St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 3 Week 1 2024

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Friday 2nd August (Week 3)

School Curriculum Closure Day

Friday 2nd August

Term 3 Week 3

No School for Children

Teachers Professional Development Day and planning of  thew new MASCS Science of Learning  initiative in -English & Mathematics 


Save the Date - Celebrate the Learning

PLEASE RETURN - Learning Snapshot Books

I hope you enjoyed looking through the samples of your children's work from Term 1& 2 ( Semester One) that were sent home with School Reports.

We ask that you return those books to school to be able to be share with  Emmaus or kept on file in St Timothy's Archives.

Thank you

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ preferred date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers.

Week 1  19th July: Carla Hayes ( Tommy)

Week 2  26th July : Maria Cabala Bonilla ( Natalia)

Week 3  2nd August: Emily Dermietzel (Isabelle)

Week 4: 9th August: Carly Corcoran ( Ellie))

Looking for Term 3 Volunteers

Learning About Bees! (P-3)

Cake Raffle

Students of the Week

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Book Week ( Term 3 Week 5)

Child Safety/Wellbeing

Worry and Anxiety

Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 20th July and Sunday 21st July 2024

As the Twelve return from their first missionary journey in today’sGospel, our readings continue to reflect on the authority andmission of the Church.Jeremiah says in the First Reading that Israel’s leaders, throughgodlessness and fanciful teachings, had misled and scatteredGod’s people. He promises God will send a shepherd, a king andson of David, to gather the lost sheep and appoint for them newshepherds (see Ezekiel 34:23).The crowd gathering on the green grass (see Mark 6:39) in today’sGospel is the start of the remnant that Jeremiah promised wouldbe brought back to the meadow of Israel. The people seem tosensethat Jesus is the Lord, the good shepherd (see John 10:11), the kingthey’ve been waiting for (see Hosea 3:1–5).Jesus is moved to pity, seeing them as sheep without a shepherd.This phrase was used by Moses to describe Israel’s need for ashepherd to succeed him (see Numbers 27:17). And as Mosesappointed Joshua, Jesus appointed the Twelve to continueshepherding His people on earth.Jesus had said there were other sheep who did not belong toIsrael’s fold but would hear His voice and be joined to the one flockof the one shepherd (see John 10:16).In God’s plan, the Church is to seek out first the lost sheep of thehouse of Israel and then to bring all nations into the fold (see Acts13:36; Romans 1:16).Paul, too, in today’s Epistle, sees the Church as a new creation, inwhich those nations who were once far off from God are joined as“one new person” with the children of Israel.As we sing in today’s Psalm, through the Church, the Lord, ourgood shepherd, still leads people to the verdant pastures of thekingdom, to the restful waters of baptism; He still anoints with theoil of confirmation, and spreads the Eucharistic table before allpeople, filling their cups to overflowing.

Scott Hahn


Avila College

Our Lady of Sion

Creative Wellbeing Fair