The Link

A Publication of Rydalmere Public School

Term 3 Week 1 2024

Relieving Principal's Updates

Welcome back to Term 3

Welcome back to the beginning of Term 3! The teachers have been busy preparing and planning many engaging and exciting activities for our students. Next week, our teachers will hold parent teacher interviews, which will be an opportunity for all parents to meet with their class teachers to discuss their students' progress. Please remember to make an appointment by Thursday 25th July

Principal Update from the Director Educational Leadership

As you are aware, Mr Yee has relieved as principal at Rydalmere Public School since October last year while Ms Campbell has been on leave. Mr Yee has done a great job moving the school forward in a number of areas. I would like to thank him for the wonderful work he continues to do.

Ms Campbell has recently made the decision to separate from the school. Ms Campbell joined us at the beginning of Term Three 2022 and led the school through a difficult time with significant staffing turnover and shortages. She worked hard to review school policies and procedures to better place the school for improvement. I would like to thank her for the work she did leading the school and wish her every success with her next project.

I will undertake recruitment for a new principal this term. In the next week I will form an employment panel with a teacher representative, P& C representative and a principal from another school. Together we will write the advertisement for the position, review applications and interview candidates. I expect this process to be completed in Term Three.  Mr Yee will continue as acting principal during the recruitment process.

Thank you

David Leydon

Director Educational Leadership, Carlingford Network.

Bunnings BBQ

Last Saturday the P&C along with our wonderful student, parent and staff volunteers braved the winter weather and were very successful in operating the Bunnings BBQ stall. We are aiming to raise enough money to replace our current playground equipment. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to support the fundraising for our school. Congratulations to our P&C executive for organising a successful day. A big thank you to Jack Davey who was there all day organising our volunteers, and Maryanne Thompson for leading the prep work in the lead up to the event and also giving being there on Saturday in the afternoon. Jack and Marayanne will be dearly missed next year as their children move onto high school next year.

P&C Bunnings BBQ

Athletics Carnival

We are looking for 4 parent volunteers for the athletics carnival next Thursday, 1st August, to help with timekeeping from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Additionally, we invite all parents to attend and support their children from 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Please bring a picnic rug to sit on and enjoy the event.

If our school oval is too wet for the carnival, we will be holding the 3-6 running events at Rydalmere Park. A permission note will be sent via school bytes (if required) asking for permission for the students to walk from school to the alternate venue.

Public Education Week - 'Proud to Belong'

We welcome all parents and carers to attend our Public Education Week open classrooms in week 3 on Thursday 8th August. K-2 classrooms will be open from 10:00 am to 10:30 am, and 3-6 classrooms will be open from 10:30 am to 11:00 am, followed by morning tea with your child.

NCCD - The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

NCCD - The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts: • the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability • the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Download the file for more information.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will commence next week. To book an interview with your child's classroom teacher please click the link attached.


During the school holidays, NAIDOC Week was celebrated from July 7th to July 14th with the theme 'Keep the fire burning!' This week, we continued the celebration of NAIDOC Week. Students and teachers have been actively participating in various activities and Indigenous games to celebrate and learn about Indigenous culture.


Results for week 9

Rydalmere vs Yates Avenue

Juniors won 7-2

Seniors won 6-5

Congratulations to both our teams this year as they have all improved their skills individually and as a team. PSSA will resume in week 2 of this term and the last game will be held in week 9. 

Rydalmere Public School Community Hub 10 Year Celebration

At the end of last term we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Community Hub. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear from different members of our community who have previously accessed the services offered by the Hub. The guest speakers were former and current parents, who highlighted the positive impact that our Hub has made in their lives. Thank you to our Hub leader Seetha, who has been operating the Hub for the past seven years. She is a wonderful asset to our school community, and we appreciate her efforts in organising this celebration and acknowledge her tireless commitment and contributions to our school community. 

Please view our 'Community News' section where we have a number of paid advertisements from organisations offering different services. 


Have a lovely week and I look forward to seeing you at our Open Classrooms in week 3. 

Kind regards, 

Warren Yee 

K-2 Assistant Principal Updates

Term 3 Overview

We have a very busy term ahead filled with exciting new learning programs, incursions, and whole school events. Please see the attached K-2 term 3 overview for important dates to mark in your diary.

K-2 Term 3 Overview


Child Protection

This year students in the years shown above will be involved in the mandatory subject Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) . Part of our school’s PDHPE program includes mandatory child protection education. Some of the content taught in child protection education deals with sensitive issues. The school will teach this content in an age appropriate way. Please view attached stage documents to see the content that will be covered in the child protection education unit.

Early Stage 1


Stage 1


Here are some items to remember:

  • Please report your child’s absence directly to the school office on the same day by calling the office or sending a message through the school app.
  • Pack a fruit or vegetable for your child. Everyday at 10:00 am, all K-2 classes stop to have a crunch and sip break.
  • Label all of your child’s clothing, hats, lunch box, containers and water bottle.
  • Pack a raincoat or umbrella in your child’s bag when necessary.
  • Wear sports uniform on sport days.
  • Return your library book during your library lesson.
  • School Swimming and Water Safety Program

    The School Swimming and Water Safety Program will commence from Monday, September 16th to Friday, September 27th. This program is for Year 1 to 6 students only. More information will be provided soon for families who have completed the Expression of Interest (EOI) last term.

    3-6 Assistant Principal Updates

    Term 3 Overview

    We have an exciting and busy term ahead with lots of new learning opportunities, engaging incursions, and whole school events.

    A huge thank you to our community for supporting year 6 with fundraising and raising $458.80 so far this year. We look forward to continuing our fundraising journey to support the year 6 farewell and the purchase of the year 6 legacy gift to the school.

    Be sure to check out the attached Term 3 overview for Years 3-6 to keep track of important dates and activities. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!

    S2-3 Term 3 Overview


    Child Protection

    This year, students in Years 3-6 will participate in the mandatory Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) program, which includes child protection education. Some topics may be sensitive but will be taught age-appropriately. Please see the attached documents for details on the content covered.

    Stage 2


    Stage 3


    Request for Donations

    To help keep our classrooms clean and tidy, we kindly ask for donations of paper towels, tissues, disinfectant wipes and hand soap. Your support in providing these items would be greatly appreciated and will contribute to maintaining a hygienic and comfortable learning environment for our students.

    From the Office

    RPS Preschool Enrolments for 2025 are now open.

    General Guidelines

    Public preschools enrol children for one year only, the year before they start school.  Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before 31 July that year.

    Priority is given to:

    • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
    • children living in low socio-economic circumstances
    • children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship

    The Principal will then offer enrolment in the following order:

    • children living within the school's catchment area
    • children living outside the catchment area but have siblings at the school
    • other applicants       

    For further information, please go to the NSW Department of Education link below:

    Enrolment in a public preschool (

    Our office staff are happy to be of assistance with any further questions or with the enrolment process. 

    Thank you.

    Islamic Special Religious Education Volunteers

    Our school is currently looking for an Islamic Scripture Teacher to teach Islamic scripture to Muslim students.  The lessons are for half an hour every Friday.

    If you are interested, please get in touch with the ISRE (Islamic Special Religious Education) on (02) 9708 0880.

    Change of Details

    Please contact the office by email if there has been a change to any of the following to your child/children's details:

    - change of address.

    - change of email.

    - phone numbers - mobile or home/work.

    - change of emergency contacts.

    - Additional/change of medical circumstances

    Lost Property

    Our PBL expectations of being Safe, Respectful Learners support our students in taking responsibility for their own belongings at school including jumpers, hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles.

    To support your child and the school in maintaining lost property to a minimum level we ask that parents or carers clearly label all items brought to school with your child's FULL NAME.

    The most common items to lost property include jumpers and hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles, and personal treasures. Students have access to lost property during the school day to search for misplaced possessions. When possible, labelled items in the lost property will be returned to students. Due to the limited space for lost property, unlabeled and unclaimed items are regularly disposed of.

    Lost property is located at the front of the office.

    Dates Ahead

    Friday 26 JulyP&C Beanies & scarves fundraiser - Gold coin donation
    Monday 29 July - Thursday 1 AugustParent-teacher interviews
    Thursday 1 August

    Athletics Carnival

    Friday 2 AugustWinter PSSA
    Monday 5 AugustP&C Meeting
    Friday 9 August

    Winter PSSA

    Wednesday 14 AugustYr 6 Fundraising - Mufti - Pyjama Day Gold coin donation.
    Thursday 15 August Book Character Parade
    Friday 16 AugustWinter PSSA

    Student Wellbeing

    Premier's Sporting Challenge

    Well done to all the K-6 students for engaging and participating in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge at school. We are delighted to announce that we have received a PSC participation grant, which will be used to purchase more sporting equipment.

    Attendance: Every Day Matters

    Attending school every day allows your child to get the most out of their learning and improve their career and life options. Regular school attendance can help expand your child’s learning and create positive relationships with their peers. Additional details regarding attendance are included in the attachment.

    Recipient of a 2024 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant

    We’re thrilled to announce that we have received a 2024 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant for our vegetable and herb garden project. 

    Rydalmere Public School is one of 1,041 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia to receive a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions.

    The children and teachers are looking forward to getting their hands dirty and learning from this project – we’ll keep you updated!

    PBL & Learners Award - Term 2 Week 10

    Community Hub News

    Welcome back to term 3!

    I hope you enjoyed a restful winter break! We recently celebrated a significant milestone as Hub marked its 10th anniversary at our school on June 28th. The event was truly remarkable, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for making it an unforgettable celebration. A special shout-out to our P&C for organizing a fantastic BBQ on the day!

    One of the highlights of the celebration was the release of our storybook, “Stories of Wonder (Wonder of Waste).” This collection of eight stories, authored by members of the Hub, is a testament to our community's creativity and talent. We also had the pleasure of witnessing our families' newly acquired skills in cake decoration and floristry, along with an energetic performance by our dance fitness group. It was a proud moment for all of us!

    This term, Hub has an exciting lineup of programs that you won’t want to miss. Parramatta Community College is offering an Office Admin Skills course and a Fully Certified First Aid course on Tuesdays. There are a few spots available, and these courses are free for Australian citizens and permanent residents who are unemployed or underemployed and looking to upskill.

    We’re also introducing "Digital Sisters," a three-week program designed for women aged 18 to 50 to enhance their computer skills. This program has no visa restrictions and will run on Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, starting July 31st through August 14th.

    Additionally, OzHarvest will be hosting a healthy cooking program on Tuesdays. Due to recent organizational changes, these sessions will begin on August 20th. If you’re interested, please reach out to Seetha to register.

    Our beloved English class, Playgroup, and Dance Fitness sessions will continue on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, respectively.

    We look forward to seeing you at these wonderful programs and continuing to build our vibrant community!

    For those I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, I'm Seetha, your friendly Community Liaison Officer at the Community Hub. You'll find me around the school from Monday to Wednesday and on Fridays. The Community Hub is your gateway to forging meaningful connections with fellow families, the school, and local services. It's a welcoming space where all parents can meet, mingle, and build lasting friendships.

    So why not pop in for a coffee and a chat, or jump into an activity? I'm eager to meet all of you. If you want to learn more about the Hub or find out how you can get involved, give me a call at 0448331588 or shoot me an email at

    See you at the Hub!"

    Monday - 9:30 - 12:30

      English Conversational class (just drop in)

    Tuesday - 9:30 - 12:30Office Admin Skills Course - Parramatta Community College
    First Aid Course - Parramatta Community College

    Oz Harvest Nest Program - Healthy Cooking Program

    Wednesday - 9:30 - 11:30Playgroup with SDN Children's Services - Just walk in and play!
    One Box Collection Exclusively for those who've signed up.
    Fridays: 9:30  - 10:30 From 2 August -  Dance Fitness with Sophie Get your groove on—no need to sign up, just show up!
    Friday - 10:30 - 12:30

    Achieving school success program 30th August to 20th September.

    P&C Report


    To kick off our term 3 fundraising, the P&C will be hosting a 'Beanie and Scarf' Fundraiser this Friday 26th of July. Students are invited to wear their favourite beanie and/or scarf to school. Please bring a gold coin donation to be collected on the day!


    Thank you to all the staff, students, families and friends of Rydalmere Public School for their enthusiasm and support of our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser last weekend. Thank you to all who volunteered and purchased food on the day, braving the cold and windy weather! It was a wonderful display of community spirit and raised over $1,600 towards our goal of a new school playground.


    The new canteen menu is here and ready for students to enjoy! The menu can be viewed on the school website or on the Qkr app. ​We are on the lookout for more volunteers in the canteen. If you are able to help out regularly, even for an hour or two, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at:


    A reminder that our new email address to place uniform shop orders or book appointments is:


    26 July - Beanie & Scarf Fundraiser (gold coin donation)

    5 August - P&C Meeting 7pm School Library

    Term 3, Week 6 - Fathers' Day Stall

    14 September - Election BBQ Fundraiser 

    8 November - Colour Run Fundraiser

    For any general enquiries please contact us at:

    Community News