Our Lady of Fatima Rosebud


Friday 26 July, 2024

Principal's News

Dear Families

Last weekend we held our Presentation masses for the upcoming Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Families show their commitment to their child’s faith by presenting their child to the congregation. The children also hand out prayer cards to parishioners asking them to pray for them during this significant time and wear a blue or purple ribbon showing that they are preparing for a Sacrament. May all of us keep these children in our prayers 

Book week - ‘Reading is Magic’

Get ready book week is fast approaching - yippy! Our Book Week parade will take place at 9am on Friday 23rd August. Students can come to school dressed up in line with this year’s book week theme ‘Reading is Magic’ or as their favourite book character. 

Dress in Green and Gold

On Monday all students are invited to wear green and gold to support our Australian athletes competing at the Paris Olympics. On this day, all year levels will participate in an incursion with Bonora Sport with Georgia Bonora, a former gymnast and dual Olympian (and local!). 

Important Dates and Events

Please see link below for all important dates and events for Term 3. Please know additions or changes can occur as we move through the term. 

Old uniform

From Term 4, we will no longer be selling the old school uniform with the image of Mary. It will be phased out this term. The Fatima Star uniform will be the only one available in the second hand shop. 

Sustainability Stars

Congratulations to the following students who have been named our Sustainability Stars in Semester 2: 

  • 3/4F: Imogen Colson and Luca Mustica

  • 3/4M: Ava Lovegrove and Dimos Athanasiadis

  • 3/4R: Nicoli Cooper and Xavier Wanders

These students displayed enthusiasm in learning about sustainability and willingness to help the Semester 1 Stars with their classroom responsibilities.

URGENT - Cadbury Fundraiser

We are still waiting on a few families to return the monies raised from our Cadbury Fundraiser. Please return the money and/or unsold chocolates/lollies next week. 

In closing, next Wednesday our Preps will be celebrating 100 Days of Prep - 100 Days Brighter! How quickly this milestone has come around. Make sure you say ‘Happy 100 days’ to our Prep students on Wednesday!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Sarah McDermott

Principal 🙂


Term 3 - Important dates and events

Please click on download to access the Term 3 dates and events.

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