Pigeon Post

2023 Volume 3 Issue 6


Acknowledgement of Country...

Useful links can be found at end of this issue of the Pigeon Post...👇

Please let the school know, as we are starting our planning for 2024...

Thank you for your understanding...

From the Principal's Desk...

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr Seuss: Many THANKS to the families who were able to bring in a gold donation for our ever-popular, annual Book Week Character Parade! Our library monitors collected $240.25, which will go towards purchasing much-needed books for our school library. This year's theme, 'Read Grow Inspire', highlights the importance of books in everyone's lives, as lifelong learners. Our library is always humming with students and staff, borrowing books to satisfy their thirst for knowledge and enjoyment. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to immerse yourself in a book, physically turning the pages and getting away from screen time.

If you are able to donate towards some new books for the library, please click on the link below. No donation is too large or too small. Our students, library and school thank you...📚

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

We held our 'Busking for Change' event at our Friday Assembly. Josh Pyke and Justine Clarke joined our choir to sing, 'Words Make the World Go Around', to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation!

Halle 3/4 B and Eloise 5/6 B won first, second and highly commended, at the Energy Express Eisteddfod in July, along with their teammates from the Honeybrook School of Dancing, for performances in ballet, jazz and musical theatre. As many children might know from seeing the dancers after school, Halle and Eloise train and practice with the Honeybrook School of Dancing at Balmain Public School! CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement!

PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING! We're collecting plastic bottle lids for a special project. Please wash and dry instead of recycling. There is a collection box in the foyer, outside the office. Thanks for your help!

Connect with Balmain PS...Wonder what's goes on at our school? Follow us on Instagram for daily content, both through posts and stories...

The week that was...

Check out what we've been doing this week. Head over to our Instagram account: @balmainps

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up with what's happening @ Balmain Public School


IF YOU SEE A COLOURED CIRCLE AROUND OUR SCHOOL LOGO, DON'T FORGET TO TAP ON IT, FOR OUR LATEST STORY...you've got to get in quickly, as it disappears after 24 hours!



Team P&C

Follow our P&C on Instagram @balmainpspc

Are you able to assist?

Below you can find the fundraisers with a link to the signup sheets. It's only an hour (or if you want more) of your time but you will help the school in a big way. 

Father's day BBQ - Friday 1 September


Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 16 September 


Halloween disco - Friday 27 October


August Meeting Minutes


P&C Membership form


To see what else we've been up to this week, head over to @balmainps!

***COMPASS IS OUR MAIN FORM OF COMMUNICATING WITH YOU***In case of urgent/important communication, notifications via the Compass app on your phone will keep you informed***

To ensure you receive all communication via Compass, please have the app downloaded on your phone, with the notifications turned ON.

Although the school pushes out notifications via the app and email, there may be times when an important message may be missed as emails may sometimes not be checked regularly.

If there were to be an emergency, (hopefully not), information would be pushed out via Compass.

From the Office

If you have recently received an invoice from the school, your assistance in finalising your account is much appreciated.

**SCHOOL RESOURCE FEE NOW DUE: In order to assist Balmain Public School teachers’ curriculum delivery of high-quality education for all students K-6, various school-based programs are organised by each stage team. All programs, which may vary from stage to stage, are an integral part of students’ learning. *Note: this is NOT a P&C Voluntary Contribution/Levy.**

If you are experiencing difficulty in making a payment, please contact the Office or Mrs Lambos.

2023 Schedule of School Resource Fees


Dropping something off?

Please label item/s with their full name and class.

Incorrect Payments 

There have been some instances where people are paying twice for items, or the incorrect amount. Please check prior to making an online payment.


Please use the Compass app to notify your child's teacher of their absence/s.

Kindy Parents/Carers

Sometimes children have 'accidents'. Where possible, we provide them with a clean dry change of clothes. Please keep spare underpants and socks in their bag, just in case.

Dropping off/collecting your child

If you are collecting your child early or dropping them off late, please come to the Office window on Eaton Street. Squeeze 'Bill' the Duck and we will organise a note for the student.  Also, if you are dropping anything off for your child, please ensure all items are LABELLED with full name & class.

Payments online

If you are paying for excursions etc, please go to the School website and click on the 'make a payment' tab and follow the prompts. You can also pay through the Compass app. Also, at the top of each week's newsletter, under 'Useful Links', there is a tab, 'Make a payment'.

Change of address/contacts

If you have moved recently or changed Emergency Contacts or mobile numbers, please email the Office so details can be updated.

Financial Difficulties

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the office or Mrs Lambos.


FRI 1 SEPT | Father's Day BBQ Breakfast


More details to come...

FRI 22 SEPT | Last Day of Term 3

MON 9 OCT | First Day of Term 4

FRI 27 OCT | Halloween Disco


Every FRIDAY (weather permitting) | AWARDS ASSEMBLY

Please leave your furry friends at home...

Every FRIDAY | Uniform Stall

Order items online here

The best way to order new uniforms is online and they will be delivered to children's classrooms each Friday morning.

Come to the uniform stall if you need to try items on for size.

Second Chance items are available the first Friday of every month during the school term. 

If you would like to volunteer to help, please either email us at balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com or sign up via the link

Located on the ground floor, next to the ConneXion Hub.

Every FRIDAY | The School Canteen: Special request for parents and carers to cancel their lunch orders if their child is not going to be at school for lunch, by texting 0416 786 603 with their child’s full name and class. In return, an sms will be sent back to confirm the order has been cancelled and all monies returned in full to the child’s Spriggy school account.

P&C Meetings | via Zoom and offsite (in-person) @ 7pm

Meeting dates:

  • Wednesday 6 September
  • Wednesday 11 October
  • Wednesday 8 November
  • Wednesday 6 December



It was a really good game, 5-0 we won  against Orange Grove. Everybody played really well, the corners were well done, and the MVP was Oscar for trying really hard and being a great goalie for the first time this season. ⁃ Cara S

Balmain A

We played very well but unluckily lost 1-0 to Annandale. We built up from goal with great passes just didn’t get a great chance at goal. MVP of the match is Jacob for playing many great passes and altogether having a big impact on the game.  ⁃ Luca L

Balmain B

We played Rozelle B’s and we won 3-2! Clancy scored the first goal for us, Rozelle scored twice, Anthony tied the game and then at full time it went into penalties. The winning penalty goal was by Caelan, our goalkeeper! The MVP goes to Caelan for saving a lot of goals in the penalties, and also scoring to send us into the finals!!! ⁃ Juma M

Balmain C

We played against Kegworth and we won 3-2! It was an interesting game, Ethan did a good job of passing and shooting, and our MVP is Daniel for being a great goalkeeper - the other team had lots of chances to score and he saved lots! ⁃ Olivia Q



7-4, Balmain’s Way

Captain: Ivy 

Today we played against Orange Grove Bs and the score was 7- 4. We won although they were good we still managed to find our way to victory!


The MVP is: Sophie because even though she got hurt she still managed to play on like nothing happened. She also managed to find space so she was able to shoot and score for us.

The MIP is : Lily because she was able to pass very well and if she could help it she would try not to let Orange grove get the ball so they could score and never once did she walk away from the ball because she always ran as fast as she could to get to a place where she was able to catch the ball.

Balmain A

Balmain A v Kegworth A 15 -8 


This week we versed Kegworth A's and we played well and we did really well at getting free from our players. We pushed hard and ended up winning by seven goals.

MVP this week is Capri as she played really well and always got free from her player

MIP this week is Eloise as her defence had really improved from last week

Balmain B

Balmain B v Balmain C

- by Bonnie D

I think we played pretty good there were some really good intercepts and we worked together as a team to win 16-1

MVP: Rosie Because even though she wasn't there for the full game she had a big impact 

MIP: Harriet She had a lot of intercepts and played good.

Balmain C

16-1 balmain B’s win 

Captain: Sharanya D

MVP Julia because she would always win the ball.

MIP Jonah because his accuracy has gotten better every week. 

The game was a very tough and competitive one

Boxing 🥊

Plank winners: Nico 3:20 and Sunny 3:50!

We did dodgeball and it was really fun!

We did ship shark shore and other stuff the people we think were doing the best was Silas.

Team Captain 1: Zach. 

I think that the best person was Sunny because he was doing hard work in dodge ball.

Team Captain 2: Nathan.

Dance 🕺🏽

Today in dance we did our dance routine in small groups and practiced it thousands of times. We finally finnished our poses at the end. 

Yunxi and Maylea because they listened. Yunxi did a dance by herself and Maylea showed resilience. 

Dance Captains: Annita & Lily O

Yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️

Today in yoga we did some sun salutations and then played a game called golden child but without the golden child. Tristian was showing responsibility during the sun salutations. We also did an obstacle course with your partners blindfolded. Anouk has shown great capibility during that game. And to finish off we picked a theme and had to make noises based on that theme.

Yoga Captains: Yasna & Sophie

We played some familiar games today and made the most of a warm and sunny Friday. We discussed strategy for game play, and practised dealing with losing and disappointment. In the afternoon, we continued with our theme park activity by extending into literacy and numeracy activities. We had a choice between writing a diary entry/comic about A Day in My Theme Park, a timetable itinerary for the theme park, or a poster of prices for tickets and food items at the theme park.



K Gigli - Mrs L Goodridge & Ms A DavisTed Dworking enthusiastically to make a great 2D shape dog picture with his buddies
K Wheat(ies) - Ms K WithersEthan Galways putting in 100% when completing writing tasks
1/2 Angel Hair - Mrs E ArchibaldZara Sbuilding a growth mindset when tackling challenging tasks
1/2 Jowar - Ms L JennettFinn McGcreating a fantastic 'Charizard' information report and helping Mr Elix feed 'Mango' the axolotl
1/2 Lasagne - Ms N LydonLili Malways trying her best! Lili is super helpful in our classroom too. Good job, Lili!
1/2 Pappardelle - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisArina Van excellent description of a fire dragon
3/4 Bigoli - Ms K BarcenillaNathan Tincreased focus, dedication, and engagement in all learning experiences!
3/4 Cavatappi - Ms A CooperElizabeth Wher authenticity, deep kindness and generosity to those around her
3/4 Macaroni - Ms R McListerGriffin S-Whis excellent effort, enthusiasm and focus when learning about length and area in mathematics
5/6 Bucatini - Ms L BurkeJames L-McBdemonstrating an impressive improvement in his written English work!
5/6 Couscous - Ms F ChiangZara Rher improved focus and self-regulation during independent learning time
5/6 Egg Noodles - Mr G ElixRemi O'Bdemonstrating strong understanding of leadership and responsibility at all times
5/6 Pearl - Mrs A PitmanAddie Nher consistent reliability and dedication to the smooth running of the Treehouse!
5/6 Ragi - Ms R ReedyPanya Sher reliable and focused approach to all learning tasks. You are a gem!
Art K-2 - Mrs F BowmanMaya S 1/2Acreating a fabulous dog using collage. Bravo!
Art 3-6 - Mrs F BowmanGabriel R 3/4Bworking hard to produce quality work in the art room. Well done!
Library K-2 - Ms M WhelanHazel T 1/2Jher reflection on the perspective of characters in books
Library 3-6 - Ms M WhelanCooper F 3/4Bhis ability to reflect on stories and see how they are like or unlike his experiences
STEAM K-2 - Mrs S LoxtonSpencer B 1/2L & Audrina L 1/2Lher positive attitude and patience in STEAM
STEAM 3-6 - Mrs S LoxtonAdhiraj B 5/6Ran excellent presentation in STEAM


K Gigli - Mrs L Goodridge & Ms A DavisElla Rbeing a caring and kind friend who is always willing to help others
K Wheat(ies) - Ms K WithersBillie McIalways treating students and teachers with kindness
1/2 Angel Hair - Mrs E ArchibaldCharlie Nalways helping classmates in need
1/2 Jowar - Ms L JennettChloe Wshowing fantastic emotional intelligence, by communicating her feelings with confidence and respect for others
1/2 Lasagne - Ms N LydonDylan Mbeing a friendly and caring classmate
1/2 Pappardelle - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisSefer Ksupporting all classmates with work and play
3/4 Bigoli - Ms K BarcenillaBen Hsupporting his class and teacher when learning Mandarin without judgement!
3/4 Cavatappi - Ms A CooperLeo Pclearly and confidently explaining concepts so everyone is included in the fun!
3/4 Macaroni - Ms R McListerMillie Wbeing a sweet and kind friend to others, and working well on group tasks
5/6 Bucatini - Ms L BurkeJack Sdisplaying understanding and consideration for others
5/6 Couscous - Ms F ChiangThomas Mrelating to, and caring for, others when they're down
5/6 Egg Noodles - Mr G ElixImogen Rtreating others with care and respect at all times, and demonstrating an intelligent understanding of privacy
5/6 Pearl - Mrs A PitmanAnnabelle Cunderstanding the needs of others by being open-minded and inclusive
5/6 Ragi - Ms R ReedyJune Mconsidering the needs and feelings of others

House Points...

Best Class @ Assembly Award

Each week, a mystery teacher will choose the class that has followed the 'Balmain Way'. They will be entitled to 10 minutes extra play!


Each week, Baa-bara the Sheep will stay with the class that has the highest percentage of nude food in their lunch boxes. They will be entitled to 10 minutes extra play!

Positive Pete Winners

This week's winners...


K GIGLI!!!!!

K Gigli's Shape Delight: Newsletter Spotlight!

In K Gigli’s class, a week so bright, 2D shapes took us on a learning flight.

Triangles, squares, rectangles, and more, circles too, our knowledge did pour.

We counted sides with eager pride, their features discussed, nothing to hide.

Mini whiteboards, we took in stride, shapes emerged, side by side.

All their shapes drawn so neat, our little artists, oh so sweet!

Year 6 buddies joined the fun, creating shape art, second to none.

Together we laughed, and we drew. Learning with friends, oh how time flew!

3/4 BIGOLI!!!!!

Right now, 3/4B is learning to speak Mandarin because we have a new student called Linda. Linda is from China and is still learning English. All of 3/4B is going good with their Mandarin, so far, they’ve learnt how to say some numbers and say hello and goodbye. They’ve also learnt how to write one to ten!

Everyone is learning quickly in 3/4B (well not everyone)… - Yunxi

We are learning Mandarin! We have been going very well and learning fast. We don’t usually pronounce it right but we have lots of people in our class who speak Mandarin helping us. It has been very fun learning a new language and playing with Linda and having fun! - Sophie

Recently, 3/4B got a new student, Linda, she came from China and is learning English. She is doing really well and is a big help when it comes to learning mandarin. We do Duolingo and are doing well, BUT, we are really bad pronouncing things. - Tristan


Make an appointment at 'Aussie Balmain' and mention 'Balmain Public School'. They will give us $50! Thanks so much for supporting our fabulous school!


Balmain Public School children are expected to wear full school uniform, including a school hat, every day. All children are required to wear full school uniform when representing the school on excursions, at sporting events or at cultural activities.