St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

23 August 2023

Bernadette Brennan - Principal

The book Week celebrations have been spectacular again this year. Today's dress up parade demonstrated a great enthusiasm for books and highlighted how very talented and creative many of our families are. Family support for this event is greatly appreciated and shows the students that their families are invested in the teaching and learning that occurs at school and is further supported at home.

We were very lucky to have many students trust us to care for their precious teddy bears last night when the bears had a sleepover at school. They were kept busy during their stay and exhausted many of the staff from all the adventures they shared. If you missed it, there is a suite of photos on the school Facebook page. 

This Friday, the Year Six Rugby League team is competing the grand final of the Friday interschool sport fixtures. We wish them all the best in what is expected to be a great game against Waraburra State School. This final is being played at 12:00 pm at Browne Park. Good luck team!

This is a busy time for the Parents and Friends Association. This Saturday they are hosting the annual High Tea and next week they back up with the Father's Day Breakfast BBQ and gift stall. If you have some time to spare, I'm sure the committee members would appreciate some support. Please see the flyers below and email if you can help out.

Have a great week


Media Consent Update

Media Consent (MC) informs the school of who, when and where we can use photographs of your child. For example, some families are happy for photos to be published in the school newsletter but not on social media.

Thank you to all families who have updated their child's Media Consent; there are still many families who have not completed this task. You assistance in completing this would be appreciated if you need assistance, please call the office.

This file will help you step through updating your child's Media Consent.


Rheanna Starr - Assistant to Principal Religious Education (APRE)

A Reflection from Year 1

Last week, Year 1 went on a tour of St Joseph’s Cathedral. Mrs Stitt, from The Cathedral College, gave us a tour. We also saw Deacon Peter, he told us about the bread and the wine. We saw the Baptismal Font, stained glass windows, the pascal candle, the grave of Bishop Cani.

There were lots and lots of seats and green carpet for the special area called the sanctuary. We saw the Bishop’s chair. We saw the altar, it is the table used during mass. We saw the part of the cathedral where people sing, and there is an organ there, it is called the choir loft. We saw amazing statues.

We saw the Year 12 students from TCC and they told us about what they do during a mass. They told us what they use to do their role. They also told us about how it makes them feel when they help during mass. The students can read from the Bible, sing, carry the gifts or be extraordinary ministers of communion.

We saw a red light near the Tabernacle, which means that there is bread and wine present.

Outside we saw the ginormous bell that is rung in the middle of the day. We saw a big cross at the very top of the cathedral. We saw the parish bookshop and Helen gave us prayer cards of St Joseph.

Thank you very much to The Cathedral College for our bus ride and to Mrs Stitt and the students for giving up their time to teach us about the Cathedral and roles during a mass.

Year 4 - Poems

Year Four students came to share their acrostic prayers. Students in Year 4 cherish the opportunity to write in their prayer journals daily as this strengthens their relationship with God and provides students with a moment of solitude to reflect on their day. 

Term 3 Prayer Assembly Roster

Year LevelPrayer FocusDate
Year 6Year 6 Camp ReflectionFriday 25 August
Year 1 WhiteFather's Day Prayer ReflectionFriday 31 August
PrepPrayer ReflectionFriday 8 September

Janette McLennan - Assistant to Principal Curriculum (APC)

Book Week Fun

Medication Form update

The school medication procedures have been reviewed recently and the updated form has been attached for your reference.  

The procedure is for all medications that need to be taken at school, must be delivered to and collected from the administration office by an adult.  Please ensure that medications are labelled in the original container, with an up-to-date script.

A 'Request to Administer Medication at School" form needs to be completed prior to administration.  Any changes to the current form held on file made must be in writing.  This is for the safety of the all students that these procedures are followed.

Thank you for your support in keeping all children in our school safe.



Touch Football - Link to draw

  Please click on link for Touch Football draw


Oztag will commence 25 August 2023. Training will be Friday afternoons before games.

The following teams still require coaches or managers:

St Joey's Prep - Coach and Manager

St Joey's Year 6 - Coach

Please click on link to access draw 


Vacation Care - September