
Term 3 Wk 1 - Monday 22 July 2024

Dates for your Calendar

Mon 22 July

  • Staff Development Day

Tues 23 July

  • Students return for Term 3

Wed 24 July

  • Basketball Gala Day
  • K/6S Walkling Excursion to Jesmond Park

Fri 26 July

  • LPS Mini Olympics Sports Day - Out of Uniform

Wed 31 July

  • Parent/Teacher Interviews 
  • LHS Yr 7 2025 Transition Visit – Yr 6 students

Thurs 1 Aug

  • Opportunity Class Placement – Yr 5 2025
  • NSW Touch Football Gala Day – Stage 3 students
Fri 2 Aug
  • Newcastle Permanent Mathematics Competition (Stage 3 students)

Mon 5 Aug

  • Book Fair Preview

Tues 6 Aug

  • Book Week/Education Week Celebrations including Book Fair, Open Classrooms & Book Character Parade
  • Hunter Drama Festival 

Wed 7 Aug

  • Parent/Teacher Interviews 
  • LHS Yr 7 2025 Transition Visit – Yr 6 students

Term 3 Start Date

Please note Term 3 commences with a Staff Development Day for both teachers and administration staff on Monday 22 July.  We look forward to welcoming students back for Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July, 2024. 

Staffing Update

We would like to advise the school community that Mr Delanty is currently on leave . Mrs Saunders is the relieving principal for Week 1.  

This term we are excited to welcome Miss Shannon O'Connor back from maternity leave. Miss O’Connor will be with us Monday to Wednesday and joining Mrs Freedman to teach KM for the remainder of the year.

We are also thrilled to share with you that Mrs Bush will be returning each Tuesday to co-ordinate our Small Group Tuition (SGT) program providing teaching and learning support for groups of 2-5 students.   SGT provides short-term support for students Needing Additional Support (NAS) as identified by the new NAPLAN standards and/or school-based assessments.  Year 4 students will be the focus of the program to start with and students who have been identified for the program have already received a note informing their parents/carers of their involvement.

School Uniform Subsidy

On 9 April 2024 the Education Secretary announced significant cuts to the NSW Education Budget to the tune of $148 billion being slashed from Public School funding.  These budget cuts have had an impact on our school budget and adjustments have had to be made to maintain our current staffing levels and provide quality teaching resources and programs for our students.

The uniform subsidy offered to assist families in purchasing school uniforms will unfortunately need to come to an end on Friday 9 August (end of Week 3). 

We have maintained the subsidy for as long as possible to allow all families to have the opportunity to purchase uniforms at the discounted prices however, the NSW Education Budget cuts are out of our control and directing the funds that we do have to employ teachers and purchase teaching resources allows us to continue to provide a quality education program to our students.

We welcome any families who would still like to purchase uniforms at the discounted rate to do so in the next couple of weeks.

School Reports

School Reports for students absent on the last day of term will be sent home with students on Tuesday 23 July.  With all staff involved in Professional Learning tomorrow and most reports still sitting in classrooms with teachers, we ask parents not to contact the school office tomorrow to collect reports.  

As previously communicated, we experienced numerous issues with the reporting platform when completing Semester One reports. We emailed a document to all families that we hoped would support families to understand the recent changtes to the NSW syllabus and provide parents and carers a clear understanding of the English and Mathematics areas which have been assessed.  We highly recommend all parents book a Parent/Teacher Interview with their child's class teacher to discuss their child's progress and areas for improvement. 

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday, 31 July, and Wednesday, 7 August.  

Parents and carers will have the opportunity to book either a face-to-face meeting or a phone meeting where the classroom teacher will call you at the scheduled time.

Bookings will open on Tuesday evening and parents will be able to use their School Bytes Parent Portal to book an appointment.  A banner will appear across the top of your portal once bookings open on Tuesday evening. 

  • Click on this banner or the Interviews icon on your dashboard to be redirected to create your booking
  • Enter your child's name
  • Selected your preferred session (ie Wed 31 July or Wed 7 Aug)
  • Choose your child's classroom teacher
  • Select the date
  • Select your preferred time
  • If you would prefer a phone interview, please ensure you note your preferred contact number in the Comments box
  • Select Submit

Confirmation of your booking will show on the “Your bookings” panel at the bottom of the screen

Repeat the steps to make further bookings for additional students

To cancel your booking – Visit the “Your bookings’ panel at the bottom of your screen and select the bin icon in the top RHC of the booking you wish to cancel

School Bytes Parent Portal - Attendance

From the start of this term, we have transitioned how we record and monitor student's attendance to School Bytes. This means parents and carers should now use their School Bytes Parent Portal to notify the school of an absence and/or respond to SMS messages to provide an explanation. 

To notify the school of an absence

  •  Log in to your School Bytes Parent Portal
  •  Click on the Attendance Icon on your dashboard (available from Mon 22 July)
  • A pop up window will be displayed for any unexplained absences
  • Click on the respond button and select an absence type from the available options
  • Parents and carers have the option to upload documents such as medical certificates
  • Enter a reason for the absence in the Comment field (ie specialist appointment, unwell etc)
  • Press submit

The absence will now appear as pending approval. Once the school has reviewed and approved the absence, it will no longer appear in the absences list.

Upcoming Events

An Olympics-themed Sports Day will be held this Friday, 26 July to celebrate the opening of the 2024 Olympic games. Following recess, all students will rotate through a variety of Olympic-themed activities. 

Out of Uniform Day - Students are invited to come out of uniform for our Mini Olympics dressed in Green and Gold to show their support for our Australian athletes.  Please ensure clothing is appropriate to allow students to participate in the various sporting activities organised.

Canteen Meal Deals – Our Canteen will be offering an “Olympics Meal Deal” each day during the Olympic Games together with selling their popular pikelets  that will reflect the colours of the Olympic rings. Each day of the week students will be able to buy either red, green, blue, yellow or black pikelets!!!

Year 7 2025 High School Transition

All Year 6 students are invited to participate in the Transition program offered by Lambton High School. The students will participate in transition events at LHS on Wednesday 31 July and Wednesday 7 August. During the third transition session on Wednesday 14 August, Lambton High School English staff will visit our school to deliver a TEEL Writing Workshop to all a Year 6 students.

All Year 6 students are encouraged to participate irrespective of the school they will be attending in 2025 as these sessions allow students to become more familiar with a high school environment and high school expectations. 

Newcastle Permanent Mathematics Competition

Students in Stage 3 (Year 5 and 6) are being given the opportunity to participate in the online 2024 Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition.

The Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition is challenging and consists of 35 graded questions (32 multiple choice and 3 free response questions). All students do the same test, however, results are processed and reported in two divisions: Year 5 and Year 6. For students in Year 5 who are considering applying to Lambton High School’s e3 class in 2025, participation and results in this competition could be submitted as part of your application.

If your child is interested in participating in this competition, please complete the Expression of Interest form sent via School Bytes by Thursday 25th July.

There is no cost involved and the test will be administered at school on Friday 2 August.

Education Week 2024

Our combined Education and Book Week celebration will take place at Lambton Public School on Tuesday 6th August.

Education Week is a time to celebrate the quality teaching and learning occurring every day in our school. As well, it's an opportunity to acknowledge the valuable contributions provided by our school administrative and support staff who work in our offices, classrooms, library and school grounds.

The 2024 theme for Education Week is Proud to Belong.

Book Week acknowledges and pays respect to the excellent children’s literature by Australian authors and illustrators, that were published last year.

The 2024 Book Week theme is Reading is Magic

Activities planned for Education/Book Week this year are:

  • Book Character Parade
  • Book Fair
  • Family Lunch  - (Canteen Meal Deal included in P&C News)
  • Open Classrooms
  • Reading Exchange with Buddy Classes

More information about the above activities will be included in next week’s Newsletter. 

Public Speaking Competition

Lambton Public School will once again be participating in the annual Hunter Inter-Schools Primary Public Speaking Competition. All children from Early Stage One to Stage Three are invited to participate with the possibility of progressing through the stages to represent our school in this event. 

We would like all students to prepare their speeches at home so that, with your support and guidance, they can choose and then practise delivering their presentation that contains relevant, personal content.

  • All presentations should be prepared on small palm cards..
  • Pictures or drawings may be used as prompts for non or developing readers.
  • It is acceptable, for parents and carers to support or help their child with preparing their speech  if they  need support.

Duration of Speeches

   Early Stage 1 and

   Stage 1

   1-2 mins - (a warning bell will sound after 1 ½ minutes.

   Continuous bell will sound from 3 mins)

   Stage 2

   2-3mins - (a warning bell will sound after 2 ½ minutes.

   Continuous bell will sound from 4 mins) 

   Stage 3

   3-3 ½ mins - (a warning bell will sound after 3 minutes.

   Continuous bell will sound from 4 ½ mins)

   Please Note: As per competition rules, children who are still speaking when the continuous bell rings, will        be penalised 10 marks as they have not completed their conclusion


The students are permitted to select their own topics. No props are to be used in public speaking.

Although not all students may be interested in progressing through to representing the school at the Zone or Hunter Public Speaking finals, we would still like all students to participate in their class public speaking activities. 

Class presentations will commence from Tuesday 23 July (Week 1 & 2).  with two representatives from each class to be chosen to present at the school finals to be held in Week 4. Further information about the school finals will be shared closer to the date and parents will be invited to attend.

Kindergarten 2025

If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in 2025 or know of a friend, neighbour or relative with a child starting with us next year, now is the perfect time to complete their application for enrolment.

Applications for enrolment can be completed online  by clicking on the Enrolment tab on our school website. If you require further information, our enrolment procedures can be located on our website: Click here for more information. You can also speak with our friendly office staff who will be happy to assist.

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

At the end of last term, LPS came together to celebrate NAIDOC Week. Our celebrations included our ATSI students working on an Aboriginal  display  with Mrs Cooper, a NAIDOC assembly including performances by the LHS Dance and Didge group, a Community Gathering of families who identify as Aboriginal, a colouring in competition and an out of uniform day.  Our artist made a start on our mural and we can’t wait to show you the finished product in the coming weeks. We were blessed to have many community members join us as we celebrated the proud culture and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.  A huge thank you to our Aboriginal Education Committee for their planning and organisation of our NAIDOC week celebrations. 

Sporting Achievements

Hockey's York Cup - At the beginning of the school holidays, Thomas B, Eddie H, Alex H, Oxley M D , Archer P & Nate T  travelled to Tamworth to represent Newcastle competing for Hockey's York Cup. There were 4 teams representing U/12's boys across 2 divisions.  Well done boys !!
Interschools Snowsport Championship - Chiara T competed in the Interschools Snowsport Championship during the holidays.  Chiara came 2nd in Moguls, 15th in Alpine and 18th in Ski Cross and is awaiting to hear if her results qualified her for the State Championships. Great work Chiara.!!

P&C News

Bunnings BBQ Kotara Sunday July 28th -  The P&C need your help!!! Their Bunnings Warehouse Australia BBQ Fundraiser CAN NOT go ahead if they don't get some more volunteers! They only need SIX more people to volunteer 1.5 hours of their time to have fun and raise some important funds for LPS!

The members of the P&C can only do so much - they need your help!!!

Sign up below if you can spare an hour or soto assist

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp:

2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)

3. Choose your preferred time (1.5 hour blocks) - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.

2024 Funding survey - We are seeking the community's thoughts on funding via the below link

P&C meeting - Our next P&C meeting will be held Tuesday 30th July at 5.45pm in the school staffroom

Term 3 Canteen Menu - Our Canteen committee has been working over the school holidays on the canteen menu.  Please click here to view the Canteen Menu

Canteen Volunteers - We are seeking volunteers for the canteen to assist register through signup

Bites Biscuits reminder - Money to be returned via bank transfer to the P&C, payments through square or cash return to office by Tuesday July 23rd