St Mary's Newsletter

Term 1 - Week 2 (14th February, 2025)

Dear St Mary's School Community,

Focus Value: Faith

We believe in God and in each other.

Welcome Back Pool Party

It was wonderful to see so many families attend the Welcome Back to School pool function. Well done to the P&F for their spot on organisation and special thanks to all who donated toward the cause to give our Brooklyn, extra family support in the coming weeks.

Parent Information Evening

Thank you to the Parents who turned up to School for the Info night. It’s heartening to see so many parents invested in the education of their children. Special thanks are also noted to the teachers who all prepared Power Points and class notes for the evening.

Beginning of the Year and Commissioning Mass

This morning saw Father Phillip lead a wonderful, bright Mass to welcome everyone to the new school year. It was great to see so many CSAC and P&F members also commissioned at the Mass.

P&F Meeting

Our wonderful P&F committee meet Monday at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. We have the School Fete coming up later in the year and many hands make light work!

Parish Council Meeting

We also have the Parish Council Meeting Tuesday at 7pm. As with the P&F meetings, all are welcome to attend.

**Remember, everyone feels a little anxious when we start somewhere new. So, if your child/children are taking a little bit of time to settle because they may have a new class or a new teacher; explain that time and a little bit of reassurance works wonders and by the end of the term, the anxiety they felt with their new class/teacher will be a distant memory.

If you have any concerns of this nature, don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.

God Bless

Mr Hamersley

Class News

Year One

A great start to the beginning of the new year in Year One.  We have been working really hard on establishing our routines and becoming an awesome Year One team.  We started the year with a school walk and drew chalk butterflies at all the places we would visit within the school, this followed on from a share story called, Butterflies on the first day of school by Annie Siverstro. 

This week we have been bringing in items from home in our all about me bags and sharing these with our buddies.  There has been some really interesting discussions and great questions about each persons interests and favourite things.  It has been an awesome start to the year.

"You're never to small to make a difference" 

"Small actions big impact"

"Slow and steady wins the race"

Other News & Important Dates

Footy Tipping

Footy Tipping is back and we would love your support!! 

Please pay through the try booking link below:

It is $63 plus the trybooking fee. Or you can scan the QR code and and that will take you to the link.

If you are new to the competition, please email for the password to enter via ESPN footy tips. Search for: St Marys School 2025

Spread the Word!!

Containers for Change

St Mary's School is part of the "Containers for Change" program. Please see the poster below for all the details. If you require a green bag to collect your cans, these are available from Mrs Riethmuller at the school.

Community Notices

St Mary's Parish Merredin- Mass Times

Merredin: Saturday 6.30pm & Sunday 10.30am

Kellerberrin: Sunday 8.00am

St Mary's P&F Uniform Shop

Open Wednesday 8.30am-9.10am

Online Orders: