St Mary's Bulletin

Term 1 - Week 5 (7th March, 2025)

Uniform Committee

We are looking for interested parents to form a new Uniform committee. The committee’s role is to consider the notion of a uniform change at St Mary’s. The scope of the committee will examine whether there is appetite for change, what that change will look like and most importantly, incorporate into any new uniform, stock that currently exists in the Uniform Shop. Suppliers will need to be canvassed, and costings made, with a view to reporting back to the Principal with their findings. Our ultimate objective is the production of an ideal St Mary’s summer and winter uniform.


Our Year Three and Five students will be involved in NAPLAN once again. The NAPLAN window starts Wednesday the 12th of March and runs until the 22nd of March.

Student Leaders

Congratulations to our final group of Year Six leaders. We have a wonderful group of leaders this year, all are keen to start and embrace their different roles. We wish them all the best for the year!

Environmental                                   Special Events

Emily S                                                Treigh

Van                                                       Emily K

Thomas B                                            Logan

Georgia                                                Jobe

Sport                                                     RE

Celia                                                       Jacob

Lincoln                                                  Toby

Sterling                                                 Seth

Layla                                                     Audrey


Don’t forget that ‘Dubsy’, a speaker and Australian author will visit St Mary’s School, Wednesday the 12th of March at 6-7.30pm. This looks to be an engaging evening. Get the booking details on the flyer that accompanies the newsletter.

Sacramental Meetings

Parents and Students involved with our Sacramental programmes will join Father Philip on Thursday the 13th of March after school for an information session. The commitment Mass for all Sacraments is on Sunday the 16th of March at the Church.

Changes to the Term Planner

A reminder that this terms Family Friday has been moved to the 4th of April. We can't wait to see you all there!

Also the Kindy - Year Ones will be involved in the Teddy Bears Hospital Experience this Thursday the 13th of March, instead of Tuesday the 18th of March.

God Bless

Mr H

Special Events

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday was celebrated by the staff and children on Wednesday. The children attended mass and for those that were unable to attend mass due to swimming commitments etc...they were lucky enough to have Father Philip visit their classrooms and receive the Ashes.

Shrove Tuesday

This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, the name given to the day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. On Shrove Tuesday Catholics are encouraged to go to confession in preparation for penitential season.  

If you're wondering why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday here is the answer...

Well, it all comes down to Lent. As this was a time of fasting, it was essential that certain ingredients that were in the home were used up before the fasting period began as many people gave up animal products such as milk and eggs entirely.

What better way to do this than with pancakes?

Plus, taking away those ingredients removed the temptations that would likely pop up throughout the fasting period.

The Kindy and Pre-Primary students were lucky enough to partake in this yummy tradition, which as you can see from the photos, they all really enjoyed!!

Other News & Important Dates

Footy Tipping Sponsors

Containers for Change

St Mary's School is part of the "Containers for Change" program. Please see the poster below for all the details. If you require a green bag to collect your cans, these are available from Mrs Riethmuller at the school.

Community Notices

St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Wednesday: 8:30 am - 9:10 am

Online Orders:

St Mary's Parish Merredin

Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 10.30am