The Department for Education has decided that a Junior Primary Special Options Class will be placed at Burton Primary School beginning in January. This will be a small class of 8 students diagnosed with Autism and Global Developmental Delay.
Dear Parents and Carers
The new strategy for public education in South Australia is called Learn and Thrive.
Learn and Thrive has 4 main Areas of Impact, (priorities) which are:
1. Learner Agency
2. Effective Learners
3. Wellbeing
4. Equity and Excellence.
These Areas of Impact will now apply to all preschool, primary and high school students and schools in South Australia.
So far in term 4 newsletters we have looked at Learner Agency and Effective Learners, and what they both mean. This week the Area of Impact is Wellbeing.
Our learners will feel safe, included, and valued. They will have access to support, experiences, teaching, and resources to build their resilience and social and emotional skills to positively and confidently engage in learning.
Belonging and safety
Learners will feel they belong, are culturally safe, and are free to experiment, to raise questions and learn without feeling threatened.
Resilience and persistence
Learners will have the capacity to cope with day-to-day challenges and persevere when faced with new or complex learning situations.
Cognitive engagement
Learners will have the mental capability to engage actively in learning and feel stretched and challenged.