Beaudesert State School Newsletter

30th August 2024

Principal’s Report

Mrs Birch

As we approach the spring holidays, I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable time ahead. This break is an opportunity for everyone to recharge and spend quality time together. Whether you are planning a getaway, exploring local attractions, or simply relaxing at home, I encourage you to make the most of this time to rejuvenate and connect with loved ones. Please remember to prioritize safety during any activities or travel.

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 3 is on Friday 13 September and school resumes on Monday 30th September.

Book Week Parade

Throughout the month of August, community organisations, schools and libraries around the country take part in Children’s Book Week, celebrating the joys of reading for pleasure with classroom activities, competitions, storytelling sessions and, of course, the popular school book parade.

Reading for pleasure has a range of benefits for children and young people. Reading can enhance literacy skills, and has a positive direct effect on academic reading motivation and achievement in later childhood and adolescence. 74% of children agree that reading helps them understand the world better, and 86% of children (age 6-17) said they loved being read books aloud at home or liked it a lot – the main reason being because it is a special time with parents.

Despite the unexpected heat, we thoroughly enjoyed our Book Week Parade on Thursday. We had a range of popular characters on show from both staff and students. It was lovely to see the Beaudesert community having fun together. 

Congratulations to our Book Week Parade Best Dressed

Prep: Maddison & Layana

Year 1: Bruce & Savannah

Year 2: Hayden & Harper

Year 3: Taylor & Narli

Year 4: Melody & Connor

Year 5: Myah & Bronte

Year 6: Stanley & Ava

Staff: Alice in Wonderland group costume

Deputy Principal Update

Miss Ainsworth

Kingfisher Cup

On Monday and Tuesday the 19th and 20th of August we had a number of  students compete in Kingfisher Cup. The students represented the school in Netball and Rugby League. All teams did a fabulous job! The under 10s Rugby League team came runners up for the competition with the under 12’s team taking home the kingfisher Cup trophy. The Netball teams put their best foot forward and played well. The Junior A team took out the trophy for the junior side. Thank you to the teachers who gave up their time to train the students and helped make this year’s carnival a success for our teams. 


Rugby League


We’ve had an increase in the number of incidents on the oval at play breaks. These incidents involve inappropriate hands-on behaviour. A reminder that we do not accept this type of behaviour at our school and students are to be safe, responsible and respectful of each other at all times. 


We started the year off well with attendance but unfortunately it has dropped off.  I understand that some students have been absent due to illness but some students are absent due to birthdays or having a shopping day, these reasons are not acceptable. Our average school attendance is sitting below 85% which means students are missing key learning opportunities. If there are barriers getting your child to school, could you please reach out and speak with your child’s class teacher or contact the school. We’d like to support parents and students to ensure attendance is a priority.

The graph below shows the class with the highest attendance for the term. They are in the running for the end of term pizza party.

2025 Prep Enrolment information

Enrol now for 2025

We are actively running enrolment interviews for the 2025 school year if you or someone you know has a child born between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2020 then this child is eligible for Prep in 2025. Be sure to come in to the office to get an enrolment pack to avoid the end of year rush. 

As we are a catchment school proof of residence is required. Our school catchment map can be viewed at 

We also have some Prep open afternoons, Transition visits and Parent information sessions coming up, please see the above flyer for further information.

Classroom Reports

Year 4

What an exciting term we are having in Year 4 and once again it is flying by.

We have all been working really hard and are having a lot of fun creating individual PowerPoints linking our English Information Reports and HASS Sustainability topics (which is also connected to this terms Science focus - Erosion and the impact of human activities on the Earth’s surface). Thank you to Miss Stacie for her time and knowledge this term as well. We had a big afternoon where Miss Stacie was able to share her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm about taking care of country. These presentations are looking amazing, particularly engaging and informative – the future of our planet is in good hands!


In terms of FUN FUN FUN and fabulous news, we enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book character for book week. Costumes were absolutely magical and out of this world! It has also been great to see some of our Year 4 classes earning Pikachu for our great work and respectful behaviour in LOTE and specialist lessons. Well done year 4!


At the end of Term 3, we are offering a Parent Information Session for Year 4 Camp. This will be held in Miss Wood’s room in R Block on September 9 at 3:15pm-3:45pm. If any parents cannot attend, we will send home the information PowerPoint. If you have any other questions, please see your child’s teacher. We are so excited for this trip and all of the fun it entails. We hope to see you there.

Cannot wait to see what fun Term 4 brings us!

Year 4 Camp Information Session

Year 6

We’ve had a busy and exciting term 3! With only a couple of weeks to go, we’ll fill you in on some of the amazing things we’ve been getting up to and what we have to look forward to. In English, the students have been working busily to create an informative text focusing on volcanoes. Luckily for the students, it relates directly to their science, so it means completing two assessments in one hit!  In maths, we’ve been learning about properties of number, and mastering our prime factor trees. We’ve also been learning about cartesian planes, the kids enjoyed a few games of battleships to test their skills, with a few taking down their friend’s ships. Our final maths unit was focused on discounts, the students have enjoyed planning meals and calculating 10%, 20%, 25% and 50%. In HASS, we’ve been mapping absolute locations and comparing data on why people choose to migrate to Australia, particularly focusing on social, cultural and environmental factors. Finally, we have an adventure coming up as we are preparing for camp! Something we are all looking forward to, so until then I’ll be catching up on my beauty sleep (we are going to need it). If you need any information regarding camp, please see your child’s teacher. So, take care and have a great break!

From your Year 6 Teachers,


Mrs Foster, Mrs Morgan, Miss Stekhoven and Mrs Russell

Office Info

Are Your Details up to date?

 Please be sure to contact the office to update your details if anything has changed i.e. phone numbers, email addresses, home address & emergency contacts. It is crucial that we have the right information on the system should we need to contact you.

The office is open Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm and can be reached on 5540 1111.


BPAY IS NO LONGER A PAYMENT OPTION FOR SCHOOL INVOICES (please delete any saved BPay details from your records)

The preferred payment method is BPOINT which can be done online at , on your QParents app or by phoning the school on 55401111 and selecting option 2.

You can also make payments at the school office on Mondays & Tuesdays from 8:30am - 3:00pm


Click attached file to download the 2024 Payment Guide

Lost Property

As always, we have a mountain of lost property piling up at school. A lot of it is unnamed which makes it extremely hard to get it returned to the rightful owner. If your student has lost any items direct them to the lost property bins which are located under A Block Administration Building, or you're welcome to pop in for a look yourselves. Please check there if your children are missing any of their belongings.


Important Dates

Important Dates

*In the event we need to change a date, this will be communicated via our Skoolbag/Audiri app. 

  • 9th - 13th September - Year 6 Camp
  • 9th September - Year 4 Camp information Session 3:15pm to 3:45pm
  • 9th September - 2025 Prep Open afternoon
  • 9th - 10th September - Prep Vision Screening
  • 11th September - Year 1 Starlab incursion
  • 12th September - PBL Rewards Day
  • 12th September - RU Ok? Day
  • 13th September - Last day of Term 3 
  • 30th October - First Day of Term 4

The SkoolBag/Audiri app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minutes notices, newsletters and all school communications.

Sports Update

We held our annual Prep - Year 2 Junior sports day on Thursday 22nd August. This year, the event included many fun events: egg and spoon race, hurdles, ball games, a soccer relay, sack race, and the 50m dash. We also included the lap-a-thon for good measure as well! The students had a blast competing in their events, and behaved even better.

I would like to say thank you to all the teachers, teacher-aides and Year 6 helpers, that made the day run smoothly. And, a big thank you to the parents that came and watched!

Sporting Achievements

If you would like your child’s school sporting achievements outlined in the newsletter, please contact the front office on 5540 1111. A reminder that the P&C offer school sporting sponsorships which can be applied for via the front office. The application can also be found on our school website under Support and Resources / Forms and Documents. 

P & C Sporting Sponsorship

The Beaudesert State School P & C proudly supports individual student school sporting endeavours. Should you wish to apply for P & C sponsorship please complete the form below and return to the school office or email to 

2024 Sporting Sponsorship Application Form


The Arts

Performing Arts

This term years 4-6 students have been creating collage drama performances inspired by the themes found in story books by Shaun Tan. Devising their own role plays and freeze frames to depict their chosen theme. While many students from all year levels across the school are preparing pieces of drama, music and dance to present in our annual Arts Night. Stay tuned for your invitation to Arts Night 2024! 

LOTE - Japanese


In weeks 4 and 5, Beaudesert State School hosted a group of 12 Japanese students from a junior high school, just north of Tokyo.  Our Year 6 buddies did an amazing job of being International Ambassadors, looking after them and making friendships.  Our CEC, Stacie Fogarty started the study tour by welcoming the students with a smoking ceremony on the oval.  The Japanese students got to experience daily school life in Beaudesert classrooms and homestay with some local families.  They were also fortunate enough to have up close and personal experiences with our native wildlife and take part in indigenous painting with their buddies.  Our whole school made Welcome Signs for our students, and did such a marvellous job – they loved them!  It was the second time the school has visited us, so we are hoping they will join us again next year.  Thank you to everyone who was involved.  

Design Technology

In this semesters Digital Technologies lessons, our Year 4 to 6 students are diving into the important topics of online privacy and security, while also developing their skills in using digital tools for collaboration.

Year 4: PowerPoint and Online Safety Our Year 4 students are getting hands-on with PowerPoint as they explore the digital tool. Their main focus is understanding what personal data is stored online and recognising the risks that come with it. Through engaging activities, they’ll learn to use the core features of digital tools like PowerPoint to plan, create, locate, and share content. Collaboration is also key, with students working together while following agreed-upon online behaviours.

Years 5 & 6: Canva and Collaborative Projects In Years 5 and 6, students are taking their learning a step further by focusing on Canva, an online design tool. While using Canva, they’ll explore the crucial concepts of digital privacy and security, learning how to protect themselves and others online. The highlight of this unit will be a group project where students will collaborate to create an infographic that addresses a real-world problem related to privacy and security. This project not only strengthens their understanding of these important issues but also hones their teamwork and communication skills.

Instrumental Music

2025 Instrumental Music Program

Applications are now open for students to apply to play an instrument in the 2025 Instrumental Music Program. Many instruments are available to be learnt for students between years 3-6. Please have a look through the list and discuss with your child if they would like to begin learning an instrument next year. 

Expression of Interest - 2025 Instrumental Music Program

If your child would like to learn a musical instrument, please complete the attached form and return to school as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Tamara Royan ( for string instruments or Jane Kruger( for woodwind, brass and other instruments.

Camp Australia - OSHC

Camp Australia Newsletter

Spring into a WORLD of Holiday Fun

It's free to register

To attend our program, you must register your child. You can register an account with us at Camp Australia - Parent Portal or by downloading our Camp Australia smartphone app from the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Once registered, it's easy to make bookings and manage your account.

Community Noticeboard