TOKSAVE - Term 2 Week 9 2023

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

School Production

A BIG thanks goes to the entire school community on the success of our school production Space Jam on Apollo 23 last Friday.  The feedback from the community has been excellent and the students are to be commended on their presentation on the night. We look forward to our next school production on 2025!

Public Holiday

There will be no school this Friday, the 16th June, in honour of the King's birthday - enjoy the long weekend.


Students will be given their Semester 1 Reports on Thursday 22 June. Written reports are distributed at the end of term 2 for Semester 1 reporting and end of term 4 for Semester 2. If you are going on holidays early, your child will bring their report home next term.

If you have any questions about your child's report, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.

End of Term

The last day for term 2 will be Thursday, 22nd June at 12.30pm. Term 3 will commence on Monday, 17th July.

Sports Carnival

Mrs Laien is busy preparing students for next week's track and field sports carnival. The twilight track events will be held at 4pm on Wednesday the 21st June followed by a sausage sizzle. All parents, friends and Wantoks are encouraged to attend and support their children’s house. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the BBQ, please see Mr Neville.


Mr Greg Neville

Athletics Carnival

The LIS Athletics Carnival will be next Wednesday 21st June. The day will be split into 2 parts:

  • Field Events will begin at 9.00am. These events will be for year 1 to year 10 students.
  • Twilight Track Events will begin at 4pm. These events will be for Prep to year 10 students.

Students will finish school at 12.30pm and are to return to school by 3:45pm in preparation for the track events at 4pm. If students are late, they may miss their race.

The Twilight event will be followed by a shared sausage sizzle for all.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with the sausage sizzle, please see Mr Neville.

Looking forward to seeing many parents at the Carnival!

Mrs Laien 

Well done to all our students and teachers on a great school production!

Thank you to our Producer/Writer/Director - Ms Yip!

Thank you to Ms Tukata and the Year 4 class for their Tok Pisin assembly!

Term 2 Calendar


Term 2 Week 8 Principal Award Winners

Parents & Wantoks Committee

LIS Golden Orchid Ball!

It’s on again – the LIS Golden Orchid Ball is on again this year at the Lihir Sports and Social Club on Saturday September 9th, 2023. The theme for this year’s ball is RED BLACK & GOLD.

The proceeds from this year’s event will be split between the school and a local Government run school.

Apart from selling table tickets, we will also be selling raffle tickets and will conduct an auction on the night.

We are seeking support from the Townsite residents by way of donations for prizes for the raffle tickets and the auction.

Please contact the 2023 Ball committee members on email if you wish to donate an item or items, which we use as prizes for the raffle or auction on the night.

All donations are greatly appreciated.

The Ball Committee members are:

Executive members:
Chairperson       –             Ruth Waram
Deputy Chair      -              Kolish Robin
Treasurer            -              Joanna Ling
Secretary            -              Jeanette Bokame

Committee Members

Anesia Wai          –            2023 P&W President
Emma Grubb      -             2023 P&W Vice President
Neomi Walsh      -             2023 P&W Treasurer
Evelyn Tavil
Serah Kaia
Amanda Amidy
Alu Kila
Esther Taune
Henry Kairi

LIS Golden Orchid Ball. Save the date!

2023 Term Dates for Students

Term 1 Monday 30 January to Thursday 30 March

Term 2 Monday 17 April to Thursday 22 June

Term 3 Monday 17 July to Thursday 14 September

Term 4 Monday 2 October to Thursday 7 December 

Space Jam on Apollo 23!

Key Events and Activities

Key dates:

Tabloid Sports (Student Council): Thursday 15th June 3.00-4.00pm

Kindy Athletics: Tuesday 20th June, commencing at 8.30am

P-10 Athletics Carnival: Wednesday 21st June; Track events start at 4.00pm

Afternoon activities:

Netball Training: Netball training will be next Monday afternoon 3.10-4.00pm as well as Tuesday lunchtime.

Homework Club: No Homework Club next week!

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

Year 8 and 10 Mock Exams and Holiday Remedial Classes

This week, students in year 8 and 10 sat their second round of Mock Exams. Data from these exams are used to analyse students' progress and identify areas that need further revision and consolidation. 

Year 8 and 10 students have scheduled Remedial Classes over the holiday break. Parents should have received a copy of the timetable. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Yip.

Kindy Athletics

Kindy Athletics for Senior Kindy students will be held next Tuesday, 20th June, commencing at 8.30am on the green quad. Parents are welcome to come and watch the Kindy events. Primary classes will also attend to cheer on the Kindy students.

End of semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports for Prep-Year 10 students will be sent home to parents on Thursday, 22 June, which is the last day of term.

Primary students will also take home their portfolios this week and high school next week so parents can view term 2 assessment tasks. We ask that these folios be returned once they have been discussed.

Library books

We ask that all library books be returned from Kindy to year 4. Year 5 and up can borrow books to read over the holiday break and are encouraged to do so. 


A reminder that if your child is absent, please email your child's teacher or text/phone Mrs Romaso-Daimol in the office. 

Kind regards,

Ms Cathy Langusch             

VIP Champion!

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

Our electrical apprentices are progressing well with the Work Ready Program, these apprentices will complete this program Friday next week. Please keep an eye out for our Apprentice Profiles which we’ll include in our Toksave for the remainder of this term. This week we did interviews for our next Work Ready Program which will commence at the end of July.

We are still working with many of our former Work Ready Program Trainees to apply for a range of positions both with Newcrest and other stakeholders and secure employment.

Out staff are also continuing to support our BEd Teachers to compete all of their required assessment in the STMC Computer Lab over weekends and after school.

Our FODE students are continuing their studies and making good progress.    

We are in the process of finalising details for a Certificate of Inclusive Education, for Teachers across Lihir, with Callan Services. We look forward to presenting these details with the Local Education Office in the near future.


Mr Kevin Collins

Peter Tokpilai

Name:   Peter Tokpilai                                  

What village are you from? Zuen

What form of training have you previously done? I completed Grade 12 at Lihir Secondary School and then went to POM Technical College doing Certificate 1,2 and 3 Electrical

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship? I am excited to be a licence electrician.  

Doreen Soralien

Name:   Doreen Soralien                             

What village are you from? Samo (2)     

What form of training have you previously done? Completed Grade 12 at Utu Secondary School, I was accepted to Techer’s College but could not afford university fees.

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship? I can’t wait to benefit from the skills I learn, I want to build a house and do the wiring myself. 

Willie Moab Jnr

Name:   Willie Moab Jnr

What village are you from? Samo (1)     

What form of training have you previously done?  I completed Grade 12 at Lihir Secondary School and then did a Bachelor of Instrumentation at Don Bosco POM

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship? I want to continue to develop my skills and knowledge of electricity and instrumentation and one day become an Electrical Engineer. 

Nigel Maris

Name:   Nigel Maris                       

What village are you from? Samo (2)

What form of training have you previously done? I completed Grade 12 at Namatani Secondary School

What are you most excited about as you commence your electrical apprenticeship? I was exposed to trades when I did the Work Ready Program and then did one year of my apprenticeship in 2018 / 2019. I am excited to finally be able to pursue a long-term goal of becoming a qualified electrician again. 

Space Jam on Apollo 23!