St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday July 23rd 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

Dear Families

It was terrific to welcome our students back for Term 3. The students were outstanding in the manner in which they settled back into their routines and school.  It was wonderful to see the students refreshed and ready for another great term of learning.  In true Melbourne form we started the term with a wet day which prevented the students from getting outside to meet up with friends for a run around.  Despite the weather the students remained settled and engaged at all times.  Terrific job everyone. 


Our Year 5 and 6 students are now preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Over the coming weeks we look forward to supporting and celebrating our senior students as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Year 5/6 families are asked to please be aware of the following dates:

Confirmation Family Evening - Wednesday 24th July 7pm

Confirmation Commitment Masses - Saturday 27th 6pm or Sunday 28th July 9am or 11am

Confirmation Reflection Day - Monday 26th August all day

Sacrament of Confirmation - Thursday 29th August 6pm

We look forward to seeing all families at this Wednesday’s Confirmation Family Evening and at the Masses of Commitment over the weekend.

Congratulations Mr Mitchell

We congratulate Mr Mitchell on his selection in a Cricket Tour around the United Kingdom. At the eleventh hour John received an invitation to play in a cricket tour coached and led by Merv Hughes, along with the opportunity to play at the prestigious Lords Cricket Ground. We congratulate John on his selection and hope that he can work his magic on convincing Merv Hughes to lead cricket sessions at St John’s!! We look forward to hearing about your tour on your return in Week 4.

We thank our wonderful CRTs Mrs Tracey Tremewen, Mrs Bec Russell and Ms Laura Adcock for taking either Physical Education lessons or classroom lessons during his period of leave.

Term 3 Winter School Uniform

The students have been outstanding in the manner in which they are wearing the correct school uniform. We ask that students with the support of their families continue to wear the correct Winter School uniform at all times. This includes wearing sports uniform only on sports days and wearing the correct socks and school shoes at all times. Whilst we recognise that Year 6 students can start to outgrow uniform items, correct school uniform is a school expectation and is required to be worn accordingly. Wearing the correct uniform sends a strong message of school pride.

Prep 2025 - overdue now

We thank all families for submitting their enrolment forms for the 2025 school year. This is an exciting time for families as we start preparations for welcoming our new preps throughout Semester Two. 

Letters of acceptance have now been sent to all families who have enrolled their child for the 2025 school year. We ask families to return their acceptance letter no later than this Wednesday July 24th. This will allow us to start forward planning early in Term 3.

We ask any families who have not yet submitted their enrolment forms to do so as soon as possible as places are limited.

SVDP Social Justice Winter Appeal

Recently, our Social Justice Leaders, Emily and Sam, together with the Mini Vinnies team of Social Justice Team members, Judd, Jenna, Izzy, Ezra, Oli and Luca, presented our collection of donations to the SVDP President and his wife, Mr Peter Finn and Mrs Teresa Finn. They were both extremely thrilled at the quantity and quality of items our community had donated and were most appreciative. 

The Mini Vinnies team were able to deliver a number of boxes of products to the SVDP storeroom at the Parish Office (between the many rain showers of last week) and we are certain that many families in our local community will be grateful for the extra warmth these items will provide.

Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute on this occasion.Your generosity and kindness is always appreciated.

Mrs Marialisa Mandarino

Religious Education Leader

Student Reflections

Sam - During Term 2 we were collecting all different types of jackets and bedding and what-not to give to the St Vincent De Paul Association for them to then pass on to the people that may not be as fortunate as we are. We went to all the classrooms and talked to the kids about what they needed to bring and they didn’t need to bring anything that was brand new but bring something that they have grown out of or you don’t use anymore.

Izzy - We have been collecting warm clothes for the people who don’t have access to warm clothes for winter such as coats and blankets.

Emily - For term 2 we have been doing something called the winter appeal. The social justice leaders went with some mini social justice team members, who are in year 5, all around the school to each class room and talked about what we needed such as clothes like jackets, jumpers and towels and blankets and bed sheets so that we can pass it on to the St Vincent de Paul Association. They will be given to the less fortunate people and we also talked about how we can help the less fortunate by donating as much as we can. 

Ezra -Throughout the duration of term two we have been trying to get as many people to donate some warm clothes for the very cold winter so that the people who can't afford to or don't have anything to stay warm with. We can give it away and donate to them so they don't need to be cold.

SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

Ticket Information

Video Orders

MACSSIS - Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School - School Improvement Surveys

Inform & Empower Term 3 Sessions

We look forward to this term’s Inform and Empower Digital Safety sessions. Students in Year 1-6 will participate in their sessions over the coming weeks. We encourage families to discuss the sessions at home.

Chess Club

Last week some of our students participated in a free chess demonstration. They certainly enjoyed learning all about chess.

St John the Baptist School Disco - Save the Date!

Exciting times as we prepare for the annual St John the Baptist School Disco.  Our terrific P & F are busily preparing for a fun evening of dancing. This year’s disco is booked for Friday 9th August.  

Entry fee $7:00 per child or $12:00 per family

5:30 - 6:30pm Prep - Year 2 

6:45 - 8:15pm Year 3 - 6 

Parent waiting area, coffee and tea available outside 1/2D and 1/2KC classrooms.

Stay warm everyone. Winter has certainly arrived!

Kelli Johnston

Term 3 Dates


24th - Confirmation Family Evening

26th - School Assembly - 1/2D

27th - Confirmation Commitment Masses

28th - Confirmation Commitment Masses

29th - Inform and Empower Year 1/2 session

29th - Year 5/6 District Football

31st - Year 5/6 District Netball

31st - School Advisory Council - 7:00pm


1st - Year 5/6 Level Mass

1st - Mater Christi & St Joseph's Production Year 4 & 6

5th - Parents and Friends Meeting - 7pm

6th - AMC Maths Competition

6th - Inform and Empower Year 3/4 session

7th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

8th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

9th - SJB School Disco

10th - Term 3 Working Bee

15th - Feast of the Assumption Mass

16th - Year 7 2026 Applications close

16th - School Clsoure Day

19th - Production Rehearsal Day at George Wood Centre

23rd - SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

26th - Confirmation Reflection Day

27th - Father's Day Stall

29th - Sacrament of Confirmation

Uniform Shop News

The 2nd Hand Uniform Shop will be open again on Tuesday afternoons during Term 3. Please see image for most recent stocklist. Donations of clean, official SJB uniforms are most appreciated and can be left at the office. Thanks.

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Roster Term 3, 2024

Friday July 26th 

Cassie Croning

Nelson Serrao

Leanne Nugent

Friday August 2nd

Belinda Davies

Fleur Dow

Helper needed please

Friday August 9th 

Lauren Wearne

Adriana Ambler

Wade Palmer

Camp Australia News

Community News

St John the Baptist Fundraising with Entertainment

Soccer at St John's

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully