Newsletter No.6 May 9th, 2024

Mansfield Primary School - 2024 Yearly Events Calendar


Notes from the Office


If your child is absent from school we ask that you contact the school by 10am on the day or as soon as practicable. Absent messages can be submitted through our school app Audiri, by phone or email. 


In an emergency our school app Audiri will be used as our main source of communication to our families. This is a reminder to families to download Audiri.

Please note (if you have not already updated)  to update your child/s year level on Audiri. This is done by opening Audiri selecting resources, groups, & then selecting your child/s grade including whole school. 

Family Details

If your family contact details have recently changed - residential address, contact numbers & or emergency contacts please update via Audiri by selecting resources, forms & then change of details. 


All medication required during the day at school must be handed to the front office. 


A reminder to families that the school day finishes at 3.30pm. Please ensure your child/children are collected from school in a timely manner. If you are running late please notify the front office. 


Please ensure your child is aware of what is happening after school, where they are going, who is picking them up and they know plan B if a after school activity is cancelled. 


Any changes to your afternoon bus travel arrangements are to be made by 2.30pm for the day of travel. This can be made via the Audiri App by selecting Resources, Forms, then Bus Travel or calling the front office on 5775 2325 & follow the prompts. 

If your child has started a new after school activity for the Term, football/netball/cricket training  for example, please update their regular bus travel arrangements. 


Uniform to be ordered through Spartan School Supplies.      

We have a full range of uniform on display at the front office for you to view before making your purchases online. 


Please note we cannot return items that have no name. Please ensure uniform & drink bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name. 


If your child has come home in spare clothes from school we ask that you please wash & return these items. Thank you. 


A reminder to families to be checking for head lice & taking the appropriate steps to treat hair if lice are found. 

Working Bee!

We have a Working Bee on Sunday 19th May, 9:30am - 12:30pm with hopefully lots of hands to make light work of the jobs we have lined up. All are welcome to come along! 

Please see the list of items of what to bring & what our priorities are for the day! 

Please note there will be a quick briefing before works commence.

Nicole Salmon                       

B.App.Sc. (Dis.St.), Dip.Ed., M.Ed. (Sp.Ed.)

Acting Principal


FAQ sheet - Mobile Phone Policy


Applications for Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

•     $150 for primary school students

Forms are also available from the school front office.


State Schools' Relief Prep CSEF Uniform Package 2024

Applications for the 2024 Prep CSEF Uniform Package are now open & close at the end of Term 3, 2024. 

Students will come home with 'Walk to School' tattoos to wear tomorrow!

Jolly Joggers is back for Term 2!

Jolly Joggers will be commencing week 3. Meeting at top terrace every Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Everyone welcome 🏃‍♀️🙂


Wellbeing Hour at MPS

Dear Families,

Students here at MPS have a 1hr Wellbeing session each week. This wellbeing hour is focused around our two main Wellbeing programs. The RRRR (Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships Program) and The Resilience Project. On top of this Wellbeing hour, we also use Ripple check in’s each morning to help staff keep track on how our student’s health and wellbeing are going.

These programs are to help teach and guide our students to have positive mental health, looking at personal, social and emotional development.

The key areas for our RRRR program are:

*Emotional Literacy *Personal Strengths *Positive Coping *Problem Solving *Stress Management *Help Seeking *Gender and Identity & *Positive Gender Relationships.

The key areas in The Resilience Program are:

*Emotional Literacy *Empathy *Mindfulness & *Gratitude.

Hopefully your children are coming home telling you of some of these activities they are doing each week. If not, please ask them to start the conversation at home. Because let’s be honest, you ask how their day was and you get either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Not much detail in-between 😊. So here is an activity you can do at home with your children to get the ball rolling. 

STEM - Cereal Boxes

If anyone has empty cereal boxes (Thin cardboard), please donate them to the STEM room.

Thank you. 

Kylie Craik

STEM Teacher

Library Chairs

Dear MPS Community,

We have some lovely sturdy chairs that we can use in our library, but they need some love. We would prefer to re-use and upcycle them, rather than dump them!

They have some splitting on the vinyl and could really benefit from a reupholster to make them comfortable and gorgeous for our students to use.

If you know of anyone who has the skill and desire to reupholster these potential beauties (and would possibly donate this skill), could you please ask them to make contact with our lovely office staff.

Thank you

Jenny Gough

Classroom Teacher 3C


Connecting with your kids Emotion Coaching Via Zoom
