St Timothy's School Vermont 2023

Term 3 Week 4 2023

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

Tuckshop 11th August

Friday 11th August

Party Pies or Large Pies

Choc Chip Muffins

Order forms sent today. Also attached to this email.

Next Week at St Timothy's (Year P-2)

Year P-2 Incursion -Skills for learning, life and the world of work

Ready to be a chocolate entrepreneur?

Did you know that chocolate is the only edible substance that literally melts in your mouth?

This scrumptious half-day incursion is specifically designed for Foundation( Prep) to year 2. Students work in teams to create a chocolate business, then have theopportunity to design and create their very own chocolate product.

The Chocolate Shop is a hands-on creative project that allows St Timothy’s students to focus on teamwork and collaboration. Your students will explore ways to communicate with each other, and will then present their ideas in teams at the end of the program.

This incursion links to multiple areas of the curriculum and is a perfect way for your

class to showcase their key skills and capabilities.

Years: F-2

Curriculum Links

The Chocolate Shop is an enterprise education program that links to the Victorian

Curriculum, supporting the following curriculum areas and capabilities:

● Being Enterprising

● Designed Solutions

● Financial Literacy

● Personal & Social Capability

● Critical & Creative Thinking

● STEAM & Inquiry Skills

Our Whole School Super Buddies Experience

An amazing day today with the children working together both at Year P-2 and Year 3-6 and then P-6. The laughter, problem solving and social skills building was amazing.

Please ask your child what they liked best about today!. 

The Super Buddies incursion is a program that fits especially well with Inquiry Based Learning. The program links to the Victorian Curriculum, supporting the following curriculum areas and capabilities:

Critical & Creative Thinking, Ethical Capability, Personal & Social Capability, Civics and Citizenship, Drama, Music, Visual Arts, Literacy and Inquiry Skills.

It was a FABULOUS day!

McDonalds Special Lunch

Who would think that something as simple as McDonalds could make sooooo many children so happy! We had very excited faces and children very eager about lunch today. Thank you for placing orders within time frame so the process of ordering ran smoothly.

Archbishop's Visit

Archbishop Peter Comensoli will be visiting St Timothy’s and St Lukes on Friday 25th August. Unfortunately this clashes with a School Closure Day that was unable to be changed due to the very busy term and long term booking.

We are hoping however to have some children who may be able to attend to represent our school community between 11:30am to 12pm for a play together outside, and an opportunity to meet/ talk to the Archbishop and share stories of reasons why they love their school. They could share their stories of happy experiences, their learning, their friends and their teachers and the importance for them attending a local catholic school like St Timothy’s.

We realise parents may not be able to get their child to school for this short amount of time due to work commitments but thought perhaps they might be able to help each other out so we can have children from across the grades.

A morning tea would be provided for the children and an opportunity to play together. It would be wonderful if a few parents could stay and be with those who attend. 

The Archbishop has a very busy schedule on that Friday but will meet with Fr Gerard and leadership teams from both schools then a brief tour of the school and an opportunity to meet the staff and children.

A form has been sent to complete and return whether your child can attend on the day.

Cake Raffle


This term we have reached out to Badminton Australia/Victoria to provide specialised instruction in Badminton. At this stage we have booked Thursday 3rd August, 10th August, 17th August and 24th August. We have also purchased badminton bats, smash bats and shuttles for children to continue to use after our clinics. This has been possible due to the Sporting Schools grant. 

Badminton Clinic

Goodstart Kinder Visit

On the Friday 18th August our Year 5/6 class will walk down to visit Goodstart Kindergarten to read and complete art and craft  activities with the kinder children .What a wonderful opportunity for our Year 5/6 children, and to alert kinder parents about a wonderful little local Catholic school .

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Term 3

August 11th: Mariafe Bonilla ( Natalia) August: Lidia Salakos ( Noah) August 25th  - School Closure - No Raffle

September 1st - School Excursion - No Raffle

September 8th Carla Hayes( Tommy)

September 15th Anne Maree Jones  


During Term 3 we will  be having Assemblies EVERY SECOND WEEK. 

Week 3: Friday 28th July

Week 5: Friday 11 August


Week 9: Friday 8th September

Classroom Cuisine

You can order online each Wednesday  and the lunch orders will be delivered to school. If you haven't ordered previously you will need to create an account.

Orders MUST be placed prior to 8:30am.

To place an order

Exciting Learning and Teaching Events in Term 3

Child Safety

Kind Online

Data , Backups and Storage

Parish Newsletter Saturday 5th August and Sunday 6th AugustJesus takes his most trusted disciples up a high mountain to allow them to share in what he knows is about to occur. It is a very clear teaching moment in which Jesus hopes the disciples are going to finally grasp the truth about him. As the disciples stand by, Jesus is transformed before them – suddenly bathed in light and his clothes become dazzlingly white. The disciples also see Moses and Elijah standing and talking with Jesus. Moses was the great Law-giver of Jewish tradition and Elijah the great prophet. Together, they represent the Law and the Prophets – the combined wisdom that make up the tradition of Jewish teaching and Jewish scripture. It is the Law and the Prophets that Jesus’ life and ministry brings to fulfilment. It is fitting that Moses and Elijah appear beside Jesus, as the three figures combined represent the fullness of Jewish tradition – the Law of Moses; the challenge and promise of the Prophets; and the compassion of Jesus that completes the other two.  Sadly, the disciples don’t really get the point of what they see before them. Peter, caught up in the moment, wants to build tents on the spot to mark the moment and to continue to dwell in the moment. Jesus, however, leads them back down the mountain – back into the valley; back into the reality of life; back into the tragedy that he knows lies before them. No matter how powerful a religious experience may be, Jesus shows us that we always have to return to real life. It is not possible to remain on the ‘mountaintop’ as Peter would have liked to do; we have to take the experience back into the everyday of our lives.  



Term 3 Dates

Week 1

● Tuesday 11th July Parents and Friends Meeting (TBC)

Week 2

● Tuesday 18th July - 5/6 Confirmation Parent Evening

● Anne Maree away in Darwin ( Principal’s Conference)

● Friday 21st July -Year 3 - 6 The Smoothie Bar Incursion (Full Day)

Week 3

● Tuesday 25th SAC Meeting (TBC)

● Wednesday 26th July - 3/4 Emmaus Musical Performance Excursion

● Thursday 27th July - 5/6 Confirmation

● Friday 28th July - 100 Days of Prep

Week 4

● Friday 4th August- Whole School -The Superhero Incursion

● Friday 4th August -McDonalds Special Lunch

Week 5

● Friday 11th August - Prep - 2 The Chocolate Shop Incursion (Half Day)

Week 6

● Tuesday 15th August Assumption Mass

  • Wednesday 16th August - Book Week Celebration
  • Friday 18th August  National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
  • Friday 18th August Good Start Kinder Visit ( Year 5/6) new

Week 7

● Thursday 24th August- Movie Night ( Parents & Friends?)

● Friday 25th August - School Closure First Aid

Week 8

● Tuesday 29th August - Talent Quest- Year 6 organised- Lunch time event

● Thursday 31st August - Father’s Day Stall

● Friday 1st September - Whole School Excursion - Healesville Sanctuary

Week 9

● Monday 4th September - Parent Teacher Interviews

● Thursday 7th September - Year 3*(age) - 6 District Athletics

Week 10

● Thursday 14th September - Celebrate the Learning Showcase Evening

● Friday 15th September - Footy Day


Proposed Dates: Thursday 3rd , 10th, 17th 24th September TBC