Both Primary and Junior classes attended the KESAB (Keep South Australia Beautiful) Education Centre at Wingfield, on Thursday 13th June, as part of their inquiry topic 'I can make a difference'. Students toured the Integrated Waste Services (IWS) and learned how some waste items for recycling are made in to reusable materials, such as wood chips from unpainted pallets. Staff at the centre also educated our students on the value of recycling and the impact it has on the environment, they were impressed by with our primary students prior knowledge. All the students and staff had a great time and found the visit very informative.
Dear families & friends,
We are well into term 2 now and students and staff are busy delving into this term's inquiry 'I can make a difference'. Everyone enjoyed an excursion to KESAB to learn more about how we recycle in South Australia and already students have new ideas about what they might be able to do to make a difference.
Pupil Free Day
Last Friday we had our Pupil Free Day. While many families enjoyed the extra long weekend, staff worked together to build our collective understanding about quality teaching practices. With many new staff on our team this year it is important that we take these opportunities to work together to understand how we work at Felixstow and create consistency in approaches in every class.
It was a jam packed day of learning with a large portion of our day focusing on our Berry St Education Model (BSEM) and wellbeing practices (see later in the newsletter for more information about BSEM). We have several staff that have previously completed the 4 day training and several that are in the process of accessing training. We have now been working with this model of practice for a couple of years and students now use the language such as being ‘ready to learn’, ‘brain breaks’, ‘escalation and de-escalation’, ‘mindset’ and ‘stamina’.
We also deepened our collective understanding of High Impact Teaching Strategies (H.I.T.S.) which includes such practices as questioning, feedback, reflection and formative assessment. Along with this we revisited the importance of supporting students to develop their ‘Growth Mindset’. These strategies are shown to have the greatest effectiveness on student achievement and progress and are what we have worked on as a staff for a number of years for both students and staff to develop these approaches to teaching and learning.
While it was a long and intense day of learning for all staff, we all enjoyed the opportunity to learn and reflect together and know that this learning will support us to build our effectiveness as a team of educators.
Mid-Year Receptions and enrolments.
We enjoyed meeting our new mid-year reception students this week who visited for their first transition visit. we look forward to seeing them again in a couple of weeks and then starting next term.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025 beginning and mid-year. If you have younger siblings due to start, or know people in the area looking for a school, contact Gillian at the front office regarding the enrolment process.
Reports and 3-way conferences
Student learning summary reports will come home today (Friday 14th June). We encourage every family to make a time to meet with your child’s class teacher/s to discuss you child’s learning progress, learning data and future steps to focus on for the year ahead.
Conferences are approximately 15 minutes each with a maximum of 20 mins allocated. You can access bookings through the Audiri App.
Students are invited to attend these conferences with their parent to discuss their learning.
We are looking forward to a busy 3 weeks to the end of the term which will include our annual Morilata Day, Learning Expo and an end of term community breakfast on the last day of term. All are welcome to join us at these 3 days in the last week of term. keep an eye out for more information about these and other things happening at school and the calendar dates at the end of every newsletter.
Cheers Skye 😊