St Mary's Newsletter

Term 1 - Week 4 (28th February, 2025)

Dear St Mary's School Community,

Focus Value: Responsibility

We have a duty to be accountable to ourselves and to others.

Faction Captains

Our Faction Captains were announced this week. We Congratulate our Faction leaders, they have already been busily coming up with new ideas on how to improve life here at St Mary’s. Our remaining leaders will be announced next week.

Salvatorians - Lucas & Nate

St Josephs - Andrew & Kayla

Mackillop - Alena & Royce


Our CSAC met Monday night. We not only thank our Office Bearers, but all members in both the CSAC and P&F for their commitment to St Mary’s.

Chairperson - Ross Billing

Deputy Chairperson – Estelle Madaffari

Treasurer – Roxanne Webb

Secretary - Tash Giles

Ash Wednesday

Remember all are welcome to attend our Ash Wednesday Mass next Wednesday the 5th March.

The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday. On this special day of reflection, Catholics wear a marking of the cross in ash on their foreheads. The ashes symbolize our mortality – “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

School Fees

Thankyou to all those that have returned their payment option forms. If you have not returned your form yet, can you please do so ASAP. 

Swimming Lessons

Our lessons begin next Tuesday for Years 3-6, the weather is still warm so there will be some very happy children at the pool!

Address Collection Notice

The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like us to notify you that they have requested for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information. 

Please read the following attachment for more information regarding the purpose of this collection and how the information is collection. 


Labour Day Public Holiday

Don’t forget the Public Holiday this Monday due to the Labour Day long weekend. Enjoy your long weekend and we will see you all again on Tuesday!!

God Bless

Mr Hamersley

Class News

Science/Design and Technology

Term One has commenced with our Biological Science unit. As the term progresses, we will integrate some design and creation.

PP students have been learning about living, non-living and once living things and have been exploring the different creatures within the classroom.

Year One students have been learning about insects and some of their common features.

Year Two/Three students have been learning about different life cycles and what happens during each stage.

Year Four/Five students have been learning about the plant life cycle and in particular, seeds and how these germinate.

Year Five/Six students have been investigating endangered species and some reasons as to why these plants and animals are dwindling in numbers. 

Other News & Important Dates

Footy Tipping

Footy Tipping is back and we would love your support!! 

Please pay through the try booking link below:

It is $63 plus the trybooking fee. Or you can scan the QR code and and that will take you to the link.

If you are new to the competition, please email for the password to enter via ESPN footy tips. Search for: St Marys School 2025

Spread the Word!!

Containers for Change

St Mary's School is part of the "Containers for Change" program. Please see the poster below for all the details. If you require a green bag to collect your cans, these are available from Mrs Riethmuller at the school.

Community Notices

St Mary's Parish Merredin- Mass Times

Merredin: Saturday 6.30pm & Sunday 10.30am

Kellerberrin: Sunday 8.00am

St Mary's P&F Uniform Shop

Open Wednesday 8.30am-9.10am

Online Orders: