Goulburn North Public School Newsletter

Term 4 Week 6 - 2023

School News

Class Names 2024

Goulburn North is in the process of constructing our 2024 classes. We are changing our naming convention in 2024. All classes will be known as a particular 'Gem Stone' with the collective term of 'Northern Gems' to describe the entire school. 

A gem stone begins its life as a piece of mineral often in a crystallised state. These crystals are cut and collected, then shaped and polished into beautiful shapes that often are used in jewellery. This is very much like our aim at school, we work with every student and help shape and guide their time at school. We hope that all students evolve into brilliant and bright members of society ready to make a fantastic contribution as the leaders of tomorrow.

So when you hear your child say they are a member of 'Diamond' in 2024, this just our new naming convention. We are so keen to see what our 'Northern Gems' will do in the new school year. No doubt we will have some amazing experiences, memorable stories and fantastic learning experiences as we journey through 2024.

Thank You Ibu Devi and Pak Bayu

A massive thank you to our visiting Indonesian Teachers. They spent most of their week with 5/6L, but have spent time in most classes this week. We have appreciated their lessons in language and sport. Our students have picked up some basic greetings in Bahasa Indonesian and learned some new Indonesian PE activities. We hope to continue our association with our sister school in 2024 in West Java. Mr Baxter and Miss Franchi have some ideas on great connection work.

New Adjustments Feedback

This term we have seen some adjustments to the school exit arrangements. Our side gates have been closed and students are now exiting from the rear gate. We appreciate that this has caused some issues and we are exploring options for improvement moving forward. 

We are also exploring some options with Goulburn Mulwaree Council for improving safety in Soho Lane. More information will follow when we have had these discussions with Council.

NSW Mobile Phone Policy

Our term has now seen quite a few students not adhering to the School Mobile Phone policy. We have now had to impose a ban on several students from bringing their mobile phones to school. 

We ask our community to once again, please discuss the school Phone Policy and guidelines. Please talk about how this applies to their children. 

Please also consider if your child actually requires a mobile phone whilst at school. If phones were not brought to school, these guidelines would not be required. If your child does not need a phone for the trip to and from school, we recommend keeping these devices at home.

Policy and Guidelines are found below.

GNPS Mobile Phone Policy and Guidelines

Our guidelines for Student Mobile Phone and Portable Devices at GNPS.

Save the Dates:

Presentation Day

Presentation Days will be held as follows:

K-2: Wednesday 6 December

3-6: Thursday 7 December

Community Breakfast

All members of the school and community are invited to attend.

Thursday 14 December

This departmental link contains valuable information and  resources to help families stay safe when online. It will help with how to explore websites and engage in games together. How to manage privacy setting on apps and social media and also how to set some rules about online safety basics.

We recommend exploring what is contained on this site, for parents of students in Years 3 to 6.  

Progress is occurring in the 'Inappropriate Language' space

Our replacement languages strategy is still in place. We are attempting to work with our students to identify more appropriate language that they can use when talking with other members of the school community. We ask they when you receive notification of these languages, can you support our school by having a conversation with your child on what was said and what they have identified as a better use of language to use.

If the Replacement Sheet comes home and it has been indicated that your child has refused to participate in this strategy, it would be appreciated if you could sit and discuss the purpose of the strategy.

Our ultimate goal is for our school to have students that think about the ways that they are speaking to other members of the school community. That they then make conscious decisions to speak more respectfully to one another.

Through a continued focus and joint tackling of this issue, we will change our school culture for the better. We thank you all for your continued support in this process.

NSW Behaviour Code for Students

Please find attached a copy of the NSW Behaviour Code for Students. Our current focus for the remainder of Term 4 is reducing 'Inappropriate Language' at school. This code outlines student expectation in being respectful to others and speaking courteously. 

School Community Charter

The following School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. 
Feel free to download and read at your leisure. 

Volunteer and help us get Ethics Education up and running for 2024

We now have 3 amazing volunteers to assist with Ethics Education in 2024. We still need someone to support with the management of the program and someone to support with Coordination. All training is provided. Please keep in mind that a teacher will be present to support with lessons. If you are in a position to support with this program, please contact the office and we will connect you with the Ethics Australia team. 

Mental Health Service and Support

The school has had a recent number of students that have been experiencing some difficulty and have required to access the support of CAMHS. The school is currently working with the 'Be You' team to seek additional support and services in this space. We are here to help as best we can, we would ideally like to work proactively with our community. If you would like to discuss anything to do with your children, please reach out and contact the school. We are more than happy to provide whatever support we can.

The 'BeYou' Team have provided the following information for places where you can also seek support for yourself or your children.


Curriculum and Instruction

Throughout the year, staff have been engaging with various professional learning to develop their understanding of the new K-2 and 3-6 English and mathematics syllabuses. This term, we have looked at navigating the new digital platform for the mathematics syllabus and the role of vocabulary in the new English syllabus. 

Next year, all teachers will be teaching the new English and mathematics syllabuses. Both syllabuses are based on current research and best practice on how students learn. There is a strong focus on explicit instruction with ample opportunities for students to develop their knowledge and refine their skills. The Department of Education has developed units of work, which we will implement, and these will support our teaching of the new syllabuses. During our upcoming collaboration time, staff will be able to analyse the units to ensure they meet our students' needs. We look forward to working closely with classroom teachers to see the impact the new syllabuses have on teaching and learning at Goulburn North Public School.

Wellbeing and Wellness

Wellbeing Update

Sun Safety

You can protect your child from the damaging effects of UV radiation by:

  • applying sunscreen each morning before they leave for school
  • ensuring they are wearing a sun-safe hat
  • packing sunglasses for your child to wear at school to protect their eyes from sun damage.

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek AND Slide

  • Slip on a shirt
  • Slop on the 30+ sunscreen
  • Slap on a hat
  • Seek shade or shelter
  • Slide on some sunnies.

Follow the link below for more information.

Tech Talk


This information is taken from the ‘Digital Lives of Teens’ report compiled by the eSafety Commissioner (2020).

State of Play

  • Teens spent an average of 14.4 hours a week online (boys 15 hours, girls 13.8 hours)
  • Teens used an average of four different socia media services
  • Top social media services were YouTube (72% of respondents), Instagram (57%) and Facebook (52%). The trend for these services has gone down since 2017. TikTok has had substantial growth in Australia (12% of respondents in 2017 compared to 38% in 2020).

Negative Experiences

  • Just over four in 10 teens had at least one negative experience in the six months to September 2020.
  • This increased to five in 10 for those aged 14 17
  • These negative experiences included being contacted by a stranger (30%), receiving inappropriate content (20%), social exclusion (16%), receiving online abuse (15%) and having things said online to damage a student's reputation (15%)
  • Almost one third (30%) said that their negative online experience related to bullying that occurred at school.

Digital lives of Aussie teens | eSafety Commissioner

Sports Scoop

Cricket Blast Clinic

The Cricket Blast clinic has been running now for 3 week, with next week being its last week. The students who have attended have enjoyed a well structured clinic teaching them the fundamental skills to play cricket.

All the feedback from students have been positive. They have really enjoyed the experience and it is certainly one we hope to offer the students again.

Attendance at School Matters...

Birthdays coming up!!!

Honest October

1 October - Benjamin - 2/3C

4 October - Indi - 4/5M

4 October - Charlie - 2C

8 October - Oliver - 5/6F

8 October - Lacie - 3/4L

12 October - Evie - 1L

18 October - Levi - NLB

20 October - Trey - 4/5M

21 October - Scarlett - 3/4L

24 October - Ben - 5/6L

24 October - Toby - 5/6F

24 October - Grace - 5/6F

26 October - Riley - 2C

30 October - Lewis - 1L

30 October - Addison - 3/4B

31 October - Barry - 4/5M

Nice November

2 November - Charlotte - 1L

5 November - Archie - 5/6L

7 November - Jacob - 5/6F

9 November - Mitchell - 2/3C

9 November - Sonny-Jaye - NLG

10 November - Payton - 2C

10 November - Austin - 1L

11 November - Scarlett - 1L

11 November - Koby - 2C

12 November - Noah - NLB

15 November - Abeeha - 3/4L

17 November - Isla - 3/4L 

17 November - Jack - NLG

20 November - Ashley - 5/6F

20 November - Harry - 2/3C

29 November - Kyle - NLB

30 November - Charlie - 2C

30 November - Ruby - 5/6F

30 November - Brooklyn - 5/6L

Have an amazing birthday!!!

School Assembly Postponed

Friday 17 November POSTPONED

We apologise for the short notice. Our whole school gathering this week we used for School Captain Speeches. To maintain continuity of learning we are postponing our whole school assembly this week. 

Additional assemblies for Term 4 will be held on the following date:

  • Wednesday 6 December - K-2 Presentation Day commencing at 12.15pm
  • Thursday 7 December - 3-6 Presentation Day commencing at 12.15pm.

News from around the area...

News From Around The School

1L News

This term 1L have been learning about music by focusing on how sound is made, how we can make different types of sound and how we can produce sounds on musical instruments. We made paddle pop stick harmonicas and experimented with the position of the paper strip to see how this affects the pitch of the sound produced. They had a great time learning how to produce sound on their harmonica.

1L Images of Learning

3/4B News

In Geography, 3/4B have been exploring different environments and the significance they have for the survival of plants, animals and people.

We looked at a Timeline about the history of Australian foods and discovered interesting facts on how things have changed from the 1800’s, the 1900’s, through to the 2000’s.

We looked up our birth year and found the following:                         

  • 2013 – Packet chips are the most popular snack, the modern sandwich and how it has changed
  • 2014 – Alternative milks grow in popularity, Health Star ratings on food packaging
  • 2015 – Spending on takeaways on the rise, Sugar is a health hazard

5/6L News

Our Indonesian teachers have arrived.

5/6L and NLB are lucky to have some visitors to their classroom this week all the way from Indonesia, Pak Bayu and Ibu Devi.

They will be visiting other classes around the school to see how the Australian education system works, as well as teaching their traditional dance and culture. 

We look forward to sharing with you all the experiences shared.

Northern Lights Sky - News

Northern Lights Sky have been settling into our new classroom and getting to know each other. We have been focusing on social skills and building relationships through purposeful play. 

We have also been working on letter sound recognition, we have been doing this through sensory play tasks. This week we used the playdough to roll out all the letters in our names. This also assisted with our fine motor skills.  

Northern Lights Blue - News

Northern Lights Blue have continued with hands on and project based learning throughout Term 4. From creating paper mache buckets to reaping the rewards in our vegetable garden with fresh lettuce and strawberries. Students have engaged in cooking lessons which link to mathematics, science, and English with our most recent recipe being scones. Goulburn North Public School is also fortunate enough to have teachers visiting us from Indonesia next week and Northern Lights Blue will be making and sharing some 'Aussie foods' with them such as fairy bread, vegemite toast, and ice cream spiders.

P&C News

Our meetings have now changed to Weeks 4 and Week 8 each term. This will mean that our next meeting will be held on:

Monday 27 November in the Staff Room at 6pm.

We hope that you can come along and join in with the team.

The P&C is very excited to announce that the school canteen will be now open on MONDAYS!As of Monday 23rd October, the canteen will be open 3 days a week for the remainder of term 4. Our friendly manager Sharon is always looking for new volunteers to pop in and help out whenever they can to allow us to continue opening the canteen. If you have some time to spare on a Monday, please contact Sharon on 0428 259 791.

The P&C is also excited to announce the purchase of a 12 month subscription for Mathletics for every student at our school, as well as a 12 month subscription for Reading Eggs for all infant students. This was a wonderful request from our staff and we are happy to support them and the students of our school. The P&C storage shed is now fully complete and equipped with lighting ready for Fireworks Night 2024 preparations! It’s that time of year when we are putting together a new Fireworks Committee to begin organising the 2024 event. We are sad to see some of our long standing members leave us this year as they move on to high school next year with their children and grandchildren. We wish them the best of luck and thank them for their generous ongoing support and efforts over the years. But with every sad goodbye we are very excited to welcome new faces to join us and help out in any way they can big or small. More info on how you can get involved will be sent home soon. 

The P&C meet at 6.30pm on Monday’s of week 4 and 8 each term in the school staffroom. We welcome new and casual members and would love to see you there!

Canteen News

Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Sharon Warn and I am the new canteen manager at GNPS.

I have been in the job for a couple of weeks now, and I must say it’s a pleasure to work for the school, P&C and the children attending GNPS.

So far I have found the P&C President Kylie, Treasurer Ali, our 2 great volunteers Heather and Wendy, along with my helpers on a Friday volunteers Erin and Tash, very helpful with onboarding and getting setup with everything, not to mention meeting all the well mannered and friendly children.

Moving forward, I am hoping we can build the canteen into a convenient asset to GNPS, students and parents/carers. In addition, being able to be available to open more days in the near future, improve the running and provide more options on the menu. We are hoping to source more volunteers to help make this possible.

I understand in today’s society everyone is busy with work, small children and various other important commitments. Any time, no matter how big or small, would be of great benefit to help keep our canteen open. Weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or even for a few hours here and there would be of great help to us. We encourage parents, grandparents, also friends to come along and volunteer. We provide training and information to help volunteers get started. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information or availability, it would be greatly appreciated. Be assured I want to make the canteen a friendly and fun atmosphere for all involved. I will be looking at an updated menu at the end of the year, to hopefully start in the new year. My goals being healthy, yummy, affordable and variety of food in which children will enjoy.

Please feel free to call in and say hello anytime, I would love to meet some of the parents and family members. If you have any problems please don’t hesitate to call me,

I will try assist in any way I can. My contact number is 0428 259 791

Thank you,

Kind Regards


Notes that need returning

  • Updated Student Details
  • Stage 3 Camp forms and payments
  • Year 6 Big Day Out forms and payment.

Please remember to...

School Calendar Events - Term 4 2023

Week 1

9 October - 15 October

  • Monday 9 October - Students return to learning.

Week 2

16 October - 22 October

  • Monday 16 October - World Food Day
  • Wednesday 18 October - Ride 2 Work Day

Week 3

23 October - 29 October

  • Tuesday 24 October - Kinder Orientation Day 1
  • Friday 27 October - World Teacher's Day 2023

Week 4

30 October - 5 November

  • Tuesday 31 October - Halloween
  • Kindergarten Orientation Day 2 - Halloween Themed
  • Afternoon - School Halloween themed disco 5-6:30pm
  • Wednesday 1 November - Cricket Blast Clinic 1
  • Thursday 2 November - School Captains and Vice Captains Mayoral Reception

Week 5

6 November - 12 November

  • Monday 6 November - National Kindness Day
  • Tuesday 7 November - Kindergarten Orientation Day 3
  • Wednesday 8 November - Cricket Blast Clinic 2
  • Friday 10 November - Remembrance Day Assembly

Week 6

13 November - 19 November

  • Tuesday 14 November - Kindergarten Orientation Day 4
  • Wednesday 15 November - Positive Noticing Day
  • Wednesday 15 November - Cricket Blast Clinic 3

Week 7

20 November - 26 November

  • Tuesday 21 November - Kindergarten Orientation Day 5
  • Wednesday 22 November - Cricket Blast Clinic 4 (last day)
  • Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 November - Camp Wombaroo Stage 3

Week 8

27 November - 3 December

  • Tuesday 28 November - Kindergarten Orientation Day 6 - Final Day for 2023.
  • Tuesday 28 November - Goulburn High School Parent Information Evening.

Week 9

4 December - 10 December

  • Tuesday 5 December - International Volunteers Day
  • Wednesday 6 December - K-2 Presentation Day
  • Thursday 7 December - 3-6 Presentation Day

Week 10


11 December - 15 December

  • Tuesday 12 December - Year 6 Farewell
  • Wednesday 13 December - Year 6 Fun Day
  • Thursday 14 December - End of Year Celebration Day
  • Friday 15 December - Last day for 2023!!!

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