Drummoyne Public School

Term 1 Week 5 Newsletter - Friday 28 February 2025


Dear Drummoyne PS Community,

Parent/Teacher Interviews

I have been very pleased to see so many coming into school this week to engage in our parent-teacher interviews. With nearly 400 interviews taking place, we’ve set the stage for a great year of partnership to support your child/ren’s  learning and development. I hope you found the time with your child's teacher useful and that you were able to share your deep knowledge of your child and his/her strengths and needs. 

I would also like to take a moment to thank all the teachers for their dedication and commitment during these  interviews. I am confident that their genuine care for their students was evident in every meeting as we are truly fortunate to have such a passionate team of teachers at Drummoyne.

Parent-teacher interviews will be offered again after the Semester 1 reports are sent home at the end of Term 2.

Changes to Pick-Up Organisation from Next Week

As I communicated earlier this week, we will be making changes to some of our before- and after-school routines to ensure a smoother and safer beginning and end of the day for our students and families. These adjustments are designed to improve the flow of student arrivals and departure, allowing us to maintain a safer environment for all. If you missed the earlier communication, please find a map of our new procedures included below for your reference.

Whole-school Assemblies 

Next Tuesday, we will be beginning fortnightly whole-school assemblies, marking a change from our previous separate K-2 and 3-6 assemblies. These assemblies will take place every other Tuesday, after recess at 2:35 pm, and families are always invited to attend. Starting next term, classes will begin to run these assemblies, performing special items and sharing their learning. Kindergarten will also begin attending these assemblies in Term 2. I am looking forward to seeing our whole-school come together more often at these assemblies to celebrate our students' successes and achievements.


John Nguyen


E: john.nguyen34@det.n​sw.edu.au 

Upcoming Events

Term 1 2025
Monday 2nd half lunch11.50am Stage 1 Choir with Ms Buchanan

8.30am Recorder Ensemble with Ms Sole

11.50am Ukulele Club with Ms Sole & Mr Neufeld

Thursday Mornings

8.30am Stage 2 choir with Ms Champion

8.30am Stage 3 Choir with Ms Xenos & Ms Cantlay

Week 6

Tuesday 4 March

2.35pm Years 1-6 Assembly in the Hall hosted by our prefects - parents welcome

Friday 7 March

SRE Scripture & Ethics classes commence

Week 7

12-24 March

NAPLAN for all students in years 3 & 5
Friday 14 MarchPSSA Gala Day #2

Week 8

17 March

Stage 1 Kaleidoscope Science incursion

18 March

2.35pm Years 1-6 Assembly - Swimming Carnival Ribbons being presented

7.30pm P&C AGM meeting

Friday 28 MarchWhole School Photo Day


B&B Highway Incursion

Yesterday, Stage 2, the Environmental Leaders and some 2024 SRC representatives took part in an all day incursion at Drummoyne PS. Students engaged in a variety of activities including:

  • A Biodiversity Quest: we worked around the school, assessing the level of biodiversity by tallying what animals were found where, then explaining the reasons
  • Planting: students planted a plant each around West Playground and behind the Kindy sheds for pollinators, and created a scientific drawing of the plant they planted with information
  • Citizen Science: using a photo taking device students took observations and photos of plants and pollinators in the school grounds
  • Constructing habitat: Making homes for Blue Banded bees by mixing sand and clay and identifying other habitats for native animals such as bats and butterflies

Perhaps most excitingly, we also all went to visit the new beehive located near the hall and garden, which 10, 000 native bees now call home at the school. Thank you to the amazing B&B Highway team, for all your hard work and dedication allowing us to set up our school for the native bees, and for your wonderful and knowledgeable lessons. We all have a responsibility to put a lot of effort in to keep the new ecosystem of our school happy and healthy, but everyone is excited, especially to visit the bees and look after their individual plants!

Kathy Xenos

Assistant Principal Stage 2


Positive Behaviours for Leaning (PBL) Tokens

Tokens are handed out to students who demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. Students post the tokens in the collection tubes divided by house teams. The tokens are counted at the end of each week, and the ongoing totals are displayed on our school notice board outside the office.

Term 1 Week 5 House Points


Thanks to everyone for your help cleaning up DPS today


Zone Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all of our students who competed in the IWPSSA Swimming Carnival yesterday. We had a great day and are very proud of our students efforts in and out of the pool! 

A special mention goes to these students who will compete at the Sydney East Swimming Championships to be held at SOPAC next Monday 11th March: Olivia D, Nick Y, Adem Y, James W, Jake L and Will H. We wish them the best of luck. 

Zone ribbons were handed out to students today and all other school ribbons will be presented at the assembly on Tuesday 18th March.

Leah Pegler

Stage 3 Class Teacher & Sports Coordinator

PSSA Gala Day #1

Cricket Gala Day

On Friday the 19 February, DPS students participated in a PSSA Cricket Gala Day. A selected team of  Stage 3 and Stage 2 cricketers went on a journey to Campbell Park to play a few matches of cricket. We played against many schools and witnessed many good cricketers with great skills.

Although not everyone in the Stage 3 team got to bat and bowl in every game, it was a great PSSA first experience for many of us. We played against Burwood PS, Croydon Park PS and Croydon PS. The Stage 2 team tried their best in their games. We all came back to school talking about our day with the other people that competed in PSSA softball and by the sound of it everyone had a good fun day.

We are looking forward to heading off to another PSSA cricket gala day in Week 7 this term.

Ayden, Vivienne and James 

Softball Gala Day
The softball gala day was a bunch of fun. Everyone was having a good time, it was super competitive for us and all the other schools. We all had a new experience playing softball in a wonderful environment. With teachers and students all learning to play the game and lead the gala day, competing in a new environment representing our school. The boys and girls both had a great set of games even getting a win.
We played six games each and winning the games was the best part. Although we might have lost some games.
All up, the schools competed well and gave a nice welcome to us playing softball and would love to do it again in the future.
Ashton and Charles 5/6O

Basketball Gala Day
The Basketball Gala Day was a great experience for all of our team; Tom, Will, Evin, Jake, David, Alex, Isaac, Max, Sam and Asher. Being the first Drummoyne public school team to be competing at PSSA for basketball was both exhilarating and also very tiring. It took an hour by bus to Bankstown Basketball Stadium. Competing in a new environment representing our school was fun enough. As we also had the chance to compete in the finals against Five Dock. We came home with zone ribbons  beating Five Dock. All the other schools were very nice and had warm welcome arms. Both our Junior and Senior teams were excellent. I wish we could say we both won except we didn’t, our Junior team tied in the finals for 3rd. Overall I reckon all of our team would say it was an amazing experience and a great day out. 
By Asher and Evin 5/6O

NSW Junior State Touch Football Cup

Recently Maksim, Maeve, Luis and Ella competed in the NSW Junior State Touch Football Southern Conference Competition in Wagga Wagga. The games were held over the weekend of the 14 and 15 February. The first day was tough since the conditions were rainy and cold with lots of wind. The second day was windy and the third day was sunny.

We played in the Under 12 Girls and went through the Pool Phase undefeated in all five of their games. They then made it to the quarter finals. We versed Orange Thunder. We lost 3 - 2. It was a close game but we tried our best. - Maeve and Ella

I was in the under 12 boys and we went through the pool phase only losing one game. We ended up making it to the quarter final, losing by one try. It was a hard, close game but we tried our best. - Maksim

Luis competed in the under 10 boys. They only drew one game and unfortunately didn’t make it to the quarter final but they played well as a team and tried their best.


Ukulele Club – Join the Fun!

Mrs Sole and Mr Neufeld are excited to launch a new Ukulele Club, starting next week!Students in Years 3–6 are invited to register on Monday, 3rd March.

To sign up, visit the library during the second half of lunch and add your name to the list. Only 30 spots are available, so be sure to get in quickly!

The club will meet every Tuesday during the second half of lunch in Mrs Sole’s CAPA classroom - starting Tuesday March 4th.

No experience? No problem! Whether you're a beginner or already know a few chords, everyone is welcome. See you on Tuesday for some fun, music, and learning!

Mrs Sole & Mr Neufeld


Expression of Interest for Year 6 to Year 7 transition

Information for Year 6 Parents

In NSW Government schools, moving from primary school to high school is called the 'Year 6 to Year 7 transition'.

If you would like your child to attend a government high school in 2026, you will need to complete an online expression of interest for Year 6 to 7 transition. The expression of interest lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7. After you submit this expression of interest and it has been assessed, your child will be offered a place at a government high school. 

The EOI process is now available online. Applications open on  Monday 3 March and close on Friday 28 March 2025

If your child will not be attending a NSW Government high school next year, please let us know by completing the online Placement Not Required form.

If you are unsure whether they will be attending a NSW Government school (you’ve applied for a private school, or you are moving interstate), we ask that you still complete an EOI and follow up with your school once a decision has been made.

The online process will guide you through your options and collect the information required to make the process as smooth as possible.

All year 6 families are asked to complete an EOI or a PNR application for their child.

For parents/carers who are not able to complete an application online, a paper EOI form can be collected from the school office.

For more information about moving to high school and to apply online, visit Moving into high school EOI

Leigh Russ

Assistant Principal

Upcoming Art Competition - The Young Archie's

    The Art Gallery of New South Wales invites budding artists between the ages of 5 and 18 to submit a portrait for the Young Archie competition.

    The portrait must be of a person who is special to you – someone who is known to you and who knows you and plays a significant role in your life.

    For more information please see:


    Entries must be received: before 3 March 2025, 5pm


    Audiri App

    This year our school will continue to streamline some of our communication practices in an effort to keep our school community engaged and informed. As part of this process, we ask that you please download the Audiri App and read the weekly newsletter with important information about upcoming events etc.

    New users joining our school can subscribe to Groups by following these steps in the Audiri app:

  • Click on the Resources icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the Groups card that appears on the Resources page.
  • A list of all the Groups that have been created by the school appears, allowing the user to subscribe by sliding the button to the right of the group's name, to the right-hand side. The user can also unsubscribe to a Group by sliding the button to the left.
  • Thank you for your support.

    Children with Anaphylaxis

    There are several students at our school who have a severe allergy to certain foods (peanut products such as peanut butter and Nutella, nuts, sesame seeds, coconut, eggs, milk, shellfish and some fruits and grains) that could induce an anaphylactic reaction.

    Whilst we are not asking you to exclude particular foods, we would like your support in encouraging your child not to share their food items with other students. Teachers will also emphasise with the children not to share their lunch or recess at school to avoid possible accidents as a result of your child’s kindness.

    Medication at school

    For new students who require medication to be administered at school, all instructions and medications need to be handed in to the office.

    To support this process and ensure the dosage is correct and medicine is stored securely, please complete the “Request for administration of prescribed medication to a student” form and hand in at the office with the medicine.  The form is available from the school office and can also be found on our school website.

    No student should keep medication in their bags. Thank you for supporting the health and safety of all students.

    For returning students, any changes to medication should also be directed to the office.

    Important information if your child travels to school by bus?

    From 24 February to 21 March 2025 Transport for NSW will be focusing on school student Opal tap data to help plan better bus services. It’s vital that your child remembers to tap on and tap off their Student or Child/Youth Opal card during this time – and every time they travel by bus.   

    Why is tapping on and off on the bus important? The use of Opal cards is the primary way bus operators and Transport for NSW analyse demand for bus services. When students don’t use their Opal cards, their trip is not recorded. Therefore, buses may appear underutilised. Tapping on and off provides better data to plan better bus services.

    How can you help? Please remind your child to tap on and off and ensure your child has a valid Opal card (either a School or Child/Youth Opal card) and remind them to tap on and tap off on every trip.

    To apply for a school Opal card, visit https://transportnsw.info/school-travel-apply.  Students may see onboard bus posters and Busways Community Relation Officers at afternoon loadings.  Together let’s get students into good habits of tapping on and tapping off with their Opal card. 


    P&C AGM - Save the date

    An important part of next month's meeting will be the election of the 2025 P&C executive, as all positions will be declared vacant. This is an excellent opportunity to become involved at the start of the year with our P&C executive and team.

    The P&C AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th March from 7.30pm in the Library. We hope you can plan to join us.

    P&C Roles needed at 18 March AGM

    Vice President (Canteen) Role

    If you'd like to have a say in how our school canteen runs, consider taking on the role of Vice President in charge of canteen. As the contact person for our two paid canteen staff members, you will bring canteen feedback and ideas on menu and pricing to the P&C meetings, and report on the canteen budget with the help of our Treasurer. The P&C would like to invite anyone interested in being in charge of canteen to come and have a chat! Dee Elalingam has held the role for three years and wishes to step back. The role can be done remotely, you are not required to be in the actual canteen.

    Secretary Role

    If you're organised, would like to contribute to the school but are not available in working hours, this role is a great way to be involved in P&C! Run our monthly meetings, take minutes, distribute notes and follow up action items each month. Tim Counter has held the role for three years and wishes to step back. 

    For anyone who has been wondering what roles are available and what is involved, please click the below attachment to read. Any more questions? Please get in touch with:

    P&C Committee

    P&C Role Descriptions


    Contact our P&C

    Please follow us on:

    Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc

    Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc

    And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


    Uniform Shop Opening Hours - Now open on Mondays!

    From Term 1 the uniform shop will be open for face to face sales on Monday mornings from 9am - 10am.

    We are currently out of stock of size 8 & 10 short sleeve polos, stock is due to come in first week of March :)

    All uniform shop orders are now to be placed on Flexischools.

    Summer uniform is worn in Term 1.  Please register and order uniforms online at: 

    If you need to contact the uniform shop volunteers please email:



    Welcome to our new Canteen Assistant

    The P&C is excited to warmly welcome our new Canteen Assistant, Tayla Clark! Tayla started with us this week and is spending some time training with Eugenie. Once trained, Tayla will be running the canteen on Mon-Wed, and will be supporting Eugenie during our busy Fridays. She will be stepping into the role held by Anna for the first few weeks of this term. Anna has kindly offered to remain available to assist as needed in the future. Thank you, Anna! 

    Tayla has already come up with some fantastic menu ideas, and we’re looking forward to the delicious new offerings she has in store for the kids. Stay tuned for more tasty treats!

    Canteen Committee

    Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers Melissa Z, Christine G, Angela F and Lisa L . You are a wonderful help and hope you enjoy your time in the canteen. It is always fabulous meeting new volunteers!!

    Canteen Menu Items:

    Spaghetti Bolognese ( PENNE ) : made in the canteen. COST: $5.00 GF available. Parmesan cheese optional: $0.20 Beef mince, onions, grated carrot and zucchini, passata, garlic, bay leaf, oregano, basil, salt, pepper, water

    Vegetarian Penne: made in the canteen. COST: $5.00 GF available. Parmesan optional: $0.20 Passata, grated carrot and zucchini, onions, garlic, bay leaf, oregano, basil, salt, pepper, water. Once cooked the sauce is then blended.

    Pizza Margarita : half bread roll toasted. Pizza sauce  (left over vegetarian pasta sauce), mozzarella, parmesan, basil and baked in the oven.

    Pizza Ham and Pineapple: As above without basil. Ham and pineapple added. COST: $2.50 

    Forgotten/missing lunch

    If your child does not have lunch the procedure is to obtain an Emergency Lunch Voucher from their teacher. The student brings this to the canteen. If we have any extra main meal we will offer to the student otherwise a cheese , ham and cheese or Vegemite sandwich/toastie will be offered. The student will bring a pink note home with the details on it. An email from the canteen will also follow shortly. To pay:

    • Log in to Flexischools account .
    • Click Order Food then Student.
    • Click on IOU option.
    • Pick a date.
    • Choose denomination that equals amount owing.


    Monday 3rd…..10:15am-11:15am…….1

    Thursday 6th….10:15am-11:15am …..1

    Friday 7th ……..9:30am-10:30am…….1.         10:30am-11:30am……….1   

    Please register. We really do appreciate any time given.

    To register to volunteer:


    Kind regards, Canteen and P&C Committee


    Band Monday and Friday am

    Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

    Keyboard & GuitarTuesday and Thursday pm

    Contact David Koh from VIP Music on 9411 3122

    Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday pm

    Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

    Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm

    Omer Can 0418 695 766. Enrolment forms and detailed Information on ataturk.org.au/okul

    Art on Canvas for Kids - Mondays pm

    Contact Tahlia 0424 093 991. Email:Artoncanvaskids@outlook.com 

    Top Serve Tennis Academy - Friday pm

    Phone: Neil or James 0434 845 925 Email: fivedock@topserveta.com

    Golden Kick Soccer Academy - Monday pm

    Phone coach Oz 0434 845 918 or Email: goldenkicksa@gmail.com

    Make Believe Drama Club - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

    Email makebelieveaustralia@gmail.com

    Skill Samurai Lane Cove - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

    Buy Term 1 2025 Pass

    Register Here 

    Email: aatc@khorliving.com.au

    No 1 Draft pick basketball academy - Monday am

    Email: info@n1dp.com.au


    To book Gowrie NSW - enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website:


    Contact Rekkha for more information on 0436 616 744.


    The following notices are listed as a service to the community and are not endorsed by the school


    Autumn Vacation Monday 14 April – Thursday 24 April 2025

    Staff Development Days Monday 28 April & Tuesday 29 April 2025

    Students return on Wednesday 30 April 2025

    Winter Vacation Monday 7 July -  Friday 18 July 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 21 July 2025

    Students return on Tuesday 22 July 2025

    Spring Vacation Monday 29 September – Friday 10 October 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 13 October 2025

    Students return to school Tuesday 14 October 2025

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