Issue 8 Thursday 31 August 2023

We learn on the lands of the Ngadjuri Nation

***School Is Closed on Friday 1 September due to Industrial Action***


TERM 3Monday 24 July  -  Friday 29 September
TERM 4Monday 16 October  -  Friday 15 December

Some Important Dates ..............

School Closure DayMonday 4 September
Pupil Free Day Tuesday 5 September
Premier's Reading Challenge ClosesFriday 8 September
Swimming Lessons R-5Monday 25  -  Friday 29 September
Sports DayFriday 27 October
Pupil Free Day Friday 24 November
School ConcertThursday 30 November
Year 6 GraduationThursday 7 December

School Routines and Procedures – Term 3

Swimming Lessons 2023

Swimming Lessons will be in Week 10 from Monday 25 - Friday 29 September.

All students are expected to attend swimming lessons.

An Information Pack has been sent home with your child/ren.

Please retain the Information Notice for your reference.

Complete ALL forms and return, stapled together, to school no later than Wednesday 13 September.

The cost of swimming lessons this year is $35 (non refundable) and the invoice has been emailed to parents. 

NB:  If your child has a medical condition please make sure you have provided the school with up to date medication, Medication Agreement & Healthcare Plan which has been completed by your doctor/healthcare professional.

Pool instructors may refuse to allow your child to participate without them.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Updating Student & Family Information

So that we can best support your children at school, we ask parents & caregivers to keep staff informed throughout the year whenever there are changes to your family circumstances including:

*  home address (residential and/or postal)

*  contact phone number

* employment &/or place of employment

* email address

* emergency contacts

* student's medical condition

* shared living arrangements

* custody information

You can let the school know by completing the 'Change of Details' eform on the Audiri App or by email/written notification.

Emergency Contacts:

***Please make sure you provide the school with a list of at least 2 emergency contacts OTHER THAN YOURSELVES that can be contacted if you are unavailable to collect your child due to illness or injury.***

*** Emergency contacts will need to present ID at the Front Office eg Driver's Licence before collecting students ***

Library News

Premier's Reading Challenge - last days!

Reminder:  Premier's Reading Challenge ends on Friday 8 September.  Please return your reading record forms to school.

School Card 2023

PCW News


How are you this week? I hope that things are travelling along ok and you have been able to take time out to smell the roses.

 I have spent the last couple of days thinking about change. Change can be something taken away, added or rearranged. Sometimes changes are big, sometimes they go unnoticed. Change is all around us. We are currently in a season change, as we move into spring, we have experienced weather changes; one day it’s warm and the next we are back to fog and drizzle. The change to spring can also bring hay fever and other allergies. When I talk to children about change I get them to identify how they have changed as they have grown….they grow teeth, crawl and then learn to walk, they learn to dress themselves and another major change is going to school which then leads to reading and writing. Some may have the arrival of a sibling which can change lives forever as well. All of these are positive changes. They can be big changes or minor changes. In our lives we can have other events that bring change like; moving house, new babies, accidents, sickness, moving schools, relationship break ups or death just to name a few.

What changes have you and your family experienced?  Some changes that we experience are positive and some are negative.  Some build us up, some make us feel broken. Unfortunately, change is a part of our lives. It happens to everyone.  It’s how we deal with the change that helps us recognise our strengths, makes us grow and builds our resilience. We need to give ourselves permission to take time and  give ourselves space to deal with change. We may need to  regroup and work through our emotions that are stirred up. We may need to share our experience with others by talking about it. We may even need to write things down. We all deal with events differently and that’s ok.  It’s how we  move on from the event that is the key. Was it a positive or negative experience? Was it just a “blip” to slow us down and make us think? How has our perspective changed? Will you let the change define who you are? What can you learn from it? As we come out the other side of change, we may become stronger and wiser. We also need to remember not to walk the journey alone. Reach out to your networks and friends and let them help you share the load. We have an amazing caring community that shares so much here so we are all here for each other.

Take care and remember that some changes we can control while other change can be beyond our control.  Sometimes we just have to “ride that wave”.                

Cheers Jo 

Week 4, Term 3 Assembly Class Awards

Kindness Award

Week 6, Term 3 Assembly Class Awards

Greenock Primary School Calendar

Parent Noticeboard

Greenock PS Governing Council

Contact details: