St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

30 August 2023

Bernadette Brennan - Principal

Families will soon be invited to attend Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 10. I encourage you to connect with your child's classroom teacher during this process. The interviews are an excellent opportunity for a relaxed discussion about supporting the children in their ongoing improvement. The teachers may present a selection of the child's work that reflects some of the work covered across the semester, provide feedback on the child's learning strengths, identify challenges and discuss next steps for student learning. The aim is to have an insightful, honest conversation that guides supportive learning growth.


This Friday is a Pupil Free Day. Most of our staff will be at the Rockhampton Leagues Club participating in the second day of training on the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM.) This professional development focuses on meeting the educational needs of learners with a Trauma-Informed Positive Education perspective. BSEM creates strength-based classrooms where children feel safe, have predictable routines and are challenged to have the stamina for academic growth. Students learn about themselves and how they learn, how to be ready to learn and strategies to support themselves when triggered or dysregulated.  


The Lost Property trolley is overflowing! Most items are not named or have past student names on them. We are getting many reports from families about missing hats and jumpers that are named. Please check your child's uniforms and school bags for items that may have been taken home by mistake. 


Have a great week.



Media Consent Update

Media Consent (MC) informs the school of who, when and where we can use photographs of your child. For example, some families are happy for photos to be published in the school newsletter but not on social media.

Thank you to all families who have updated their child's Media Consent; there are still many families who have not completed this task. You assistance in completing this would be appreciated if you need assistance, please call the office.

This file will help you step through updating your child's Media Consent.


Rheanna Starr - Assistant to Principal Religious Education (APRE)

Yr 1 Prayer Assembly

Please join Year 1 this Friday at 8.35 am in the Hall as they lead a Father's Day prayer assembly.

Term 3 Prayer Assembly Roster

Year LevelPrayer FocusDate
Year 1 WhiteFather's Day Prayer ReflectionThursday 31 August
PrepPrayer ReflectionFriday 8 September

Janette McLennan - Assistant to Principal Curriculum (APC)

Parent Teacher Interviews

Teachers are busy collating data in readiness for parent teacher conferences, which is most cases, be held in week ten of this term.  Bookings for these important catchups will be available through Parent Lounge.


5/6 Maths Quiz

 Today we held round one of the 5/6 Maths Quiz.  Well done to all the students who competed (Kristen, Liliana, Nick, Will, Braxtyn, Archie, Clancie, Alexander and Oliver).  The winners today were Braxtyn, Will and Archie.  What a fabulous effort!


Please check with your child to ensure that they have working headphones at school.  These are a well-used piece of school equipment.

Monitoring Learning Growth

Teachers from Wandal were joined by their counterparts from St Peter’s and St Paul’s for a staff meeting yesterday.  The topic for discussion was Reading, and specifically, what aspects of reading we will make a focus for the next few weeks of learning.  Look out for more information from class teachers in weekly emails.


Touch Football - Link to draw

  Please click on link for Touch Football draw


We are looking for Preps and Yr 6 students for Oztag, email the school if you would like to play - 

The following teams still require coaches or managers:

St Joey's Prep - Coach and Manager

St Joey's Year 6 - Coach

Please click on link to access draw 


Medication Form update

The school medication procedures have been reviewed recently and the updated form has been attached for your reference.  

The procedure is for all medications that need to be taken at school, must be delivered to and collected from the administration office by an adult.  Please ensure that medications are labelled in the original container, with an up-to-date script.

A 'Request to Administer Medication at School" form needs to be completed prior to administration.  Any changes to the current form held on file made must be in writing.  This is for the safety of the all students that these procedures are followed.

Thank you for your support in keeping all children in our school safe.


Allenstown School Dentist

Trivia Night

Vacation Care - September