St Luke the Evangelist School Newsletter

13 September 2024 - Issue #15


School Term Dates 2024

Term 3 15 July - 20 September

Term 4 7 October (Note: School Closure Day) 

Children begin Tuesday  8 October - Tuesday 17 December - 3.25 pm finish

Saturday 14 /
Sunday 15 September

Mass of Thanksgiving for our 2024 Sacraments at:

St Luke's: Saturday 6 pm OR Sunday 8.30 am OR

St Timothy's: Sunday 10.30 am

Monday 16 SeptemberAssembly - 5/6 Ochre & Arts/Library Leaders presenting prayer
Friday 20 September

Footy Colours Day

Last day of Term - 1pm finish

Term 4
Monday 7 OctoberSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 8 OctoberStudents First day of term
Wednesday 9 OctoberDivisional Athletics (selected qualifying students)
Monday 14 OctoberHot Shot Tennis - Division Finals
Wednesday 16 OctoberCricket Blast - Division Finals
Friday 18 October

St Luke's Feast Day of Joy

Art Show Launch - 2.30pm

Sunday 20 October
School & Parish FETE

A message from Clare

Good afternoon Families.

What a great couple of weeks we have had. I am so proud of and privileged to be working beside a team of people who go to such great lengths to provide such a diverse, stimulating and engaging learning environment here at St Luke’s. Every term is a busy term but this does not stop our teachers. My thanks goes to each and every one of them including our support staff and Debbie. 

This message will work backwards over the past fortnight beginning with the 2024 St Luke’s Got Talent Show. We sure do and in fact- that’s an understatement! It was an absolute joy to watch so many children get up and entertain us for close to two hours. That is no mean feat and l know the families who joined us were very proud. The Year 6 children supported the event beautifully with our Library-Arts Leaders- Camilla, Joe and Nam- commenting on every act, we had a road crew- thanks to Chloe and Tia on props, and Mae on the audio-visual. Max was an awesome compere but the star who put it all together was our very own Performing Arts- Junior C teacher, Tayla Buxton. What a great way to spend a stormy Wednesday afternoon.

Last Monday, the school was closed but the staff gathered for a professional learning day. The focus was on Creating and maintaining positive school cultures. It was a brilliant day, led by our school leadership team and our work was guided by the research and work done by Tom Bennett who is a UK based educator, researcher and presenter. He works with the education sector on building positive behaviour practices through building positive school cultures. Research tells us, and psychologists recommend that children’s behaviour is formed through setting high expectations, being explicit in teaching children how to behave and using positive reinforcement as an incentive to want to behave. Part of maintaining a positive school culture is having school wide routines at school such as our Morning Circle Routine.

At St Lukes, each morning begins with a Morning Circle Routine. The purpose behind this is for children to be able to get ready to learn for the day. They may be entering school after a busy, sometimes even stressful time, getting ready for their school day. The circle routine offers them a chance to sit with their class friends, in a circle, to greet each other, to have a fun little ice breaker for the day, to hear about what is happening for the day and to meditate and pray. This is ten precious minutes at the beginning of the day that may change a slow start into a positive, energised embrace for the day ahead. We do need YOUR help to make sure this works really well. Please make sure your child/ren arrive at school before 8.50 am. Our circle routine begins at 8.50 am sharp and we don’t want our children missing a minute of it. 

Something else we can work together on is making sure that our children grow up knowing that our school culture is built on kindness, diversity, inclusion and acceptance. There is no place for racism, exclusion, put downs and rejection. Please be aware and open to the fact that children do bring in the opinions and perspectives they hear outside of school hours. Sometimes, they miss the context some conversations hold and simply repeat what they hear.

MACSSIS- Thank you to the families who have completed the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools School Improvement Survey. We have a week to go for as many parents as possible to complete the survey. It takes only TEN MINUTES.

This weekend, we have a Mass of Thanksgiving for all families who have had a child celebrate one of the sacraments this year. If your child has celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation, please come along. Nina Grieve has a message with details later in this newsletter.

Recently, l was asked about Long Service Leave and how it works for teachers. In Australia, we are very fortunate that in most work sectors, employees accrue additional leave entitlement with years of service to an employee. In education, this is the case and you may recall l have mentioned in my messages when l am taking leave myself. This is in addition to the term break holidays. Employees often use LSL for special travel or events. We are always conscious of minimising the disruption to class routines and commitments. 

Our recent Father’s Day Breakfast was full of fun, noise and food. It was great seeing so many Dads, Grand-dads and special men come along for some brekky and a catch up with other families. Once again, thank you for the generous help from staff, setting up, serving and packing up. Look out for the photos below.

All children have been enjoying learning a few rules and tips to build their table tennis skills.  This has been possible through a Sporting Schools grant Domenic DeLeo secured. We have had a facilitator take our Year 3 to 6 children through clinics and Domenic has duplicated this with our Prep to Year 2 children. We’re looking forward to getting great use out of our mobile table tennis table in the years to come. Next week, one of our Dads- Rob Nurse- will be taking some cricket clinics with our children. He will be supported with some volunteers from Nunawading Cricket Club which is great. Another wonderful community connection that supports our school community. Thanks Rob and Domenic.

Our SRC has been doing a great job this term promoting the Child friendly version of the Child Safety policy. They have also been raising a little money through selling zooper doopers and popcorn. Some of the profits will go towards purchasing sand-pit toys for our much loved sand-pit. 

I have been talking to children lately about breaches of the ICT Agreement signed by parents and children at the beginning of each year. Starting up ‘chats’ using school devices and school images or sharing youtube and other platforms material does not fit within the school’s expectations or agreement. Please monitor what your child is doing and encourage them to think carefully and always ask before sending or forwarding emails, photos and other materials. This is definitely something that requires strong partnership between home and school.

The only thing l have left to write is… Go Hawks and good luck to all the other teams playing this weekend. Make sure you have a good one.



Father's Day

Faith & Mission News

Masses of Thanksgiving for our Sacramental Candidates

A reminder that our Thanksgiving Masses for all Year 3, 4 and 6 students who made a Sacrament this year are scheduled for this weekend. 

We would love all of our Sacramental candidates for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation 2024 to attend one of the following Masses over this weekend in thanksgiving of their continued journey in faith:

Saturday 14th September at 6pm at St Luke’s  OR 

Sunday 15th September at 8.30am at St Luke’s OR

Sunday 15th September at 10.30am mass at St Timothy's
(17 Stevens Road, Vermont)

If you require further information or have any questions, please contact our Faith and Mission Leader: 

Nina Grieve

Physical Education & Sport News

Highbury/Gardiner District Athletic Sports.

Last Friday, a very strong team of students from St Luke’s competed against a number of other schools in our district. The day began in very windy conditions at the Bill Sewart Reserve and rain threatened for much of the day.

Congratulations to our students who performed very well with many winning or placing in their events. Some of our strongest events were triple and long jump as well as shot put and the sprints. It was quite evident during practise sessions that we have many talented athletes, many with steel springs in their legs. We were very proud of their good behaviour and sportspersonship.

Division Athletics - Wednesday 9th October

At this point in time, we don’t have a full list of those who have qualified for Division but I will send out information next week or as soon as we receive the final results.

A big thank you to the teachers who accompanied, supervised and encouraged our athletes throughout the day. It was also great to see quite a number of parents who came along to cheer on our athletes.  

Winter Gala

The date for the Winter gala has been set for Friday 8th November. The event had to be postponed due to poor weather and also due to damage occurring to the sports ovals. We look forward to a fun day of competition with the schools in the Highbury District.

Tennis Hotshots and Cricket Blast  - Division Finals

Well done to both our Tennis and Cricket teams who won the Summer Gala day at District level and qualified for the Division  competition.

Information will be sent out shortly to the students involved. 

Tennis will be held on Monday 14th October and Cricket on Wednesday 16th October. 

We wish all our athletes all the best as they move up to the level of competition.

Table Tennis Lessons

The students have all been enjoying  table tennis lessons over the past few weeks with many displaying very well developed skills and hand eye coordination. The lessons have  covered the basics of serving, forehand and backhand strokes as well as rules of the game when playing singles and doubles. 

With the grant from The Sports Commission, we were able to purchase a high quality table tennis table that can be used outdoors throughout the year at various times.

Until next term, keep well and enjoy the Spring sunshine and warmer weather.

Domenic De Leo  
Physical Education and Sports teacher



St Luke's Got Talent

What an incredible afternoon we had at the St. Luke's Got Talent Show!  From the moment the show began, it was clear that our community's stars were ready to shine.  We were absolutely blown away by the amazing range of talent on display.

From breathtaking musical performances and mesmerising dance routines to extraordinary acts of comedy and singing, every participant brought something unique and special to the stage.  The energy, enthusiasm, and sheer joy of the performers created an atmosphere of celebration that was nothing short of magical.

A huge thank you to all who took part and to everyone who came out to support them.  Special mention to the judges: Camilla, Joe S and Nam. The host: Max. Props: Tia and Backstage organiser: Chloe.

Until next year, keep shining bright! 



Ciao a tutti!

In Italian this term we have immersed ourselves in the culture and history of Italy across the school.

Our Preps have worked on listening to the next adventures for Pinocchio and Grillo in the story “Zucchero Filato”. 

Our 1-2’s have discovered the city Venice and its many famous landmarks. Did you know that the city of Venice is slowly sinking! 

Our 3-4’s have worked very hard investigating 4 famous Renaissance artists-- which you might know as the Ninga Turtles- Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo and Donatello! 

And our Year  5-6’s are currently working on a famous Italian explorer - such as Marco Polo, Christopher Colombus and Giovanni Caboto. A very busy and productive term in Italian. 

Signora Inglese

Seniors News: Victorian Parliament Incursion

Last Thursday, a person from the Parliament of Victoria came to visit and teach the year fives and sixes about the way a law is created and the different parties that are involved.  In the process of making a law, there are many different roles filled by different people and stages that need to be followed.  We had the opportunity to role-play based off of what would actually happen in parliament.  I was appointed to the role of Clerk and as the Clerk, I got to ring the bell at important times and keep track of the roles played by my other classmates.  In the role-play, we discussed and debated the topic of ‘Banning gambling ads on television’.  It was actually really interesting to see and listen to everyone's point of view.  The person brought along a model of the Mace that is used in the real Parliament and some of us also got to wear costumes.  Some of the other roles my class mates played were, Premier, Opposition Leader, Speaker of the House, Party Whip and various members of Parliament.  We learnt so much during the Incursion and had lots of fun.

- Camila 5/6 Ochre

Connected Through Diversity

At St Luke’s, we celebrate diversity in all its forms, including cultural, academic, and neurodiversity.  To build a truly inclusive environment, it is Important to recognise that each individual is unique and deserves kindness, understanding, and empathy.

The classrooms at St Luke's are rich with students who have varied learning styles and cognitive strengths.  In upcoming newsletters, we will explore  neurodiversity and how we can better understand, support, and celebrate each member of our community.

We will start by providing definitions to explain terminology regarding neurodiversity.  This information has been taken from the Teacher’s Resource Guide: All Brains Are Different.

Emily Roberts  

Learning Diversity Leader

All Brains Are Different: Definitions

Music Bus - Term 4

The Music Bus has opened their term 4 enrolments and are inviting new students to apply.

Classes offered are:

· Keyboard (Prep-Year 6)

· Ukulele (Prep-Year 6)

· Drums (Year 1-Year 6)

· Guitar (Year 2-Year 6)

· Singing (Prep - Year 6)

Lessons are of a 30 minute duration - once per week.  They are held in the hi tech music classroom on wheels on our school site.

 * cost $20 per week ($22 drums) payable by the term on commencement

If you wish your child/ren to take part please complete this expression of interest form.

KellySports Term 4 program


We are very keen to accept enrolments now and don’t want anyone missing out. If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Prep for 2025 or in other year levels, please encourage them to book a tour and have a chat with me. 

Clare Ryan: or Phone: 9877 4023

Community News

School Housekeeping


Please check the lost property cupboard in the office foyer if you are missing uniform or food containers.  


In term 4 we change over to the summer uniform as the weather warms up.  During the transition to warmer weather please make sure your child has his/her school jumper.  

Children are reminded to wear hats and are encouraged to bring their own sunscreen.  Children not wearing hats are required to play in the shaded areas of the Middle playground (near the hill) as we adhere to a NO HAT- NO PLAY policy.  Please ensure that your child's hat is named and packed in their bag for use during the day.


As part of our wellbeing care of children at St Luke's, every class engages in a morning routine at 8.50 am.  This quiet, calm time allows children to gather together in a circle, to greet each other by name, to pray and/or enter into some Christian meditation and get ready for the day.  Please make sure you allow enough time to get your child to school BEFORE 8.50 am.

If children arrive after the gate and student entry doors are locked, parents/carers are required to walk their child/ren to the school office and sign them in on the VPass iPad.

If leaving early (before the end of the day), parents/carers are required to sign their child/ren out on the VPASS iPad.


Allergic reactions to food… can be harmful to our children. For that reason we ask parents to think carefully about what they are packing in their child’s lunch boxes. Occasionally, something might slip through and once aware, we take precautions to ensure the safety of every child. As stated in the Family Handbook 2024:

We are an EGG and NUT free school due to the allergies of children within our community.  We ask that parents respect this request and the potential harm this could do to children if brought to school.

Thank you for your care and attention to this.


Children are vulnerable to head injuries and should wear a standard approved bicycle helmet whenever they ride a bike or scooter.

In Victoria, children under the age of 12 may ride on footpaths. They are required to give way to pedestrians and to wheel their bicycles over pedestrian and children’s crossings.

Children aged 12 years or older are required by law to ride on the road.


If a child wears a smart watch to school, it must be de-activated so the child is not receiving or sending messages etc...

Mobile Phones and smart watches are requested to be left at the office in the morning and collected at the end of the day. 


Join the St Luke's Primary School Blackburn South Buy/Sell Uniform group on Facebook to buy/sell uniform with other parents. 

Friday - School Lunches

Friday lunches are available to order from Classroom Cuisine. There are many options and varying prices. Orders are made and paid for on-line and delivered straight to school. 

For details on how it works, pricing and to create an account please visit

School Uniform - Spartan School World

School Uniform is to be worn at all times.

Online orders placed by midday on a Monday will be included in the weekly Wednesday school delivery.
Any orders placed after this time will be delivered in the following weeks run.

Store opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and the 1st Saturday of the month 9am - 12pm

Kelly Club

Kelly Club run programmes before and after school that our children love.  If you have any enquiries regarding availability, booking and cost, please contact Elena

Proudly acknowledging great sponsors of our Parish/School

We are St Luke's.  A community of faith, learning and partnership.

Journeying together, we strive to live the gospel so that all may enjoy the fullness of life.

We look with wonder at our world and embrace learning through inquiry, through action, through reflection to realise our potential.

We celebrate diversity and we welcome the opportunity to live and work together.

We are companions on the journey, now 60 years on ... guided by the Holy Spirit, inviting the participation of everyone.