St. Joseph's Primary Penshurst.

ISSUE: Week 3 and 4, Term 2, 2024.

School Vision

St Joseph’s Penshurst, as partners in Catholic education and with our school community, pursues fullness of life for all.

Acknowledgement of Country

At St. Joseph’s Primary School we pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land, the Kolorer gunditj people and pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

The area around Mount Rouse is the country of the Kolorer gunditj clan of Aboriginal people. Their title is derived from their name for Mount Rouse which is Kolor. The permanent spring that is now located within the Penshurst Botanic Gardens was a traditional meeting place for Aboriginal people in the region.

Principal's Message.

Congratulations to our school family for making Catholic Education Week 2024 such a success. The activities our school committed to within the diocese and in the classroom were wonderful to see. This effort reinforced  the value we place on belonging and contributing to the greater good of local communities.  May 1, celebrated St. Joseph the Worker. The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1955 to recognise the dignity of work. Our students and staff worked very hard on making Joseph the Worker proud in their craftsmanship. Ensure you read more  and view the pics about these two wonderful examples of celebrated Catholic School Culture at St Joseph's.

I hope to see many of you this Friday at the M<other's Day Breakfast.

Warm regards, 


Prayer for the Week.

Catholic School Culture

Celebrating 150years of Catholic Education

This week students and staff gathered on the old Sacred Heart convert site of Casterton to celebrate Catholic Education Week in our MacKillop Network of schools. This large group of friends journeyed from St Mary’s Hamilton, St. Joseph's Coleraine, Sacred Heart School Casterton, All Saints Portland, St Joseph’s Penshurst and St. Malachy’s in Edenhope.This Year we celebrate 150 Years of the Ballarat Diocese from the Murray to the Sea. We welcomed Fathers Greg Tait from Portland, Fr Paddy Mugavin from Hamilton/Penshurst and Fr George representing Casterton, Coleraine and Edenhope with guests from the DOBCEL Board and Educational Consultants.A celebration Mass was held in the beautiful Sacred Heart church where members of all schools mingled. As part of the entrance procession, a jar of water was brought forward from each of our towns. We were reminded how precious water is to us because of our health and well being, our crops and our links to the Sacrament of Baptism. We are all connected by this water in each of the six schools in the Mackillop Network represented.Our children celebrated this special event with an active morning of interactive sports provided by Kaboom Sports and a chatty lunch together. Not only was this a diocese celebration of education, it was an outstanding opportunity for our students in rural schools to connect once more from past sporting and camp experiences.

Catholic Education Week Celebrations.

Learning and Teaching

Remembering St Joseph the Worker

Oh St Joseph, we hope our carpenters did you proud!We had fun trying.May 1st was the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. St Joseph’s Penshurst celebrated our Patron Saint, who is many things. Joseph, the caring partner of Mary, the foster-father and teacher of Jesus, a working man and a faithful man of God. He worked as a humble carpenter and cared for his family as a loving father.The special qualities of Joseph are human qualities that we too can aspire to in our own lives and encourage our students to live.On this day we discussed how Jesus would have learned so much from Joseph, especially how to be humble, just, gentle and honest. We also think of St Joseph as a worker and ask God’s special blessing on workers all over the world.To celebrate we held very entertaining Tradie Safety Relays and tested our own resilience, persistence and hand eye coordination to build timber boxes.With hammer, nail and the odd banged thumb, we constructed some impressive tool boxes and trinket boxes that Joseph himself would be proud of.Thank you to all our very patient and supportive staff including Education Consultant Janet Claasen who picked up tools. A special plug goes out to the Warrnambool Men’s Shed for the pre-cut woodwork kits that engaged our creative students.

St Joseph Day Fun

Community Engagement

ANZAC Morning in Penshurst.

On a drizzly ANZAC dawn, it was warming to witness so many Penshurst community members gather to pay their respects to service men and women. A special thank you to the McRae family, especially Maddison and Darcy, for their support at this morning’s Penshurst Dawn Service. It was special to see families present private wreaths to honour and remember family members.

Special Community Events.

Mother's Day Breakfast.

Lunch Orders

Lunch Orders are available once again this week. Please make your order by Thursday at the latest.You can order by bringing the money and order into school Thursday morning or by contacting the bakery yourself. Either way, please make your order by Thursday. Phone call orders on Friday morning place pressure on the bakery staff on an already very busy Friday morning.Thank you for supporting your community.

Leadership and Stewardship

SCHOOL PHOTO DAY - Wednesday 15th May 2024

This is a reminder to families that Frank Monger from MSP Photography will visit our school on Wednesday 15th May. Students will be required to wear their Winter uniform.

Photo envelopes were sent home during Week 1. Family envelopes are available for those who would like sibling photos.

You can order online by going to or pay by cash.

Please return them by Friday, May 10th.

Working with children checks.

There are many opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in our school community and volunteering is one of those.

It is a requirement under our Child Safety Policy that all volunteers must have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC). We recommend that anyone who is thinking they may like to volunteer in classrooms or maybe even on a camp at some stage apply for a WWCC. They are free for volunteers and can be found at

When you have received your WWCC card just bring it to the office so that we can take a copy of it and add it to our files.


Newsletters are distributed fortnightly on Tuesday afternoon. They will come out in Week 3, 5, 7 & 9 of each term.

Our newsletters are sent out digitally via ClassDojo or can be accessed via the homepage of our website.

Calendar Dates

  Term Two - Special Dates to Remember:


  • Friday 10th - Mother's Day breakfast
  • Wednesday 15th  - Photo Day.
  • Sunday 19th - Pentecost.
  • Week 8 (27th - 31st) Swimming Week at HILAC.


  • Thursday 6th - Hamilton Whole School Eisteddfod.
  • King's Birthday Public Holiday
  • Thursday 28th - Last Day of Term (1.40pm Lunchtime finish).

Wellbeing & Child Safety

School TV - Trauma Recovery.

Trauma in children significantly disturbs their sense of safety and normalcy, leading to substantial emotional and behavioural changes. Such disturbances often result from exposure to traumatic events, which may be exacerbated by continuous media coverage. This exposure can trigger stress, anxiety, and trauma, with varying recovery timelines due to the unpredictable nature of trauma's impact. Observing young people grappling with these effects can be highly distressing for parents and caregivers.

It's important to establish a nurturing environment to help restore a child's sense of security to help promote resilience. Active involvement in their recovery is essential, as is recognising the unique, personalised needs of each child in responding to trauma. Depending on their age, children may present with different symptoms, such as regressive behaviours in younger ones or withdrawal and agitation in older children and teens. It is important to monitor and manage the type of information children may access to reduce their emotional distress.

The brain stores traumatic events as powerful emotional memories, influencing behaviour through mechanisms beyond a child's conscious awareness. By providing young people with support and equipping them with coping mechanisms to handle uncertainty, parents and carers can greatly enhance a child's capacity to recover and build long-term emotional resilience.

This Special Report will help you identify a child experiencing trauma and how you can support them to overcome it.

Here is the link to your Special Report

What you need to know about COVID-19 in Victoria

Please visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria website (link below) for all up-to-date information about the response to COVID-19.

  • All staff, students and visitors to schools should undertake regular hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet.
  • Hand sanitiser will continue to be available for staff, students and visitors.
  • The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is to ensure that any unwell staff, parents/carers and students do not attend school sites, even with the mildest of symptoms, and get tested.

*Six simple steps to protect yourself and those most at risk
  • Wear a face mask
  • Take a test
  • Stay at home
  • Meet outdoors
  • Talk to your GP about COVID medications
  • Get vaccinated
  • *