St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday June 13th 2023

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston


 Loving God, 

You give each one of us a special life and love in our families. It is through the experience of sharing and growing together that we deepen our experience of You.

As our children now come to celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time, we ask You to be with us in the power and gift of Your Spirit. We ask you to encourage all of us to be aware of the wonder of Your Sacramental gift and to deepen our union with You and with one another in and through Jesus, Your Son. Amen

First Communion - Saturday 3.00pm

We ask all families to join us in praying for our children who will receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time this Saturday afternoon, 3.00pm mass. We thank all families, the Year 3 and 4 team, school staff, Marialisa Mandarino as our Religious Education Leader and Father Thomas for working in unison to prepare each child for the Sacrament.

Sophia A, Aiden A, Elliot B, Bella B, Flynn B, Olivia B,

Arthur B, Archer C, Patrick C, Gabriela C, Vivian C, Teague D,

Zara D, Liora F, Jenna G, Amelia G, Sarah G,

Jeremy G, Olivia H, Indiana H, Johan H, Isabella H,

Olivia J, Charlie K, Harvey L, Ezra McK, 

Flynn N, Ella O'C, Charlize P, Mason P, Judd P, Amelia R,

Etta R, Anneliese S, Oliver S, Bryce S and Henry W 

Prep 2024

We thank all families for submitting their enrolment forms for the 2024 school year. This is an exciting time for families as we start preparations for welcoming our new preps throughout Semester Two. 

Letters of acceptance have been sent to all families who have enrolled their child for the 2024. We ask families to return their acceptance offers by Friday June 23rd 2023. This will allow us to start forward planning early in Term 3.

We ask any families who have not yet submitted their enrolment forms to do so as soon as possible as places are limited.

Semester One School Reports

Please refer below to an update to families in regards to the distribution of Semester 1 School Reports.    School Report details will be sent to the email address that you have provided to the school.

If you do not receive this message via email then we do not have your up to date email address in our system.  Please contact Cynthia Schouten or Andrea Hayman via  to update your email address on our records.  

The Semester 1, 2023 reports will be distributed on Friday 16th June via email.  Student reports are one of the valuable links between school and home to allow you to gain an insight of how your child is progressing with their learning at St John the Baptist.

St Joseph's Lighthouse Program

Throughout Term 2 some of our Year 6 boys have been most fortunate to work with two Year 10 students from St Joseph’s College through the Lighthouse Program.  Every Monday afternoon the boys worked together to create a project that was educational and relevant to today’s society. On Thursday the boys, their families and teachers attended an evening at St Joseph’s where they were presented with certificates of recognition for their work, as well as showcasing their work. 

We were exceptionally proud of the manner in which the boys presented themselves and of the work they presented.  Both groups presented videos with powerful messages in relation to relevant societal issues.  We congratulate the boys on their messages, standing up against Bullying and Racism. 

Congratulations boys you were simply outstanding.  

We thank St Joseph’s College for their ongoing partnership with SJB and support of our boys as they prepare for secondary school.

Division Cross Country

On Tuesday 6th June a number of students took the journey out to Yarra Valley Racecourse to participate in the School Sports Victoria Division Cross Country.  We congratulate the following students on their outstanding achievement of making it through and competing in SSV Division Cross Country. 


Ashan A, Joshua A, Poppy B, Millie B, Max F, Ben F,

Olivia J, Beau S and Maryann S

You have represented yourselves and St John the Baptist School in an outstanding manner!

Well Done.

School Website Update

Throughout the term we have been busy working on the update of the St John the Baptist website.  We encourage families to head to the new school website and see our school in action.

Term 2 Conclusion

We ask families to please mark in their calendars that school will conclude at 2:00pm on Friday 23rd June. 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Parent/teacher/student interviews will be held on Tuesday 20th June and Wednesday 21st June.  We encourage all students to attend interviews with their families. The focus of interviews is to celebrate the hard work students have undertaken throughout the semester, as well as the growth they have made as a result of their hard work.

Interviews will be held between: 

     Tuesday 20th June 3:30-6:00pm

     Wednesday 21st June 2:00-7:00pm 

We ask that families please be aware that school will finish at 1:30pm on Wednesday 21st June.

Families can book their interviews now through SOBS - SOBS Link

Semester 1 Student Reports will be distributed to families on Friday 16th June.

A friendly reminder that if you have a PSG for child that this includes your Parent/Teacher Interview. Families who attend a PSG do not book an additional Parent/Teacher Interview.

Instructions can be found at Help Articles

St John the Baptist Feast Day Celebrations

As we come to the end of another busy term we have the opportunity to celebrate the Feast of St John the Baptist. The Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist is June 24th.  As a school we will celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saint on the last day of term.

To celebrate St John the Baptist Feast Day we have a wonderful day ahead planned. 

Please see the outline of the day below:

9:00-10:30amKaboom Tabloid Sports
10:30amMorning Tea - snack
11:00amMass followed by blessing of the school playground
12:00pmLunch including lunch orders
12:50pmClass session
2:00pmTerm 2 Concludes

Families please note: Given that there is a change to timetabling for the day we ask that all students bring the morning tea for first break.  Tuck shop will go ahead with a full menu, however, please be aware that students will receive their orders at 12:00pm.

Term 2

Wishing  everyone a wonderful four day week ahead!!

Kelli Johnston

Term 2 Dates for the Diary


14th     School Advisory Council Meeting at 7.00pm

16th     Reports emailed to families

17th     First Eucharist - 3.00pm Mass

19th     School Assembly at 2.30pm

19th     P&F Meeting

20th     Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 3.30-6.00pm

21st    School Concludes at 1.30pm

21st    Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 2-00-7.00pm

23rd    Feast of St John the Baptist Celebration Day

23rd    School Playground Blessing

23rd    Term 2 concludes at 2.00pm

Help Needed!

We have two large TVs that need to be mounted on wall brackets (the brackets are already installed). If somebody has some spare time this week, we would love two people to help us attach these to the brackets. No tools are needed, just some muscle power!

If this is something you feel you are able to assist us, please email me or contact our office.

Canteen News

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Roster

Wednesday June 14th Friday June 16th 
Jessica Bagnoux

Melinda Price

Katrina Horne

Carrie Canton

Wednesday June 21st Friday June 23rd
Rachel Ben

Mark Molan

Rients Huitema

Nelson Serrao

Uniform Shop News

Parish News

Community Notices

Knox Gymnastics Club Enrolment Form


St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully