St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 2 Week 5 2024

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Funeral - Mary Jones

Thank you to families for their thoughts and prayers sent to our family on the death of my mum Mary .

The funeral is tomorrow at St Dominic's at 10 am. 

She was a much loved wife, sister, aunty, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend to many.

She was passionate about education, supporting / helping all those in need and her greatest love, her big  family.  She warmly welcomed everyone into her life. She will be greatly missed.

Henny Penny Hatching

We have had mixed success this year with our chickens. It seems that black was the stronger gene in this batch. It is always exciting to see the chickens hatch and predict what colour they may be. Our very own 'colour' reveal.

No matter how old one gets or how many times it is witnessed is is still a magical experience.. The look on the children's faces is worth all the effort!  

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ preferred date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers.

Term 2

Week 5- 17th May -Emily Dermietzel  (isabelle)

Week 6 - 24th May- - Jarunee Saengsuriya  ( Sean) 

Week 7 -31st May Belinda ( Hayley &william)

Week 8-7th June Carly ( Ellie)

Week 9 - 14th June Beth ( Abigail & Ethan) 

Week 10 - 21st June Wiluppa ( Julia)

Term 2 Assembly

Term 2 Assemblies

Week 3,5,7 and 9 at 3pm

  • Friday May 3rd
  • Friday May 17th
  • Friday May 31st
  • Friday June 14th

Students of the Week

Cake Raffle

Feast of the Sacred Heart- Friday 7th June

Feast of the Sacred Heart- St Vinnies Winter Appeal

St Vinnies Winter Appeal

Friday 7th June is the Feast of Sacred Heart.

Traditionally at this time each year we ask families to donate non perishable items for the St Vinnies Winter Appeal.

For example:

Canned Foods: Soup, tuna, salmon, baked beans, tinned fruit, fruit juices

Bottled foods: Spaghetti sauce, mayonnaise, bottled sauces, eg Chicken tonight

Sealed foil/plastic foods; chips, nuts, sauces, rice

Toiletries: toothpaste. soap, hand cream, body cream, body wash, hand wash, toothbrush, nail brush, nail scissors, shampoo, conditioner.

Special Treats: Chocolate, coffee, tea, hot chocolate/milo, cake mix

Baby Needs: nappies, bibs, bottles, clothes, wipes

Winter Goodies: Hats ,scarves , beanies, socks

Good Quality clothes and shoes

 We will set up baskets in each classroom and Open Learning Space.

If you can assist us it would be greatly appreciated.


Sponsor Forms

Child Safety/Wellbeing

Media Use and Attitudes


Siena College