Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 2 Week 6, 2nd June, 2023

Key Dates

Friday 9th JuneYr 2-6 Athletics Carnival
Monday 12th JunePublic Holiday 
Wednesday 14th June Yr 4 Elizabeth Farm Excursion
Thursday 15th JuneYr 6 Science Incursion
Thursday 15th JuneEels Cup - Rugby League
Friday 16th June

9.30am Sacred Heart Mass 

P&F Trivia Night

Trinity Sunday 4 June 2023

The Gospel (John 3: 16 - 17)

Jesus continued, “Yes, God so loved the world as to give the Only Begotten One, that whoever believes may not die, but have eternal life. God sent the Only Begotten into the world not to condemn the world, but that through the Only Begotten the world might be saved”.

... On the way to Mass

Why did God send us God’s son? Do you think it was hard for God to do?

On the way home from Mass ...

How does it make you feel knowing that God gave God’s only Son so that you can live for eternity with God?

The Prayer

We believe in God the Creator who speaks and we live, who breathes and we are sustained, who loves and we are renewed. We believe in Christ the Saviour who is born and we see light, who breathes and we have peace, who touches and we are healed. We believe in the Spirit, the Holy One who comes and we are empowered, who breathes and we are filled with care, who stirs and we become a new creation.

The Question of the Week


How could God’s mercy and love for the world be revealed through you this week?

Primary Students

Do you know anyone who is sick or feeling badly and whom you could visit?

The Action

Instead of a career, Jesus had a brief ministry. Sacrifice was spelled out in the silhouette of a cross on a hillside. The signs of sacrifice are fewer in the world these days, though crosses abound on buildings and dangle from the ends of chains. If we want people to believe we come in the name of God, we’ll have to produce the sacrifice. Celebrate the Trinity by creating something in honour of the Source of all creation; sacrificing something in the name of Jesus; and contemplating the Holy Presence in prayer.

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an independent skill-based assessment test of six competitions for primary and secondary school students.

This year we will be offering students from Year 3 to Year 6 the opportunity to sit the ICAS assessments. These are optional assessments that students can sit depending on their interest and ability.

To purchase one or more of these assessments, please see the payment details below. We will not be accepting any payment through the school, it is strictly through the ICAS Parent Payment Portal. Please see the closing dates indicated in the table below, these dates are set by ICAS and are not negotiable.

Parent Payment System

Your school access code is: XHT679
Your parent page link is:https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps

Assembly Awards

School Representative Sport Shirts

We still have many School Representative Sport Shirts that have not been returned. If your child has represented our school in any sport and used one of these shirts, we ask that parents please check if they still have them at home and if so return them as soon as possible.

Adding a Compass Attendance Note in Advnace

Attendnace Note via SMS Link

Uniform Price Increase

Dear Parents,

Please see uniform price list effective 1st July 2023.

As of October, last year we have incurred prices increases of 10% or more due to the rising cost of materials as well as labor costs. We have absorbed these costs up to now and are passing a fraction of these increases (5%) from the 1st of July 2023 rather than putting them up 1st January 2023. We have delayed the increase of our prices, having parents in mind as the bulk of the uniforms are purchased in January up to June (winter uniform change over) so it doesn't impact on parents buying their back-to-school uniforms. Nobody likes price increases, including myself, however we can only negotiate so much without affecting the quality of our garments as well as absorb so much in order to stay afloat which is why we are only passing on a 5% increase. 


Joe Arida  -School Wear Department 

Oz Fashions - The Uniform Specialists


Parent / Teacher Interviews

Parent / Teacher interviews will be held in the week commencing 19th June for 4W and 26th June for all other classes.

More information will be sent home next week.

School Fees Instalment 2 - Due Now 31st May 2023

School Fees Instalment 2 payment was due on Wednesday 31st May 2023.

If your school fee account is outstanding and you are not on a flexible payment arrangement, please finalise your account now.

School fee accounts on a flexible payment plan arrangement, please check your scheduled payments are paid accordingly and there are no missed payments. Thank you

Lost Property

We have many unclaimed school and sports jackets in the lost property. Please contact us if you are missing any items. We ask parents to please ensure names are clearly marked on all clothing. Some of the lost items have names of previous students.


We are aware that emails sent home maybe going to junk or spam. As this issue is out of our control,  we ask that parents check thier spam and junk mail. 

Feedback on our School

From Monday 22nd May to Friday 9th June, we invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at Our Lady of Lourdes, Primary School. 

 The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey (20 different languages available) on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:

Tell Them From Me

Baby Congratulations

Congratulations to the Nasrallah family on the birth of a baby boy, little brother to Fadi in 4K and Giovanni in 3B 

Updated Term Planner for Term 2

Sports News

Parent Helpers

Mrs Rawlings still requires more parent helpers for the day- if you can assist on the day and have a valid BCSC Number, can you please email Mrs Rawlings as soon as possible: krawlings3@parra.catholic.edu.au

OLOL Athletics Carnival 2023

Our School Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday the 9th of June at Gooden Reserve, Baulkham Hills.

Children from Years 2 to 6 will be leaving school by bus at 9.15am and will return to school at approximately 2.30pm

Children must be at school by 8.55am. Children must bring their morning tea, lunch, and plenty to drink as there will be no canteen available.

 The children should wear their school sports uniform or a shirt representing their house colour. There is to be no coloured zinc used on this day. No crepe paper or streamers are permitted.

 Please return the Permission slip to your child’s class teacher no later than Friday the 2nd of June.

Additional information for New Students/Parents: 

Order of Events: These events commencing at 9.40am

  • Championship Events for the 800m (8 years- 12 years- Timed Finals)

  • Races for 300m for 7 year olds

  • Sprint Heats - 100m (7 years- 12 years)

  • 200m (8 years- 12 years- timed Finals)

  • Championship Event: 100m finals for 8- 12 years 

  • Students are able to enter any of the above events on the day with no prior registration. 

  • Students in Years 2-6 are allowed to wear a coloured house shirt with their sports shorts if they wish or full sports uniform. 

  • Students can bring a smaller bag with them with their recess/lunch, sunscreen, school hat, towel to sit on and water bottle.

Additional Athletics Field Events

For students Years 2-6, who would like to submit additional Athletics Field Events, i.e. High Jump and Discus. Could you please send these to Mrs Rawlings after the Athletics Carnival is held. An email will be sent out as a reminder to all parents, after the Athletics Carnival.

P & F News

OLOL Trivia Night

The OLOL trivia night is making a return for 2023! It will be held on Friday the 16th of June from 7pm. We hope to see many parents and friends attend!If any parents would like to help in organising the trivia night or would like to donate a prize for the night please contact Katrina Gooding on 0414963420. Details for the event can be found in the flyer attached. 

Thank you


Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

No Parking Zones

Parking Fines