Woy Woy South Public School Newsletter

Week 10, Term 2, 2024

Principal's Report

Week 10, Term 2

Staffing Update

At the beginning of next term, we will welcome Miss Jade Crowther to our school in a new permanent teaching role. On behalf of all of us, welcome to our school!


Semester 1 Reports will be available to families on Friday 5th July. Previous communication earlier this week has outlined the new online format. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please make contact with your child's class teacher in the early stages of Term 3 to arrange a time to discuss.

More Dance Group Success

On Tuesday 3rd July, I had the pleasure of attending the Central Coast Dance Festival to see our Dance Group perform. The students did an amazing job, guided by the Miss Goder and Miss McLoughlin. Congratulations to all involved and thanks to Miss Dwyer, Mrs Gilks, Mrs Asmanas and the parents for their ongoing support.

School Disco

On Wednesday 4th July WWS held a ‘Rock Stars & Pop Stars’ disco. The event was attended by over 450 students, which was a great turnout in the middle of winter! Thanks again to Mr Young for providing his infinite energy to make it a great success for our students. Thank you again to the staff who attended on the night.

Spelling Bee

On Wednesday this week, WWS hosted our annual Spelling Bee event. Finalists were selected from each class to participate in this event. Congratulation to the winners who showed nerves of steel to fight off the pressure and progress to the next round, where they will compete against students from other local schools. Thank you to Mrs Poulson for the organisation of the event.

Bluey’s Reward Day

On Wednesday, we had Bluey’s Reward Day where our students had the opportunity to cash in their ‘Bluey’ awards for prizes. Congratulations to all students who have received these awards throughout the term and special thanks to the staff on the PBL team for the organisation of the rewards day activities.

School Attendance

In reviewing our students’ school reports for Semester 1, I was reminded of the critical importance of regular school attendance. There is no doubt that good attendance correlates with improved academic achievement, increased confidence and of course, the broadening of options for future direction.

While I’m sure this is well understood, students should be at school unless they are legitimately sick, on pre-organised leave or at a medical appointment. Absences without these reasons are considered unjustified. A day here and a day there, quickly accumulates and can have a lasting impact.

Although the notice is appreciated when parents message teachers about student absences, for the purposes of accurate data collection, could I please kindly request the SMS response system be used as the only method of notification for absences. As you will know, if your child is absent and SMS will be sent mid-morning the day you child is away. A simple text response of ‘sick’ is all that is required to meet your and our legal obligation to register non-attendance.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

· year of schooling

· category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional

· level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

· formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools

· consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools

· develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All

information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy). Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.

Return to School Date

Term 3 commences for all WWS students on Tuesday, July 23rd.

Have a great week and a safe and happy winter holiday.

Matt Barr


Every Day Counts when it comes to School Attendance !

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Bluey's Aboriginal Education notice

PSSA Stage 3 Boys and Girls Touch teams.

What an amazing effort today from our PSSA Stage 3 Boys and Girls Touch teams. The girls played really well and worked together as a team. The boys team played hard and showed sportsmanship skills when they lost by only 1 point. They wore the school colours of red and white with pride.

Mrs Philips and Mrs Ogden were very proud of them.

PSSA Touch Football Legends

🌟 Congratulations to our superstar girls' basketball team for their outstanding performance at the gala day today! They kicked off the day with a resounding 34-4 victory against Holgate, showcasing incredible teamwork and skill on the court. In their second game, our girls faced a tough challenge, ultimately ending with a score of 19-5 in Avoca's favor. Despite the outcome, our girls showed incredible spirit, determination and sportsmanship throughout. A huge thank you to Mrs. Noble, Miss Byrne, and all the supportive parents for their invaluable encouragement and assistance. We are incredibly proud of our girls! 🏀👏 Miss Boxsell

AVID Learning in Action


AVID in Kindergarten Early Stage 1 have been learning a range of new AVID strategies this term. We are organising our ideas into Anchor Charts and we’re using Sentence Frames to develop our writing skills. Kindergarten have also started to give Peer Feedback during reading lessons by giving their partners a Star and a Wish. Gallery walks have been a great way to see how others might approach the same task differently and has allowed students to discuss and share their ideas. Some classes experimented with World Cafes this term, with students collaborating on breaking up numbers into smaller parts and representing them in a variety of ways.

AVID in Stage 1 This term, Stage 1 has used many different AVID strategies to support student learning and collaboration. Some classes engaged with a World Cafe to brainstorm ideas and share with their peers. Students have been learning a variety of language features in English and engaged in Critical Reading strategies such as Marking the Text. Collaborative Group Roles were used to engage all students in group tasks. Some classes have worked together to create their own Visual Glossaries to use for subject specific vocabulary and to refer to when writing informative sentences. Students also utilised Concept Maps to organise ideas and information for both informative and descriptive writing.

AVID in Stage 2 Stage 2 have been exploring argument and authority during English and have used several AVID strategies to delve deeper into the concepts. Earlier in the term we used Catfish discussions to analyse an idea from various perspectives, with students providing feedback to each other. We also used Sentence Frames to direct and scaffold students writing in response to an argument. During the middle of the term, we have used TAG Peer Feedback to encourage constructive feedback between students that recognises strengths and identifies one area to work on next. Towards the end of this term, students have used the Frayer Model to learn new vocabulary and demonstrate their depth of understanding, identifying synonyms, antonyms and a definition. We had a lot of fun using Paper Fights to share examples of a particular language feature used in our mentor text. The Stage 2 teachers are very proud of their student's use of a range of AVID strategies to explore and analyse concepts in their learning.

AVID in Stage 3 This term, Stage 3 have been focusing on giving effective and explicit peer feedback and using a range of strategies to build collaboration skills. We have experimented with a World Cafe and Carousel Brainstorming to engage in critical discussions and share ideas respectfully. We frequently use Fist to Five and the Four Corners strategy for students to self reflect on their learning and for teachers to gauge students’ level of understanding. Each class works with the teacher to build Anchor Charts to hang in the classroom, which are regularly used as a learning resource. Socratic Seminars have been used to help students deepen their knowledge, build on their arguments, and collaborate on ideas to then apply in their writing. In numeracy lessons, students used a strategy called Conscience Alley to put forward their mathematical reasoning and discuss the place value of decimals.

AVID diary design competition This term we held our much anticipated annual AVID diary cover design competition, receiving entries from many creative and enthusiastic students from year 1 to year 6. We had over 250 entries and were able to award 2 x winners per stage (6 in total). As usual, it was hard for our team of teachers to select our winners. WWS has some talented designers. We will feature some of our outstanding entries when holding an AVID colouring competition for kindergarten. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to our P&C for organizing the competition prizes.

🌟📚 We are so proud of our Kindergarten Reading Rocks Superstars! They've achieved 40 nights of reading this term. Awesome work! 🥳


Maya and Mr Young at Zone Cross Country

Kindergarten for 2025

Baker's Delight Quiet Achiever Awards

Koorana Cup Sponsors

WWSPS P&C Fundraising Social Event

Kids Day Out 2024