14 December - Assembly, Christmas Craft Day - Parent helpers invited

Friday 15 December - Last day of school for students, Binalong’s Got Talent

Regular School Happenings

  • Sports day - Sports uniform required

  • Music and visual art with Mrs Cassidy - bring art smock
  • Library for K-2 - bring library bag and library books each week
  • Ice Cream Tuesday - $2.00

8.30 - 9.00AM:

Breakfast Club

With Tim MacFarlane 


Garden Club 

With Mrs Cassidy

Bush School 

With Mrs Edwards

  • SRC Meal Deal cutoff for orders 3pm
  • Sports day - Sports Uniform required


Coding Club 

With Mrs Walsh 

(Primary students only at this stage)

  • Library for 3-6 - bring library bag and library books each week
  • SRC Meal Deals
  • P&C Playgroup - School hall


Library Club/Book Club/Lego Club 

With Mrs Arabin

Student Attendance

Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 12 must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

  • being sick or having an infectious disease
  • having an unavoidable medical appointment
  • being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
  • exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.

Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unexplained on the student's record.

If your child has a late arrival or early departure from school, please come into the foyer of the Office and sign your child in/out.  The reason for absence should be detailed enough for staff to identify if the reason is acceptable.  If the reason noted is "appointment" the absence will be marked as unjustified as it is not a clear enough reason. Please be accurate with your description.

“I know that a day off here and there doesn’t seem like much but these absences can add up quickly and days lost can equal years lost.”

“The more your child attends school the greater opportunity he / she will have to reach his / her potential."

Stars of the Week - Term 4, Week 5&6

Presentation Ceremony

After School Care

Country Kids Club BINALONG 

The program operates from the end of school through to 6pm. 

A healthy afternoon tea and a range of fun activities are provided at each session. The Fee for the session is $34, minus Child Care Subsidy.

For bookings and further information including Fee Estimates for your family please contact Julia on:

Phone - 62368305            Email –

We are using Smiling Mind in our school to support and grow student well-being, resilience, and positive mental health. Please take a look at the parent guide to see how Smiling Mind is supporting your child's wellbeing.

P&C News and Updates

Binalong Spring Fair 2023 Report

We had a wonderful turn out for this years Spring Fair on Sunday 5th November. It was brilliant to see all of our students, families and the wider community enjoying all that was on offer. There was entertainment galore and something to delight everyone from market stalls, rides, animal attractions and the exemplary bucket drumming performances from our very own BPS students. We'd also like to make special mention and send out a huge thanks to our MC George Elliot, local poet Robyn Sykes & John Schofield & Brenton for their entertainment throughout the day. 

Events such as these require countless hours of planning and preparation. We thank each and every one of our P&C members for their dedication to organising the Spring Fair as well as our families who baked for the cake stall, volunteered at the BBQ, on the gate or in the plant stall. There were signs to be put up, gazebo's, balloons, bunting, bunting and more bunting! It takes a village and we are so fortunate to have the support of our BPS village. 

Furthermore, we'd like to extend a thank you to those families and businesses who donated raffle prizes and to our valued sponsors. Without their generous contributions our Spring Fair would not be possible. 

The day was a great success, raising $5300 that will go back into supporting our student learning programs and improving school infrastructure. 
If you would like to share any feedback following the event, please contact the P&C at

Community Noticeboard

Cartoon Kingdom

Local contractors needed

Our Sponsors