What's inside this issue

Principal's messageYear One Phonics Screening Check
Lambton Live : Rewind  Tickets on saleP & C Disco photos
LPS Class Public Speaking Finalists announcedGo Matilda's!!  - Green & Gold Out of Uniform Day Wednesday

Principal's Message

Have you got your tickets yet? – Lambton Live

Firstly, allow me to offer my thanks to all of our parents and carers for reading, understanding and respecting the limits on purchasing tickets to Lambton Live: Rewind, outlined in last week’s letter. At the time of writing, we have sold 330 tickets so far and they will remain on sale to parents and carers in Round 1 until 7pm on Friday 18 August. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of parents and carers purchasing their own tickets in this round, before unsold tickets are opened up more widely for sale to other family members and friends in Round 2. If you are yet to purchase your first 2 tickets, please do so this week.


School Disco

Last Thursday’s discos proved to be another hit with our students. I hope that I say it often enough – but boy we have terrific kids at Lambton! They participated in the discos with the kind of joy, enthusiasm and respect that parents would be proud of, and we are too. My thanks to the P&C fundraising team who organise and coordinate the event and to the many parent volunteers and teachers that assisted on the night. It was a very successful night.


School break-ins - update

Unfortunately, since writing to you last week, we’ve had 2 further break-ins overnight at school this week. Thankfully, there was no losses on these occasions.  We have been ensuring devices are secure each night so as not to lose further resources, but the inconvenience of a break-in is frustrating. Please continue to vigilant if you live near the school or pass by regularly, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. If you are concerned after hours, please report it to School Security on 1300 880 021.

Have a great week!

David Holland

Students of the Week - Term 3 Week 4

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded students of the week for Term 3 - Week 4

Upcoming Events

Mon 14 Aug

School Public Speaking Finals

Year 3 - 6  10:00 am - 11:00 am

Kinder - Yr 2   11:25 am - 12:25 am

Wed 16 Aug

Green & Gold Out of Uniform day supporting the Matilda's

PSSA Knock-out hockey game (Round 1)

Thurs 17 Aug

School Assembly 2:00pm run by School Captains with Junior Choir performing

Fri 18 Aug Round One Lambton Live tickets close today 7:00pm

Go the Matilda's

After an amazing victory last night over Denmark, the Matilda's advance to the semi-finals of the FIFA Women's World Cup for the first time in their history . 

The Matilda's will play England this Wednesday evening and all students are invited to come to school on Wednesday dressed in Green and Gold.   Let's get behind the Matilda's and show our support...... Go the Matilda's!!! 

Public Speaking Finals

Over the past 2 weeks, class teachers have heard some wonderful, informative and entertaining speeches from students across the school on a wide variety of topics. Each class teacher has now selected 2 finalists to represent their class at the school public speaking finals on Monday 14 August. The finals will be conducted in two sessions:

Years 3 – 6 – 10:00am-11:00am

Kindergarten – Year 2 – 11:25-12:25

Parents, family members and friends are invited to join us in the hall for the finals.

The class representatives are as follows:

KF – Zoe Laffan & Samuel Bronish

KM – Archer Beashel & Wynter Crawford

1B – Isaac Rollings & Scarlett Hughes

1S – Arlo Draffan & Lachlan Leys

2B – Zoe Kolstad & Emily Billings

2N – Audrey Armstrong & Chloe James

3A – Olivia Hunter & Klara Horvat

3L – Mae Nixon & Peyton Marshall

3/4B – Amy Krause & Eleanor Connor

4/5S – Kobie Brown & Phoenix Marshall

5O – Maggie Hutton & Eddie Hayes

6N – Grace Rokobaro & Stella Hogan

6C – Sophia Hunter & Acacia March Dickinson

We wish each of them all the very best for the school finals.

Year One Phonics Screening Check

All Year One students will participate in a Phonics Screening Check during this week with their class teacher. Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds and is vital in learning to read. Some children struggle with learning to read so it is important that these children are identified quickly so teachers can plan for any specific support that they need.

This check generally takes just a couple of minutes and is carefully designed not to be stressful for students however if students are struggling their teacher will stop the check. Students will be asked to read 40 words aloud to their classroom teacher. These words include 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. Nonsense words are included to see if students are able to use their knowledge of blending to read a word rather than their memory of having seen that word before.

Should you require any further information please contact your child's classroom teacher via the school office.

What are the best ways to notify an absence to the school?

We have had some enquiries recently regarding the best way to advise the school of an absence for your child from school. Notification of an absence is a requirement under the Education Act (1990). Parents and Carers are required to explain absences of their children from school within seven days of any period of absence.  Here at Lambton Public School we have an automatic SMS reminder that is sent out the morning of an absence and we will also follow up with a written reminder to explain the absence a few days later. 

We understand that on occasions it may slip your mind to advise, or technology may not cooperate! Please do not take these contacts as a rebuke from the school, it is the way we are able to communicate within our systems and assist you in explaining any absence for your child from school. Also bear in mind that all of these methods we suggest below need to be manually entered onto the class roll by staff, we endeavour to do this each morning before the scheduled SMS is sent. Using one of the preferred methods below assists us in doing this as quickly and efficiently as possible and also aids the school in the archiving of explanations long term.

1.     The Audiri app is an easy way to lodge an absence for your child if they are going to be away from school. To do this open the Audiri app on your chosen device - hit the resources button in the bottom right-hand corner - select the FORMS tile from the top left-hand corner - select Absentee Form. The details in this form are sent to the school and are manually entered into the class roll by our administration team each morning.

2.      Reply to the SMS sent each morning, ensure that you only use the text message sent that day for that student, this ensures it is matched to the correct day and student. 

Here are some tips for using the SMS option

·         In this message it is important that you give a reason for the absence, please refrain from just saying 'away' or 'yes' in this message, what you put in this message is recorded on the class roll. 

·         When replying to an SMS message on behalf of multiple students, it is helpful that you give the full names of the students in the reply as the messages are linked to each student not whole families. 

·         If you have forgotten to reply to the text on the day of the absence it is best to contact the school via the Audiri app.

·         Please do not save this number and use it in the future for advising of absence as it does not align accurately in the system and may be lost.


Phone calls and emails to the school - are not our preferred methods of communication in the event of an absence, the Audiri app mentioned above is a more suitable form of communication or replying to the SMS. However, we are able to take explanations over the phone or via email if you have no other method of advising the school of the absence.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please make contact with the school administration team. We sincerely thank the parent body for the care and concern you have for explaining any absences and we hope that this guide assists you in continuing this process.




The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) will end this Friday, 18th August.

Students from Years 3-6 are required to enter their books online themselves, then bring the completed form (with parent signature) to the library by that date.

If students need assistance, they can come to the library at 2nd half lunch this week.

K-2 children have already completed the challenge at school and their PRC books have been entered online for them.

The P & C Father's Day Stall is scheduled for Thursday 31st August. There will be $2, $5 and $10 gifts to choose from.

Children will be taken to the stall in class groups. We suggest labelled envelopes or zip locked bags for younger age groups.    

Our P & C will be hosting their popular Father's Day Breakfast from 8:00 am Friday 1 September.  Families will be able to order

  • Egg & Bacon on Turkish Break circle
  • Egg & Bacon Sandwich (gluten free)
  • Large fruit salad
  • Choice of variety of muffins and juices

Orders can be placed online via MySchoolConnect or over the counter at the Canteen.

Orders must be placed by 9:00 am Wednesday 23 August.   

COVID-19 Reminders

As the school continues to be notified of Covid-19 cases, we continue to remind all families of the following advice:

  • students and staff should not attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
  • If symptoms occur at any time, your child should not attend school and is encouraged to undertake a rapid antigen test (RAT).
  • If your child tests positive, they should not attend school while displaying any symptoms and please notify the school.