ThinkUKnow Cyber Safety and Security presentation for parents and students

Burton Primary School - 15th August 2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers

The internet is a great way to socialise, learn, work, play and be entertained — but with technology comes risks. Do you know how to keep your child safe online?  

Families can sometimes find it hard to guide their children in using social media technologies safely. To support families at Burton we have organised community police officers from the Northern District Community Engagement Section to attend our school on Tuesday 15th of August from 6:00-7:00pm. The presentation will be held in the Hive and we invite all parents/caregivers to attend.   Please RSVP via Audiri (Skoolbag) event before EOD on Monday August 14th.

The presentation will focus on: cyber safety, what to be aware of and how you can support your children to use online platforms safely, processes to report inappropriate internet usage, tools to gain a better understanding of the risks but also the positives of internet use. 

If you are seeking further information on cyber safety we recommend you access the Think U Know website which is designed and available to support educators and parents in providing guidance and information on the safe and appropriate use of social media, online gaming and the internet. The website provides fact sheets and information packages which are also available on the website in a range of languages.