Training 24/7 Demonstration Lessons
Cattai PS was fortunate, to again have Mr Justin as a visitor to our school on Monday 4th September. Justin has been working with our staff and students all year helping build our depth of knowledge around both the 'Morning Routine' and 'Phonics'. Justin taught all 3 of our classes a couple of times throughout the day. This, as always was an enlightening experience. From both, a learning new ways that we can further refine our teaching craft, as well as a nice reflection point to see how far we have come in the 'Morning Routine' and 'Phonics' world. That is the last visit for the year but we look forward to welcoming Justin back in 2024.
Norwest Community Services
Thank you to those parents who have already completed the referral forms for Norwest Community Services. If there are any families that are wishing to find out more, feel free to reach out and contact me for more details. At this stage the plan is to run 5 therapy sessions on Tuesdays and 5 therapy sessions on Wednesdays. We will have 10 places available. If parents are interested make sure to have your referral forms in by 9:00am on the 15th September if you would like your child to be considered for this wonderful opportunity.
MMWaC Academic Challenge
This week we held our school based competitions for both the Spelling Bee and the Mathematics Challenge. 3 students have been selected for Year K,1,2 and another 3 students from Years 3&4 and finally 3 more from Years 5&6. So, 9 students in total for spelling and 9 students for mathematics. These students will be representing the school on the 20th September which is the last Wednesday of Term 3. A note will be sent home if your child was successful in making it through. This year's Academic Challenge will, again, be held at Cattai PS during normal school hours and parents are more than welcome to join us to watch if they would like.
Thank you Maroota PS for hosting our biannual interrelate information session and Mrs Dorbis for organising the event. Having missed the last few due to COVID it was great to see how much the quality of the presentation had improved from the last time it was held. From both a parent and Principal perspective, I found it to be well worth my time and personally enjoyed all the questions I got in the car on the way home. Fun times!