TOKSAVE - Term 2 Week 7 2023

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

School Production

Our students have been rehearsing very hard in the lead up to our School Musical Production "Space Jam on Apollo 23"! Please make time to come and see the production next Friday. The children are very excited, and it will be a night full of music, dance and fun! We are looking for a volunteer to film the production. If you are interested, please see Mr Neville.

Year 10  Written Expression Exam

Thursday, the 1st June saw our third year 10 class sitting for their Written Expression National Exam. Thanks to the external invigilator from Tanir High School, who came to supervise the exam. Thanks also to Mrs Baiwan,  LIS high school teacher, for supervising the exams at Lihir Secondary, and our high school teachers for all their work in preparing our third year 10 group.

Athletics Carnival

Mrs Laien is busy preparing students for their track and field sports carnival at the end of the term. The twilight track events will be held at 4pm on Wednesday, the 21st June, followed by a sausage sizzle. All parents, friends and wantoks are encouraged to attend and support their children’s house. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the BBQ, please see Mr Neville.

Weekend Sport

Pending fine weather, our Saturday games of Minkey (mini-hockey) and Netball finish off this weekend. See below for further details.

Mr Greg Neville        

School Production - Space Jam on Apollo 23!

Thank you to Ms Tukata and the Year 4 students on their Maths assembly about Fractions

Term 2 Calendar


Term 2 Week 6 Principal Award Winners

Term 2 Afterschool and Weekend Sport Activities

Afternoon Sport

There are no afternoon sport activities next week. Netball (year 3 - 6) and Minkey (Prep - year 2) games will be this Saturday and this is the end of our term 2 sport activities. Games start at 8.30am.

The high school golf activities have also finished, with Mr Collins and the students going to play at the golf course this past week. 


Next week is our last week of swimming lessons for the term. Thank you to the teachers who have been taking swimming - Ms Dovaston, Ms Savitas, Ms Tukata, Mrs Exzil and Ms Langusch.


The final band practice for the term will be next Monday afternoon, 3.00-4.00pm, with Mr Sarufa.

Well done to our Junior Primary students for giving it a go at last Saturday's Minkey games!

Parents & Wantoks Committee


Staff and students have been working hard in preparation for our production on Friday, 9th June. The production will commence at 6.30pm sharp. We ask that people who are attending to please arrive with enough time to be seated before 6.25pm.

Next Thursday evening, 8th June, will be a dress rehearsal. Students are to return to school by 5.00pm.

Thank you for your support with having your children attend these important rehearsals.

2023 Term Dates for Students

Term 1 Monday 30 January to Thursday 30 March

Term 2 Monday 17 April to Thursday 22 June

Term 3 Monday 17 July to Thursday 14 September

Term 4 Monday 2 October to Thursday 7 December 

It was a great day for Saturday netball!

Key Events and Activities

Key dates:

LIS Production: Friday, 9th June (Week 8) - 6.30pm start

Production Night Rehearsal: Thursday 8th June, 5.00-7.00pm

Tabloid Sports (Student Council): Thursday 15th June

Kindy Athletics: Tuesday 20th June, commencing at 8.30am

P-10 Athletics Carnival: Wednesday 21st June 

Afternoon activities:

Band practice: Monday afternoon: 3.00-4.00 

Swimming: Wednesday afternoon as per schedule - Swimming finishes for the term next week.

Sport - Final Minkey and Netball games this Saturday morning 8.30-9.30am.

Homework Club: Wednesday afternoon for year 5/6 and high school; Thursday afternoon for year 4: 3.10-4.00pm 

Our afternoon swimming program!

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

Kindy Athletics

Kindy Athletics for Senior Kindy students will be held on Tuesday, 20th June, (Week 10), commencing at 8.30am on the green quad. Parents are welcome to come and watch the Kindy events. Primary classes will also attend to cheer on the Kindy students.

End of semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports for Prep-Year 10 students will be sent home to parents on Thursday, 22 June, which is the last day of term. Students will also take home their portfolios so parents can view term 2 assessment tasks. We ask that these folios be returned early next term.

Friday assemblies

A reminder to parents (especially our new parents) that you are very welcome to attend our school assembly each Friday morning, commencing at 8.10am at the basketball court. Each Friday there is a short class presentation. This week it was the Music assembly and next week will be the Tok Pisin assembly, which will be led by our year 4 class.


A reminder that if your child is absent, please email your child's teacher or text/phone Mrs Romaso-Daimol in the office. 

Kind regards,

Ms Cathy Langusch             

VIP Champions!

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

Our electrical apprentices are progressing well with the Work Ready Program. This week we welcomed Wendy Tame from LCM to speak with the apprentices regarding Trupla Man Trupla Meri. The apprentices are continuing well with the program and are excited to be entering the workforce. Please keep an eye out for our Apprentice Profiles which we’ll include in our Toksave for the remainder of this term.

Our STMC staff are continuing to assist former Work Ready Program Trainees to apply for a range of positions both with Newcrest and other stakeholders including apprenticeships. They are also continuing to support our BEd Teachers to compete all of the required assessment in our STMC Computer Lab over weekends and after school.

Our FODE students are continuing their studies and making good progress.    

We have continuing working with Callan Services to finalise the delivery of a our Certificate of Inclusive Education  for Teachers across Lihir and look forward to presenting these details with the Local Education Office in the near future.

We are continuing to finalise details with IT staff in Australia to get our School to Mine Student Database up and running, this database will be integral in sharing information with HR regarding the local talent available from our previous programs, when recruiting for future employment opportunities.    


Mr Kevin Collins

Work Ready Program - Thank you Wendy Tame for delivering the Trupla Man Trupla Meri session.

Elizabeth Bosle

Name:                  Elizabeth Bosle                                 

What village are you from?         Masahet Island

What form of training have you previously done?

Completed Grade 10 at Lihir Secondary School and then completed matriculation at Nimamar Franchise Centre

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship?

To complete my apprenticeship and be a licenced electrician


Collin Kiapreng

Name:                  Collin Kiapreng                                 

What village are you from?         Lissel    

What form of training have you previously done? I completed Grade 12 at Lihir Secondary School and then a Bachelor in Education and Electronics Technology at Don Bosco Technology Institute in POM

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship?

I would like to complete my apprenticeship and then do study to become an Electrical Engineer. 

Shirley Funmat

Name:                  Shirley Funmat                                                 

What village are you from?         Lienbel

What form of training have you previously done?

Completed Grade 12 at Lihir Secondary School

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship?

I want to be a successful electrician when I finish my training as an apprentice and to be able to help my family. 

Jerry Magara


Name:                  Jerry Magara                                     

What village are you from?         Londolovit          

What form of training have you previously done?

I completed Grade 12 at Lihir Secondary School POM; Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Polytech POM.

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship?

I want to complete my apprentice and do further study to be a Licenced Safety Electrical Engineer.