St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 2 Week 10 2024

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Congratulations -Fr Tony Kerin

Congratulations to our former Parish Priest/ Administrator Fr Tony Kerin who has been appointed to the position of Vicar General.


The role of Vicar General is both complex and challenging. It requires professionalism and diligence, and a strong pastoral heart. 

Fr Tony will bring many gifts and more in offering guidance, wisdom and support to our Clergy and parishes.

see Message from Archbishop Peter Comensoli  20th June

Friday 2nd August (Week 3)

School Curriculum Closure Day

Friday 2nd August

Term 3 Week 3

No School for Children

Teachers Professional Development Day and planning of  thew new MASCS Science of Learning  initiative in -English & Mathematics 

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ preferred date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers.

Week 11- 28th June Sophie ( Iris) 

Looking for Term 3 Volunteers

Cake Raffle

Last Days -St Vinnies Winter Appeal

7 days to go.

We ONLY have 7 days before we drop off our donations to St Vinnies for their Winter Appeal ( 28th June),

If you haven't donated yet but would like to, we are still in need of non perishable items,

As these days are very cold, it would b great for those in need to be able to have some decent meals.

If you can help. we would appreciate your support no matter how small.  Thank You

For example:

Canned Foods: Soup, tuna, salmon, baked beans, tinned fruit, fruit juices

Bottled foods: Spaghetti sauce, mayonnaise, bottled sauces, eg Chicken tonight

Sealed foil/plastic foods; chips, nuts, sauces, rice

Toiletries: toothpaste. soap, hand cream, body cream, body wash, hand wash, toothbrush, nail brush, nail scissors, shampoo, conditioner.

Special Treats: Chocolate, coffee, tea, hot chocolate/milo, cake mix

Baby Needs: nappies, bibs, bottles, clothes, wipes

Winter Goodies: Hats ,scarves , beanies, socks

Good Quality clothes and shoes

 We will set up baskets in each classroom and Open Learning Space.

If you can assist us it would be greatly appreciated.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Thank you - Awesome Effort - We Raised $720

Dominos Pizza

A HUGE thank you to Dominos Pizza Vermont South ( Christian) who donated 9 large pizzas for our children's lunch after the Walkathon.  

If you live in the area and like a pizza I can recommend!

Dominos Pizza 

2/475 Burwood Highway Vermont Vic 3133  phone:9873 6620

Book Week ( Term 3)

Child Safety/Wellbeing

Live Streaming

Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 22nd June and Sunday 23rd June 2024

A Great Storm Arose

The Gospel of this Sunday is the calming of the storm. In the evening, after a day of intense work, Jesus got into a boat and told the apostles to go the other side. Exhausted, he fell asleep in the stern. Meanwhile, a great storm arose which threatened to destroy the boat. Frightened, the apostles woke Jesus, saying to him: "Teacher, do you not care if we perish?" After rising, Jesus ordered the sea to be calm: "Peace! Be still!" The wind ceased and there was a great calm. Then he said to them: "Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?" We are going to try to understand the message addressed to us today in this page of the Gospel.

The crossing of the Sea of Galilee indicates the voyage of life. The sea is my family, my community, my heart itself. In small seas, as we know, great and unforeseen storms can be unleashed. Who has not known some of these storms, when all is darkened and the little boat of our life begins to fill with water on all sides, while God seems to be absent or asleep. An alarming diagnosis from the doctor, and all of a sudden we are at the height of the storm. What to do? What can we hold fast to and on what side must we lower the anchor? Jesus does not give us the magic recipe to escape all storms. He has not promised us that we will avoid all difficulties. He has promised us, however, the strength to surmount them if we ask him for it.

St. Paul tells us about a serious problem he had to face in his life, which he calls "a thorn in my flesh." "Three times" -- that is, countless times -- he says he prayed to the Lord to free him from it, and what did the Lord answer him?

Let us read it together: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." From that day, he tells us, he even began to glory in his weaknesses, persecutions and anxieties, to the point of being able to say: "When I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Trust in God: This is the message of the Gospel. On that day, what saved the disciples from shipwreck was the fact of taking Jesus in the boat, This is also for us the best guarantee against the storms of life: to take Jesus with us. The means to take Jesus in the boat of one's life and of one's family is faith, prayer and observance of the commandments.

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa


Our Lady of Sion