Binalong Public School

Binalong Bulletin

Term 4, Week 7 2024

From the Principal

This week's newsletter is a little shorter after last week's bumper newsletter.

Last week families were notified of some staffing changes for 2025 with Mrs Walsh taking a period of leave. After careful consideration around student learning and wellbeing, and working within the 2025 school budget, next year our school will return to two classes with a K-2 and 3-6. Miss Gerathy will remain as the K-2 teacher and Mrs Arabin and Mrs Ranie are excited to be co-teaching 3-6. In addition, both classes will be supported by School Learning Support Officers (SLSO's). Students in Years 2 and 3 will have some transition opportunities over the next two weeks working with students in Years 4 and 5 with Mrs Arabin and Mrs Ranie.

There will be some classroom room changes with K-2 moving over to the current 4/5/6 classroom (E Block) and 3-6 moving to the current K/1 classroom (B Block). This move will enable small group literacy and numeracy instruction to take place across the two rooms in B Block and provide some flexible classroom arrangements.

What will co-teaching look like for 3-6? Mrs Arabin and Mrs Ranie are excited to be teaching  3-6 together for the majority of the week, working together to provide targeted instruction for all students. Having 3 adults (two teachers and one SLSO) working in 3-6 will ensure that all student needs are met and extended upon. It also provides opportunities for lesson demonstrations and observations between teachers. See below for more information about co-teaching and it's benefits (NSW Department of Education, Co-teaching Handbook 2nd edition).

During the school holidays there will be some maintenance upgrades with carpet and vinyl being replaced in the admin block and the staffroom. There will be some asbestos removal taking place in the admin block which will mean that the school will not be open to the public during that period. This will also mean that we need to move furniture from the admin building to prepare for this work. We will be reaching out for some help with moving and packing up for the end of year and will be very grateful for any help.

As we approach the end of the year with everyone feeling the end of year pressures, deadlines and commitments, students (and teachers!) are getting tired, excited, and nervous about the future, please remember to make some time to wind down and recharge the batteries. Let's make time to read a book, go on a walk, watch a movie, or just slow down and chill out, and enjoy these last few weeks of the school year.

Benefits of Co-Teaching

With Sympathy

The staff and school community of Binalong Public School extend their sincerest condolences to Mrs Foran who recently lost her mother. We send you much love during this difficult time and our thoughts are with you and your family.

Dates for the Diary!

Dates for the Diary (please note that these are subject to change)

Week 8 - Intensive Swimming each day (except Friday)

Monday 2 December - P&C Meeting 5.15pm. Binalong Progress Association meeting 6pm in School Hall.

Tuesday 3 December - Gazetted Yr 7 Transition Day

Thursday 5 December - Last day of Intensive Swimming

Friday 6 December - K-2 Canberra excursion to The Gruffalo

Week 9 - Reports Home

Monday 9 December - Presentation Ceremony - 5.00pm - 6.30pm

Tuesday 10 December - Christmas Craft

Wednesday 11 December -  Year 6 Farewell (please note day change)

Week 10

Parent-Teacher Interviews 

Tuesday 17 December - Water Mania - bring your swimwear

Wednesday 18 December - Last day for students.  End of school celebration day - more info to follow. Binalong's Got Talent

Thursday 19 & Friday 20 December - Staff Development Days - Pupil Free Days

School Captain Nominations

Congratulations to our Year 5 students who nominated for a role as School Captain and Vice Captain for 2025. It takes a great deal of courage to put yourself forward for these roles and I commend you all on your commitment to wanting to undertake one of these leadership positions next year. 
Captains will be announced at the Presentation ceremony.

2025 School Captain Nominees

Week 7 Assembly - Last Assembly of the year

School Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews

Teachers have been diligently preparing student reports so that they can be delivered to parents early next week. During Week 10 (Mon-Wed, 8-9am and 3.15-5.30pm), parents are invited to arrange a mutually convenient time with their child's teacher for parent-teacher interviews. Please contact the school on 6227 4381 to make your interview time

Intensive Swimming

Students have been enjoying their swimming lessons for the last week with our team of amazing instructors. Thank you to Tenaya, Angus, Talia, Kirsten and the attending teachers and staff for providing the students with small group swimming instruction during this period.

It's been incredible watching the improvement of swimming and survival skills over the past 5 sessions.

Intensive Swimming

Kindy Transition

Opportunity Classes and Selective High Schools - Applications now open for students in Year 3 & 5

Selective high schools and opportunity classes are one of the ways that the department supports high potential and gifted students. These are students whose intellectual potential exceeds that of students of the same age.

You can apply for opportunity classes and selective high schools that are outside your local enrolment area.

Students sit a placement test and qualify for a place based on their results.

Selective high school and opportunity class applications are now open for 2026 classes. If your child is in Year 3 or Year 5 apply today.

Breakfast Club - Can You or a Family Member Please Help?

We are enjoying Breakfast Club and have had some additional outdoor powerpoints to help improve the running of Breakfast Club outdoors, and we are enjoying cooking our own school grown eggs and vegies as well a our food donations from FoodBank, but we need your help.

Do you or a family member have the ability to help run Breakfast Club on a Monday, Thursday or Friday? If so, please get in touch with Mrs Arabin. 

2023 School Year Books

We have two copies of the 2023 School Year Book (120 pages) available for immediate purchase (more can be ordered upon request). These are $70.00 each (inc. postage) and payment is requested at time of order.

A BIG thank you to Mrs Edwards who has worked tirelessly on this project this year. She is also working on the 2024 School Year Book which we are taking orders for now.

Stars of the Week - Week 6 @ School

Stars of the Week - Week 6 @ Camp

Stars of the Week - Week 7

2024 Presentation Ceremony

P&C News and Updates

P&C Meeting

Our last P&C Meeting of the year is Monday 2 December at 5.15pm. All welcome.

Community Noticeboard

Yass Parish

Our Sponsors