St Timothy's School Vermont 2023

Term 3 Week 5 2023

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Tuckshop 18th August

Friday 18th August

Chicken Nuggets

Iced Cupcakes

Order forms sent today. Also attached to this email.

Next Week At St Timothy's - Book Week

The Chocolate Boss (P-2)

Yes or No to Vegemite!

Movie Night

Archbishop's Visit

Archbishop Peter Comensoli will be visiting St Timothy’s and St Lukes on Friday 25th August. Unfortunately this clashes with a School Closure Day that was unable to be changed due to the very busy term and long term booking.

We are hoping however to have some children who may be able to attend to represent our school community between 11:30am to 12pm for a play together outside, and an opportunity to meet/ talk to the Archbishop and share stories of reasons why they love their school. They could share their stories of happy experiences, their learning, their friends and their teachers and the importance for them attending a local catholic school like St Timothy’s.

We realise parents may not be able to get their child to school for this short amount of time due to work commitments but thought perhaps they might be able to help each other out so we can have children from across the grades.

A morning tea would be provided for the children and an opportunity to play together. It would be wonderful if a few parents could stay and be with those who attend. 

The Archbishop has a very busy schedule on that Friday but will meet with Fr Gerard and leadership teams from both schools then a brief tour of the school and an opportunity to meet the staff and children.

WE ask that you return the form that has been sent home, whether your child can attend or no on the day.

Celebrate the Learning Showcase

Student of the Week

Cake Raffle


This term we have reached out to Badminton Australia/Victoria to provide specialised instruction in Badminton. At this stage we have booked 17th August and 24th August. We have also purchased badminton bats, smash bats and shuttles for children to continue to use after our clinics. This has been possible due to the Sporting Schools grant. 

Goodstart Kinder Visit

On the Friday 18th August our Year 5/6 class will walk down to visit Goodstart Kindergarten to read and complete art and craft  activities with the kinder children .What a wonderful opportunity for our Year 5/6 children, and to alert kinder parents about a wonderful little local Catholic school .

Celebrate the Learning Fundraiser

As a part of my trip to Darwin we visited Bathurst Island in the Tiwi Islands. Whilst there we got to meet with Sister Anne (92) who is still working within the community. 

We had the pleasure of visiting the little cypress pine mision church which is in serious need of renovation. It was built in 1941by Peter De Hayr.

Every log was put through the mill. No fancy finishes, except the curved timber to give the added beauty to the ceiling. Not one piece of planned timber exist in this beautiful old mission church.

Peter realised that white ants were the number one worry when he begun constructing the church. He found ironwood, cut it into beams and 82 years later those iron wood uprights have saved this beautiful monument that we want to restore to its pristine beauty.

The East Central Zone schools are all conducting a fundraising events to provide funds towards the renovation of this mission church.

I am hoping that St Timothy's can contribute with other East Central Schools with a gold coin or greater donation on our Celebrate the evening night.  

Mary MacKillop- Australian Saint

This week on 8th of August we celebrated Mary McKillop.

It was in prayer that Mary heard God's call to educate young Australians and to do so through her own version of religious life.

By 1869, when Mary took her final vows, there were already more than 70 Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, educating children at 21 schools, as well as working with orphans, street children, the elderly and dying and this remarkable mission continues today.

Mary was determined to bring the love of God to those Pope Francis calls "at the peripheries" and through all this she never wavered in her trust in God. May we continue to draw inspiration from our Australian saint and find ways of reaching out to those in need in our time.

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us!

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Term 3

August: 18th Lidia Salakos ( Noah)

August 25th  - School Closure - No Raffle

September 1st - School Excursion - No Raffle

September 8th Carla Hayes (Tommy)

September 15th Anne Maree Jones  


During Term 3 we will  be having Assemblies EVERY SECOND WEEK. 


Week 9: Friday 8th September

Classroom Cuisine

You can order online each Wednesday  and the lunch orders will be delivered to school. If you haven't ordered previously you will need to create an account.

Orders MUST be placed prior to 8:30am.

To place an order

Be An Upstander Against Bullying

Child Safety

Am I Being Bullied Online


 Parish Newsletter Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August

I don’t know that we’ve ever properly understood the significance of the disciples in the gospels; our attention is always focused on Jesus. The disciples certainly got the inside running on all of Jesus’ teachings; they witnessed the miracles; and were themselves empowered to carry on the work of Jesus. They can be seen as the prototypes for all the followers of Jesus that have come since. When we read the gospel stories we can perhaps place ourselves in the position of James or John or Peter or Andrew. To be a disciple to a rabbi was not just to be a supporter or an interested bystander. To be a disciple was to hungrily learn from your rabbi. The fact that all of Jesus’ disciples were called from other walks of life means that no other rabbi had already chosen them. They had been passed over as not good enough to study with a rabbi. When they were called by Jesus it was an opportunity they would never have dreamed possible; of course they left everything and followed him. To be a disciple was effectively an apprenticeship to becoming a rabbi. To be disciple to a rabbi was to believe that you could do what your rabbi did. It is this belief that makes Peter get out of the boat. His rabbi is walking on the water and Peter believes that he can do what his rabbi does. And extraordinarily, Peter begins to walk on the water just like Jesus. It is only when he starts to think about what he’s doing that he sinks. When Jesus asks Peter, ‘Why did you doubt?’ he is asking Peter why he doubted himself. It wasn’t that Peter doubted Jesus; he doubted his own ability to be the equal of his rabbi!  

OHSC Newsletter





Stormer Music

Term 3 Dates

Week 1

● Tuesday 11th July Parents and Friends Meeting (TBC)

Week 2

● Tuesday 18th July - 5/6 Confirmation Parent Evening

● Anne Maree away in Darwin ( Principal’s Conference)

● Friday 21st July -Year 3 - 6 The Smoothie Bar Incursion (Full Day)

Week 3

● Tuesday 25th SAC Meeting (TBC)

● Wednesday 26th July - 3/4 Emmaus Musical Performance Excursion

● Thursday 27th July - 5/6 Confirmation

● Friday 28th July - 100 Days of Prep

Week 4

● Friday 4th August- Whole School -The Superhero Incursion

● Friday 4th August -McDonalds Special Lunch

Week 5

● Friday 11th August - Prep - 2 The Chocolate Shop Incursion (Half Day)

Week 6

● Tuesday 15th August Assumption Mass

  • Wednesday 16th August - Book Week Celebration
  • Friday 18th August  National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
  • Friday 18th August Good Start Kinder Visit ( Year 5/6) new

Week 7

● Thursday 24th August- Movie Night ( Parents & Friends?)

● Friday 25th August - School Closure First Aid

Week 8

● Tuesday 29th August - Talent Quest- Year 6 organised- Lunch time event

● Thursday 31st August - Father’s Day Stall

● Friday 1st September - Whole School Excursion - Healesville Sanctuary

Week 9

● Monday 4th September - Parent Teacher Interviews

● Thursday 7th September - Year 3*(age) - 6 District Athletics

Week 10

● Thursday 14th September - Celebrate the Learning Showcase Evening

● Friday 15th September - Footy Day


Proposed Dates: Thursday 3rd , 10th, 17th 24th September TBC